American exorcist god.

Chapter 218 There is another giant cocoon

Chapter 218 There is also a giant cocoon

Xu Yi entered the cave again.

The cave showed no signs of collapse, but there were many holes around it, all caused by the flying scourge crystals.

The radiation of the Heaven's Punishment Crystal actually only works on various "creatures", which makes Xu Yi more and more curious about the Heaven's Punishment Crystal.

Although the "Blade of Scourge" is a missile, its principle of action is more like an iron grenade.

When it exploded, countless scourge crystals scattered throughout the space, and then used powerful radiation to kill the target.

When the Blade of Divine Punishment fell, the feeling of the god at that time should be similar to that of a chicken being thrown into the oven.

They came to the previous giant wolf spider's nest, and one of the staff accidentally touched the giant wolf spider's body, and the body collapsed instantly.

At this moment, it was like triggering dominoes, and the tarantula corpses collapsed one by one, turning into ashes and scattering.

Martin swallowed secretly. If humans were affected by the brilliance of the Scourge Crystal, their fate would be similar to that of the tarantula corpse in front of them.

Xu Yi stood in front of the giant cocoon again, the drum-like heartbeat disappeared, and the creepy aura disappeared.

He didn't feel any life breath from the giant cocoon.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and the giant black cocoon collapsed, blood-colored steam filled the air, and Xu Yi felt a strong aura of evil in the steam.

Apart from the bloody steam, there is nothing else in the giant cocoon.

Under the powerful radiation of the Heavenly Punishment Crystal, every inch of flesh and blood of the godly creature was melted away.

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on their faces.

Xu Yi also felt a lot more relaxed, but his eyelids suddenly jumped uncontrollably.

Jump right eye jump Choi disaster.

This time it was his right eyelid that was twitching.

Of course he knew that the theory of "right eye twitching disaster" was completely nonsense. Eyelid twitching was just a physiological reaction and had no premonition, but he still felt a shadow cast over his heart.

"We can't be careless! Start searching immediately and don't let any area go!" Martin warned.

Everyone carefully inspected every inch of the ground, and Xu Yi also joined them. They dug three feet into the ground and found nothing suspicious.

Martin and Xu Yi looked at each other and finally felt relieved.

Professor Daniel squatted beside the giant cocoon and began to collect the remains.

The giant cocoon is a biological tissue, made of the flesh and blood of gods and some special substances. It is unimaginably strong. After suffering the blade of divine punishment, it did not turn into fly ash.

Of course, the special task force must recycle such precious materials, and Daniel is a non-staff member of the special task force.

Xu Yi picked up a piece of debris and pressed it hard, but it didn't move at all.

He was suddenly stunned, not because he found that the evil god was still alive, but because the mysterious apocalypse appeared again.

[The occult apocalypse is triggered! 】

[When you see the giant cocoon of the god, you think of the power of the god.

Gods gain strength by drinking blood.Such mixed blood flowed in the body of the god, but did not cause conflict. This shows that there is a "universal fusion agent" in the body of the god.

So you decided to use the body of the god as a "fusion furnace" to help you create the blood of the fusion god. 】

In Xu Yi's view, the occult apocalypse is a proper "narration system", but unfortunately it is uncontrollable and there is no way of knowing when it will be triggered.

The hint given by the occultist Apocalypse is of course correct, but unfortunately the gods have already died, so this hint comes too late. "Why didn't the occult apocalypse be triggered just now?" Xu Yi was a little depressed.

If it was triggered when I saw the giant cocoon for the first time, there would still be some room for maneuver, but now I could only look at the wreckage and sigh.

If you want to configure the "Blood of Fusion God", it will take at least another year according to the conventional method.

This is because he possesses a series of "scientific research artifacts", otherwise this time will be extended indefinitely.

It took Blood of Olivedo nine years to achieve its current results, and it was still based on the premise of a large team.

Xu Yi returned to the temporary command room, took off his protective clothing, and changed back into his own clothes.

At this time, Daniel suddenly came over and handed Xu Yi an invitation letter. There were a large number of roses painted on the light red background, which looked particularly romantic.

"What is this?" Xu Yi had some guesses, but still asked.

"Invite you to my wedding with Mia, three days later, at the Saint-Na Church." Daniel said with a bright smile on his face.

"Congratulations! I will definitely be there then!" Xu Yi smiled and sent his blessings.

He had long heard that the wedding of the two was being planned, but it had been delayed because of the divine evil. Now that the evil was resolved, the wedding of the two could finally be put on the agenda.


Charles River.

The river flows through the town of Maple Leaf in Boston. Due to the topography, this section of the river becomes particularly deep and the water is very fast.

The bottom of the river is pitch black, and the sun cannot shine here.Fifty meters further down the river, a giant black cocoon is embedded in the river bed, beating from time to time.

If Xu Yi saw this scene, he would definitely jump up in shock. The black giant cocoon in front of him is exactly the same as the one in the cave!
The sound of heartbeats came from the giant cocoon, but it was masked by the sound of rushing water.

The top of the giant cocoon suddenly cracked, and a large black shadow poured out from the crack. The crack in the giant cocoon healed quickly.

The black shadows spread out, and they were "iron worms" that were smaller than a hair. They were almost invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people.

Densely packed "ironworms" emerged from the river bed and swam in the water.

A fat herring swam past the "Iron Worm", thinking it was some delicious food, and looked at it curiously.

Before the herring could move, one of the "ironworms" had penetrated into the fish's body through the gap in the gills. The herring shuddered, and then nothing happened and it swam away on its own.

The fishermen in Maple Leaf Town rowed their boats to collect the nets. The father and son dragged the nets onto the boat and smiled happily as they looked at the plump and delicious herrings in the nets.

"I'll take these fish to the city and sell them later while they're fresh!" The father's face was filled with the joy of the harvest.

At the same time, Carlisle, who returned to his aunt's house, suddenly woke up from his nap, with cold sweat covering his forehead.

She hasn't had nightmares for a while since she last received Xu Yi's hypnotherapy, but for some reason, the nightmares reappeared.

And compared to before, the nightmare became more real.

Carlisle sat on the bed for a long time, feeling restless.

After hesitating for a moment, she picked up the "Introduction to Japanese" on the table. After a moment's hesitation, she stuffed a "Novel Japanese Textbook" into her school bag, then got up and went out with a slight blush on her face.

"Carlisle, where are you going?" Aunt's voice came from the kitchen.

"I recently took a part-time job to teach others Japanese." Carlisle walked out the door without looking back.

"Aren't you teaching dance? Why are you teaching Japanese?" Auntie muttered in a low voice, but still warned, "Be safe when you go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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