American exorcist god.

Chapter 216 Blood of Fusion God

Chapter 216 Blood of Fusion God
The underground study room of the villa.

"Finally!" Xu Yi stared at the translucent potion in front of him, took a deep breath, and looked excited.

[Blood of the Demon King, "Quality: A", "Fusion Success Rate: 42%", "Promotion Potential: Red Rare"]

After the moonlight grass was delivered, Xu Yi immediately began to verify his conjecture. After several failures, he finally found the right ratio.

The nine kinds of demon blood were mixed successfully!

He named this blood "Blood of the Demon King".

"This is an epoch-making moment!"

Xu Yi was extremely excited. The successful preparation of blood not only meant that he had taken a big step towards his goal of "blood throne".

It also means that his scientific research system of "Lair of the Evil God - Occult Inspiration - Memory Palace" is completely feasible.

In the future, he can use this scientific research system to research more things.

"Even if the 'Blood Potion' can regain its glory, it is not impossible!"

Blood potions, like alchemy, are also things that have been lost for a long time, with only a few descriptions left.

The ultimate goal of the MIT Blood Group Five, "Olivido Dragon Blood Potion" is also a type of blood potion.

Xu Yi took out "Olivedo's Blood".

[Olivedo’s Blood, “Quality: A”, “Fusion Success Rate: 23%”, “Promotion Potential: Red Rare”]

As a member of the MIT Blood Group Five, he naturally had access to this blood.

There will inevitably be some "leftovers" left in the experiment, and Xu Yi used the Annabell doll to take some without anyone noticing.

Xu Yi took out a kind of blood again.

[Ryan blood, "quality: a", "fusion success rate: 11%", "promotion potential: red rare"])
Ryan's flesh and blood regained activity through artificial culture, so that Xu Yi could obtain a steady stream of Ryan's blood.

Of course, the premise is to remove the blood of the gods.

After Ryan's blood has been purified, the fusion success rate has increased from single digits to double digits, but it is already the limit.

"I don't know what can be fused from three A-level bloods!" Xu Yi was looking forward to it.

Just A-level blood cannot satisfy his ambition.

In fact, he still has S-level quality "Blood of Gods", but no matter how hard he tries, whether it is purification or blood fusion, the success rate of fusion of the blood of Gods is 0%.

There was obviously some factor that he didn't know that prevented the blood of the gods from being fused.

Xu Yi took a deep breath and started to make the most basic attempts.

The neutralizing liquid is first poured into the steel cup.

He had been using a glass cup before, but the reaction of the mixed blood was too violent and the glass cup was too easy to burst, so he changed it to a steel cup.

Because it was just the first attempt, the three types of blood began to fuse in a one-to-one ratio.

The blood was injected in sequence, first the light red blood of the Demon King, then the golden blood of Oliverdo, and then the dark red blood of Ryan.

Xu Yi didn't have any hope for this tentative experiment, but miracles often happen inadvertently.

The three kinds of blood merged, and a bright light lit up in the cup.

High-quality blood activates the ability of blood smell, and the information of blood appears before your eyes.

[Unknown blood, "Quality: s-", "Fusion success rate: 9%", "Promotion potential: Red Epic"]

Xu Yi was shocked. "S-" level blood actually appeared in front of him without any warning.

But his excitement only lasted for a short second. As more blood was mixed, the unknown mysterious blood was mixed with "impurities" and exploded.

Xu Yi ducked and hid behind the cabinet to avoid being affected.

The laboratory was in a mess, but Xu Yi's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Only then did he notice new information appearing in the system.

[The occult apocalypse is triggered!At this moment, you understand that this road is feasible, even if there are thorns ahead. 】Xu Yi suddenly realized that he thought it was the goddess of luck showing mercy, but it turned out that the mysterious apocalypse was triggered.

In the entry "Occult Master", the occult apocalypse is like a lottery ticket that can be bought casually, but once it is triggered, it is the "big prize".

Scientific research is like exploring a maze, with countless paths appearing in front of you, and you have no idea which path is right and which path is wrong.

It's okay if you find out that the road is wrong at the beginning, but what you are most afraid of is thinking that you are walking on the right road.

When you have exhausted all your efforts and reached the end of the road, you realize that there is a dead end ahead. The feeling is simply devastating.

Although the finished potion could not be fused, as long as we know that this path is feasible, it is a huge gain.

Xu Yi hurriedly cleaned the laboratory and tried again.

But when the occult apocalypse was not triggered, the experimental situation was terrible, and the progress in half a day was almost zero.

"Blending the blood of the gods is really not that simple!" Xu Yi let out a long sigh.

The so-called Fusion of God's Blood is "blood prepared by merging a variety of mysterious bloods to attack the Blood God Throne."

Xu Yi started to clean up the laboratory. He had no time to do any more experiments, and the "God's Punishment Project" was about to begin.


The upper reaches of the Charles River, near the Arles Mountains.

Xu Yi stood on a high place and looked out. The rocky mountains were like entangled gray snakes. Only traces of wild animals could be seen in this desolate area.

He turned to look at Martin next to him, "Old Ma, is the evil one hiding in there?"

Martin nodded and handed a bottle of colorful potion to Xu Yi, "This is the potion of the Crystal Frog. Applying it to the body can mask the breath and avoid being discovered by the evil god later."

"Team Leader Ma! This potion is very nice. Give me two more bottles!" Xu Yi's eyes lit up and he put his arm around Martin's shoulders.

The crystal frog is a rare and mysterious creature that is good at hiding and very difficult to capture, so the potions of the crystal frog are naturally very precious.

"No more! Just this bottle!" Martin rolled his eyes. When something happened, he called Team Leader Martin. When nothing happened, he called him Lao Ma. It was enough.

Martin led Xu Yi to a cave and whispered, "You have fought against the evil spirits before, and you are very familiar with the opponent's aura. Our purpose this time is very simple, that is to confirm that the existence in the cave is the evil beings."

Xu Yi nodded, he already knew these things before they happened.

The cave was not too narrow, enough for two people to pass through, but it was very flat and they could only move forward while bending down.

The road inside was so complicated that it was like a maze. I don’t know what method Martin used to find the way smoothly.

They walked in the darkness for about an hour. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, neither of them turned on the lights. Martin relied on night vision goggles to see the road, while Xu Yi relied on the Dark Eye.

The front suddenly opened up, and Xu Yi suddenly stopped. He finally knew why the cave here was flat.

Densely packed wolf spiders gathered below. The usual wolf spiders were only as big as a dinner plate at most, but any wolf spider below was larger than an adult bison.

These are obviously not ordinary natural species, they are supernatural creatures.

Xu Yi stood on the edge of the cave, his muscles relaxed and not prepared to face the enemy.

Because the wolf spiders below are all dead, their bodies are shriveled, and the blood in their bodies has been drained.

Xu Yi suddenly believed that the evil beings were here. In order to usher in the "transformation", the evil beings needed to absorb a large amount of blood from extraordinary creatures. These giant wolf spiders were obviously a good choice.

Martin suddenly tightened his grip on Xu Yi's arm, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Xu Yi followed Martin's gaze and subconsciously held his breath. His muscles tightened and his palms reflexively pressed on the alchemy revolver on his waist.

Deep in the cave, where giant tarantula corpses were piled up, a giant black cocoon was suspended there, and a drum-like heartbeat sounded.

With every heartbeat, Xu Yi felt a pinprick-like pain in his body, and at the same time, his ability to smell blood was also activated.

That’s right, what’s in front of you is the evil one!And it’s a divine evil that is about to undergo transformation!

(End of this chapter)

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