American exorcist god.

Chapter 217 Blade of Scourge

Chapter 217 Blade of Scourge
Xu Yi stared at the giant black cocoon in front of him. He wanted to take action immediately to nip the danger in the bud, but after thinking for a moment, he held back.

Because he has no certainty of killing.

Martin made a leaving gesture to Xu Yi, Xu Yi nodded, and the two retreated to the ground and returned to the safe temporary command post.

"Are you sure it's a divine evil?" Martin asked aloud.

"It's true that the aura of evil is true, but..." Xu Yi frowned slightly, and he thought for a long time before he came up with the reason.

He thought of Carlisle's dream. If it was really a precognitive dream, the evil god should appear in the huge river.

Maybe the gods were born in caves and then entered the river?

Xu Yi suddenly thought of another possibility, and his thoughts became even more confused.

"I think we should be prepared with both hands. No matter whether the person in the cave is a god or not, we cannot relax the search for the god." Xu Yi gave his own suggestion after thinking for a moment.

Martin also frowned and said, "Personally, I completely agree with your idea, but searching for divine evil requires a lot of manpower and material resources. I don't know if the superiors will agree? I can only try my best."

"Maybe things are not as complicated as you think!" Martin patted Xu Yi's shoulder, "Relax, next, I'll treat you to a fireworks show, a gorgeous fireworks show."

Martin led Xu Yi to the headquarters, and the commander ordered in a majestic voice, "Open the magic sealing array!"

As the order was issued, a blue-red light lit up in the distance. Xu Yi looked at the Aer Mountains and exclaimed leisurely, "What a great effort!"

The magic sealing array is a relatively common array, and it is not too complicated to engrave, but the array in front of you covers half of the Al Mountains, and the scope is terrifying.

But what kind of attack method requires the use of such a wide range of magic sealing array?Xu Yi was a little confused.

"Fortunately, the transformation of the gods chose to be in such a remote place, otherwise it would have been difficult to deal with it." Martin suddenly sighed.

Before Xu Yi had time to ask, the commander issued a new order through the communicator, "Each department started self-inspection... Self-inspection completed, ignition countdown, 5, 4... 3, 2, 1! Ignition and launch!"

As the commander gave an order, a loud noise came from not far away, and a burst of fire shot into the sky, dragging a long flame tail and flying high into the sky.

"Missile?" Xu Yi was a little confused.

It’s a bit unreliable to use missiles to deal with gods, isn’t it?
The missile is indeed very powerful, but it is basically impossible to kill the evil being.

"You'll know as soon as you look at it, this is no ordinary missile." Martin noticed Xu Yi's confusion and explained softly.

After the missile reached the highest point, it then fell down. The golden flame tail was like a bright lightsaber, inserted into the stone mountain.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, only a roar, which was the sound of the missile colliding with the rocky mountain.

The missile went all the way down, destroying everything, and those solid rocks were like foam in front of it.

"We loaded the missile with an earth-penetrating warhead that can penetrate hundreds of meters into the rock formation." Martin explained, and he suddenly became excited, "Look out! It's coming!"

The explosion came from deep inside the rocky mountain. The explosion was not violent. One second, two seconds... five seconds passed, and nothing happened.

Could this be a dud?Xu Yi was a little confused.

A golden beam of light suddenly emerged from the stone mountain. There were more and more beams of light, densely packed, and the stone mountain was pierced into a sieve.

Xu Yi relied on the powerful vision of the Dark Eye to see clearly what was in the light. They were golden crystals with irregular shapes.

"What are those crystal stones?" Xu Yi asked subconsciously.

"Do you know the Sighing Rose?" Martin said with a smile on his face.

Xu Yi has read a lot of occult books recently, and of course he knows about the famous Sighing Rose.

The "Ashes of Death" in The Sighing Rose are a masterpiece of alchemy. Ordinary people holding Death's ashes can easily kill an exorcist. Unfortunately, the refining method has long been lost. "That golden crystal is what we created by studying the ashes of death. Although the raw materials are extremely precious, the manufacturing process is extremely complicated, and there is a high chance of failure, but..."

Martin's face was full of pride, "Its power is absolutely amazing, far exceeding the Ashes of Death, and more than fifty times more powerful than Ashes of Death."

Xu Yi was a little unbelievable. Ashes of Death were developed for various extraordinary creatures.

Evil spirits, demons, werewolves, vampires and other extraordinary creatures will all be restrained by the ashes of death.

If Martin hadn't lied to him, wouldn't these golden crystals be to extraordinary creatures what atomic bombs are to ordinary people?

Countless golden crystals suddenly shattered, and bright light burst out. From a distance, it looked like a golden sun rising from the depths of the mountains.

The sky and the earth are golden, as if they were plated with a layer of gold foil.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one.

Even from such a distance, he could feel the strong radiation of the golden light, and he suddenly believed Martin's words.

If he were in the center of the light, even if he had super-accelerated regeneration ability, he would not be able to survive.

There is also a limit to the ability of super-accelerated regeneration. These intense radiation will completely "burn dry" his body!
"We named this golden crystal 'Wrath Crystal', and this missile is 'Blade of Scourge'." Martin said quietly.

“Boston is indeed a place where many higher education institutions gather!” Xu Yi praised.

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, occultism has naturally developed with it. After all, there are only a few people with the talent of exorcists, but what is needed to study occultism is wisdom. Human beings have never lacked wisdom.

After seeing the Scourge Missile, Xu Yi's awe for the "technology" of this era instantly rose to several levels.

"If it weren't for the divine evil being too dangerous, the people above wouldn't be willing to use the Scourge Missile. It's too difficult to make such missiles, and there are only two of them now."

Martin suddenly looked at Xu Yi and changed his voice, "I heard that you are very interested in the research of occult science and have also joined the Blood Group Five of MIT. I wonder if you are interested in joining our research group of the Scourge Crystal? "

Xu Yi's heart moved. He knew nothing about the Heaven's Punishment Crystal. The other party invited him to join the scientific research team. It was obviously not possible because of his scientific research skills.

This was an olive branch specially extended by the special task force to recruit him.

Of course Xu Yi "covets" the technology of the Heaven's Punishment Crystal.

He has quite a few methods at his disposal now, but the flaws are also obvious. There are very few "ultimate moves" that can make the final decision.

If we can "learn" from the technology of the Scourge Crystal, we may be able to fill this flaw.

He thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Joining the scientific research project of the Heavenly Punishment Crystal does not mean that he will become a beast. He is extremely talented in how to "fish".

Half an hour later, everyone began to put on protective clothing.

Xu Yi saw Professor Daniel in the crowd and nodded as a greeting.

It would take a full year for the radiation from the Scourge Crystal to completely dissipate, but after half an hour, the radiation intensity would drop to [-]%.

As long as you wear protective clothing at this time, there will basically be no big problems.

They need to enter the cave to confirm the situation of the gods.

As the saying goes, if you want to see a person alive, you want to see a corpse if you die, if they can't confirm the death of the god with their own eyes, they may not even be able to sleep well.

(End of this chapter)

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