American exorcist god.

Chapter 220: Stealing the Blood of Olivedo

Chapter 220: Stealing the Blood of Olivedo
The front door of the fifth scientific research group building.

Xu Yi met the "vampire" in Martin's mouth. He knew that person as the security guard guarding the door.

Of course, the fifth blood research team cannot be protected by these ordinary people. Their duty is to dissuade students who enter by mistake.

At this moment, the other person was lying on another security guard, with two sharp fangs protruding, biting the prey's neck fiercely, sucking the blood greedily.

The "Vampire" noticed the movement behind him and turned his head suddenly. A faint bloody cross appeared in the dark pupils.

Xu Yi was horrified. He suddenly had the illusion that the person standing in front of him was the resurrected god.

More and more black figures gathered around, Xu Yi glanced around, there were eight of them, each of them had dark black skin, and their pupils were filled with blood-colored inverse crosses.

One of the "vampires" was exceptionally tall, with eight eyeless snakes growing out from behind, dancing crazily.

Xu Yi felt his scalp numb. Judging from the aura alone, the opponent was not much weaker than the evil being he had encountered before.

He thought of the giant cocoon in the cave, and he was very sure that it was the evil being.

"The evil deity should have the ability to clone himself!"

Thinking of the scene before him, he still didn't understand this.

He had a premonition of the seriousness of the matter. These people were transformed into avatars of evil spirits because they ate fish with added "stuff".

It’s hard to imagine how many divine clones are lurking in the city of Boston.

The evil clones stared at Xu Yi with salivating light in their eyes.

But they didn't choose to attack Xu Yi, but turned around and rushed towards the building behind them.

"The main body is controlling these clones behind the scenes!" Xu Yi understood instantly.

With the god's thirst for his blood, it could only be the reason why he could resist attacking.

At this time, Lisa and Carlisle chased after him. After Xu Yi gave them a few instructions, he chased after the evil being.

The divine clones rushed into the building and stood at the edge of the elevator shaft.

The elevator shaft is hidden, making it difficult for ordinary people to find it. Unfortunately, the god can smell the smell of Olivedo's blood coming from the underground, and the hidden design has no effect.

But the security guard had already sounded the alarm the moment he was attacked, and now the elevator is locked and will no longer open.

The elevator shaft door is made of an alloy plate more than 20 centimeters thick, which is enough to withstand the bombardment of artillery shells.

Sharp claws sprouted from the fingers of the god of evil, tearing the alloy plate apart.

The god of evil jumped into the elevator shaft, cut off the elevator's steel cable with his claws, and the elevator rumbled downwards.

Xu Yi wanted to jump down, but several black shadows suddenly appeared in the elevator shaft and rushed towards Xu Yi.

Not all the gods left, they left four behind to stop Xu Yi.

The battle was about to break out, and the purple-red air curtain opened. Xu Yi held the alchemy revolver and pulled the trigger, and the bullets flew towards the god of evil.

The strength of the evil clone is not as good as the original body, but Xu Yi is a little overwhelmed when faced with the siege.

But as long as he is given enough time, he can still deal with these evil clones.

But the bad thing is, he doesn't have that much time to waste now.

Screams came from under the elevator shaft from time to time. The guarding exorcists were no match for the evil beings. They relied on the maze-like terrain to deal with the evil beings.

But Xu Yi knew very well that the maze could not withstand the evil for long.

The power of the maze lies in its complicated routes, but if the walls of the maze no longer have the function of "trapping enemies", the entire maze will become a decoration.

Perhaps even the designers of the maze could not have imagined that the metal walls that could withstand the bombardment would be as fragile as soil in front of the sharp claws of the gods.

The smell of Olivedo's blood is like a compass, guiding the gods.

"Can't wait any longer!" Xu Yi knew that he had to get rid of the siege immediately.

The evil clone is not weak to begin with, but if it swallows Oliverdo's blood, its strength will probably rise to a new level.

And there is no doubt that the clone will merge with the main body, and then the blood of Olivedo will be transported to the main body.

It is unimaginable how terrifying the evil being will become by then!After paying the price of having his abdomen pierced, Xu Yi forcibly broke through the siege of the avatars and rushed into the elevator shaft. The abominations chased him from behind.


Deep in the laboratory.

The god of evil walked straight towards the "cold room", where Oliverdo's blood was stored.

The exorcists who stopped them have turned into cold corpses, and the researchers in the laboratory have gone into hiding when they see that the situation is not good.

Attracted by the blood of Olivedo, the gods ignored these ordinary people.

The walls of the cold room are made of copper, an alchemical material that is thousands of times stronger than steel. The sharp claws of the gods can only leave a few scratches on it.

But the eyeless snake behind the god suddenly opened its huge mouth and sprayed black viscous liquid on the wall, and the walls made of copper were corroded and pitted.

The protective measures in the cold room were broken, and the god of evil reached into the cold mist and took out the copper can inside.

The god of evil looked through the hollow on the side of the copper pot and saw the "gold liquid" flowing inside, and the desire in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Golden liquid" is the source blood of Olivedo, which is extremely precious. The blood used in daily experiments is blended with the original liquid.

The god opened his huge mouth and prepared to swallow the copper jar whole into his belly, using corrosive stomach acid to melt the solid copper jar.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the shadow behind the god, and grasped the copper pot firmly.

Xu Yi finally arrived at the critical moment. With his familiarity with the terrain, he got rid of the evil clone that intercepted him.

The evil clone roared angrily, and the eyeless snake behind him bit Xu Yi away, but the purple-red air curtain opened, and Xu Yi's whole body was filled with demon-suppressing flames, forcing the eyeless snake back.

Seeing that a battle was about to take place, a low explosion suddenly came from the copper tank, and Xu Yi was slightly startled.

He suddenly remembered that Daniel had mentioned that the copper tank had a self-destruct program that could remotely detonate the micro-explosives in the tank to release a special liquid.

When Olivedo's blood is mixed with the medicine, it will soon turn into wastewater.

It seems that the person in charge of the laboratory felt that there was no way to stop the evil, so in order to prevent the loss of Olivedo's source blood, he activated the self-destruction program.

"No! In fact, we can save him again!"

Xu Yi was a little impatient, so he rushed over in a hurry. In addition to stopping the evil, it was also because of the blood of Olivedo.

With the extensive experiments on the Fusion of God's Blood, the little bit of Olivedo's blood that was readily available was no longer enough.

The blood on the top of the jar has turned black. It is foreseeable that as the liquid spreads, the entire jar of blood will become wastewater.

The evil clones also noticed this. They were more anxious than Xu Yi and didn't care about Xu Yi.Densely packed eyeless snakes swooped and bit on the copper jar, secreting black liquid from their mouths.

I don’t know what kind of material the copper can is made of. It is actually stronger than Austrian copper, but it is still corroded with holes after being wrapped in a large amount of black liquid.

Olivedo's blood flowed down, and the undamaged part of the blood shone with golden light.

The god of evil smelled the breath of origin blood and trembled all over. At first it was because of excitement, but it soon turned into anger.

Xu Yi suddenly threw out the Annabelle doll from his waist. A purple-red air curtain covered the falling source of blood, and the source of blood disappeared in an instant.

"Thank you! Good Samaritan!" Xu Yi even wanted to give the evil clone a thumbs up.

But in the next second, he quickly moved away from the "good Samaritan". A terrifying aura rose from the evil avatar, and Xu Yi felt a familiar gaze.

The true body of the god of evil has been paying attention to the situation here. Oliverdo's blood was robbed, and the true body fell into rage.

Xu Yi was unmoved. He and Shen Sin had long had a life-or-death relationship. The other party coveted his blood, and he had seriously injured the other party.

As the saying goes, debts are too heavy to bear, and now there is no psychological burden to snatch Olivedo's blood.

Rapid footsteps came from outside, and reinforcements from the special task force arrived. The avatars of the gods gave Xu Yi a cold look, but did not launch an attack. They rushed outside, preparing to break out.

Xu Yi followed. The evil clone let him go, but he was not prepared to let him go.

He had always remembered the "borrowing a nest to hatch" plan. He thought that the evil beings were killed by the Blade of Divine Punishment, but he didn't expect that in a twist of events, so many clones of the evil ones appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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