American exorcist god.

Chapter 219 Mutation

Chapter 219 Mutation
In the yard of the villa, Lisa watered the flower beds with a watering can. The light yellow tulips gave people a warm feeling.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Carlisle who was crossing the courtyard gate.

"Good morning, Lisa!" Carlisle stopped and greeted timidly.

"Do you like Xu Yi?" Lisa suddenly put down the watering can and looked into Carlisle's eyes.

Carlisle's face turned red instantly, sweat broke out from his forehead, and he was so nervous that he almost fainted.

Sure enough, was he discovered by the other party?
It has been three days since she came to tutor Xu Yi in Japanese.

At first she thought it was a good time for the two of them to spend time together, but when she discovered Lisa's existence, she felt as if someone had hit her forehead with a heavy hammer, making her whole body dizzy.

Xu Yi did not hide anything from her, nor did he use sweet words to coax her. He just said that if he wanted to, he could continue to help with tutoring tomorrow.

Carlisle returned to her aunt's house in despair, closed the door and lay in the room all day. Her aunt was so anxious that she kept asking questions outside the door.

She should have taken the initiative to break off the relationship with Xu Yi, but she still packed her bag and came to Xu Yi's villa by mistake the next day.

She didn't know why, maybe she was unwilling to do so, or maybe she wanted to see Xu Yi again.

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three. On the third day, she still arrived as scheduled.

These days, she got in touch with Lisa and felt that Lisa was really a wonderful girl, beautiful, gentle, and caring, and she often fed stray cats.

Lisa also invited her to work as a caregiver in the orphanage. The children in the orphanage liked Lisa very much.Carlisle praised more than once that Lisa was the most perfect girl she had ever come into contact with.

But the more perfect the other person is, the more guilty she feels. She can't bear to ruin the relationship between the other person and Xu Yi because of herself.

For this reason, she has been suppressing her emotions these days and only thinks that she is really working part-time.

"It's over! Everything is over now!" Carlisle was a little lost.

Lisa was very nice to her these days. She always thought that the other party didn't know what she was thinking, but she didn't expect that the other party still noticed it.

But the other person's next words completely stunned her.

"I'm quite optimistic about you, come on!" Lisa said with a smile.

" mean?" Carlisle's mind was in a mess. Could it be that the other party had a conflict with Xu Yi?Or is the other party talking sarcastically?

But looking at the other person's appearance, they don't look alike at all.

Lisa smiled without explaining.

She wasn't being sarcastic, she really thought so.

This is not because he and Xu Yi have no feelings, on the contrary, their relationship has long gone beyond the "fighting" stage of young lovers.

They have experienced too many things, each of which is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Their deep feelings cannot be explained in just one or two sentences.

And as they enter the transcendent world, they become less concerned about some worldly concepts.

"Let me tell you another news. After a while, a 'friend' will come over. She is very beautiful. I actually like you more than her." Lisa dropped another "bomb" .

"You, you guys..." Carlisle felt that his outlook on life had been impacted like never before, and he was speechless and dumbfounded.

At this time, Xu Yi suddenly opened the door and walked out. He glanced at Lisa and Carlisle suspiciously, but didn't ask any more questions.

"Carlisle, let's not study Japanese today. We are going to attend a friend's wedding. I have prepared clothes for you. Do you want to go?" Xu Yi asked softly.

Carlisle was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Maybach drove the three of them out of the villa. Before going to Saint-Na Church, they first went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Xu Yi had something to do and wanted to go to the Blood Group [-].

He has recently been trying to synthesize the "Blood of Fusion", but unfortunately the experimental progress is slow, which makes him a little discouraged.A tributary of the Charles River flows through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Three people and a cat are walking along the river, and the river flows quietly.

The black carp that had been following Lisa suddenly jumped into the river, and its figure instantly disappeared from the river surface and swam toward the bottom of the river.

"Black carp?" Lisa asked in confusion.

She was not worried about the black carp being drowned. After obtaining the "Demon Heart", the black carp's body mutated and it could survive for a long time even without breathing.

What she wondered was, why did the black carp suddenly jump into the river?

The matter must be very urgent, otherwise Black Carp will definitely tell her the reason. Xu Yi also thought of this, stood on the river bank with Lisa, and waited quietly.

"Oops! Black Carp fell into the water!" Carlisle was extremely anxious. She liked Black Carp very much, a black cat who was very human.

She was about to go into the river to rescue the black carp, but the black carp suddenly surfaced and swam back to the shore.

"Lisa, did you not feed the black carp today?" Xu Yi teased.

The black carp had a fish in its mouth, and the other party jumped into the river to catch the fish.

But his expression soon became serious, and Black Carp threw the fish to the ground, roared at the fish, and the hair on his body exploded.

"This fish is weird!" Lisa stared at the fish on the ground warily.

Xu Yi threw out the flying knife and pinned the fish to the grass. Annabelle's treasure box space expanded, and the air curtain blocked the evil god's breath.Xu Yi snapped his fingers, and the demon-suppressing flame enveloped the fish on the ground.

The fish on the grass struggled painfully, and its body became shriveled up in an instant.

Lisa looked at the fish on the ground in confusion, while Xu Yi relied on the powerful vision of the Dark Eye to find the source of the problem.

He stretched out his hand, peeled off the shriveled fish body, and pinched out long black silk threads from the fish's body.

The silk thread was wrapped around Xu Yi's fingers, as if it wanted to drill into Xu Yi's body, but under the burning of the demon-suppressing flame, the black silk thread could only twist in pain.

Xu Yi stared at the black silk thread in his hand, and his expression suddenly changed. The black silk thread in his hand was clearly an eyeless snake that had shrunk many times!
He felt the divine aura on the black silk thread.

"Black Carp said that there should be seven or eight strange fish like this in the river." Lisa said softly.

Xu Yi had a premonition that something was wrong. There were seven or eight "eyeless snake lines" in such a short stretch of river. How many "eyeless snake lines" should there be in the entire Charles River?
He picked up the phone and called Martin from the special task force.

The call had just been dialed, and before Xu Yi could speak, Martin's hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xu Yi! Something big happened! Many 'vampires' suddenly appeared in Boston. They are irrational and suck blood from everyone they see."

"Are you sure that's a vampire?" Xu Yi asked.

"It is indeed a bit different from vampires. Their pupils are black, and as they suck more blood, their skin will turn black." Martin answered truthfully.

"Have you continued to search for divine evil during this period?" Xu Yi asked anxiously.

"We have been searching, but you also know that it is impossible to maintain the same intensity of search as before." Martin's voice became smaller and smaller, feeling a little lack of confidence.

Xu Yi's voice turned cold, "Then let me tell you a piece of 'good news', the god of evil is not dead!"

"What?" Martin's horrified voice came, "What is going on?"

"You guys go investigate the fish in the Charles River!" Xu Yi hung up the phone impatiently.

A scream suddenly came from MIT. Xu Yi turned his head and looked. It seemed to be the direction of the fifth blood research group.

He suddenly realized something, his face changed slightly, and he rushed in the direction of the scream.

(End of this chapter)

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