American exorcist god.

Chapter 221 Brain Worm Separation Surgery

Chapter 221 Brain Worm Separation Surgery
Portland Street outside MIT.

Xu Yi suddenly threw out the steel bar in his hand, and the steel bar whizzed through the avatar of God, nailing it to the ground.

The god of evil kept roaring, but could not break free.There are dozens of steel bars piercing it, almost turning it into a hedgehog.

"Finally I caught one!" Xu Yi exhaled a thick breath.

He chased him all the way from the underground research room of the fifth scientific research group to here. Those evil clones ignored him and just ran away.

Xu Yi didn't feel proud, but felt increasingly heavy.

Because he knows very well that the evil clone's avoidance of him is only temporary. When the other party has the power to "swallow" him, he will definitely take action without hesitation.

The evil clone inherited the tenacious vitality of the original body, but became weak after suffering the curse of Annebell and the series of devastation from the dark mist bullets.

Xu Yi took the opportunity to pick up the steel bars on the road and nailed the evil clone to death.

The steel bars come from construction trucks.

A construction truck crashed into a concrete pier beside the highway, spilling the steel bars on the ground.The engineering vehicle lost control and caused a series of car accidents. Seven or eight cars rear-ended each other and car wreckage was everywhere.

The car owner did not stand by the car, waiting for the traffic police to come and deal with it. They all ran away in panic.

The driver of the construction truck knocked against the door and his limbs were twisted strangely. As he walked, his eyes turned black and sharp fangs sprouted from his mouth.

This was the first time that Xu Yi saw the process of human beings transforming into gods. He pulled the trigger, and the silver bullet penetrated the driver's head.

The driver fell to the ground, but quickly got up again and rushed toward the crowd like a wild animal. The crowd screamed and ran away.

Similar scenes continue to play out in the city of Boston.

The whole city was in chaos. The rapid sound of sirens, the occasional explosions, and the screams of the crowd merged into a manic tune.

The driver was also nailed to the ground with steel bars. Xu Yi squatted down next to the driver, forced his mouth open, and stuffed the Evil God's Nest into his mouth.

"Borrowing a nest to hatch" has a premise, which is to cut off the connection between the main body and the clone, otherwise it can only provide warmth to the evil being.

"Let me see how you control these clones!"

The Nest of Evil Gods penetrated into every corner of the evil gods. Xu Yi first checked the brain and found that the opponent's brain was completely necrotic and turned into a piece of rotten flesh.

Thorns like thorns grew on the surface of the opponent's bones, and the blood became turbid and sticky.

Xu Yi's eyes focused on the other person's heart. An eyeless snake as thick as a little finger wrapped around the heart and merged with it.

You can imagine the scene at that time. "Iron worms" as big as a hair lurked in the heart. At the moment of the attack, the iron worms absorbed a large amount of the host's blood and grew to the thickness of a little finger in an instant.

As it continues to swallow blood, this eyeless snake will continue to grow.

The tentacles of the Evil God's Nest quietly approached the eyeless snake, and the front ends of the tentacles turned into sharp spikes. The eyeless snake sensed the abnormality and slowly "awakened".

Xu Yi pressed one hand on the chest of the god, and a purple-red air curtain unfolded, and the demon-suppressing flame spread out from his palm, forcibly suppressing the eyeless snake.

The Evil God's Nest took this opportunity and inserted its tip into the body of the eyeless snake. The eyeless snake twisted wildly, and Xu Yi increased the intensity of the demon-suppressing flame.

The eyeless snake suddenly inflated like a balloon. Xu Yi sensed something was wrong and quickly stepped back.

The next second, the eyeless snake exploded, a big hole opened in the driver's chest, and black viscous liquid splashed out, corroding everything it touched into black water.

A tiny eyeless snake emerged from the driver's chest. Before Xu Yi could stop it, the driver had already crawled from the manhole cover on the roadside into the sewer to find its next host.

But Xu Yi already got what he wanted, and the Evil God's Nest had insight into the structure of the eyeless snake.

Xu Yi glanced at the structure diagram of the eyeless snake and felt his scalp numb.

The structure of the eyeless snake is both simple and complex.

The simple thing is its cells. All the cells of the eyeless snake are small, diamond-shaped particles.

The complex part is the organs. Tens of thousands of organs are composed of tiny diamond-shaped particles, which is simply terrifying.

But he still found the target, mainly because the target was a little conspicuous. There was a little bit of white in the pure black organ, about the size of a fingernail, like a white maggot.The surface of maggots is densely covered with wrinkles, like a human brain.

All organs are connected to the "brain worm". There is no doubt that the "brain worm" is the core of the eyeless snake and the key to controlling the clone.

Xu Yi returned to the evil creature he had captured before, frowning and thinking hard.

The abomination just now was just born, and the eyeless snake in the heart was still very weak, but even so, he was unable to perform the "brain worm separation operation."

When the eyeless snake senses an abnormality, it will explode itself and escape, leaving no chance to take action.

But if the brain worm separation operation is not performed to let the evil clone escape the control of the main body, the plan of "borrowing a nest to hatch" will become nonsense.

"What should we do?" Xu Yi murmured softly.


Church of St.

The sun shines in from the colorful windows of the church, and the light shines on the flower bed. White roses are mixed with pink hydrangeas. The statue of Jesus is watching quietly from the high platform, as if witnessing.

The entire wedding scene was decorated just right, looking both solemn and romantic.No matter how picky you are, you should smile and nod with satisfaction, but Danil frowned slightly.

Daniel frowned not because he was dissatisfied with the wedding scene. He stood at the door of the church and looked towards the city.

The Church of Saint-Na is located in the suburbs, everything is quiet and beautiful, but there is noisy noise in the city, and the piercing sirens are heard from time to time, mixed with violent explosions.

Could it be that there was a major car accident?
Daniel looked at the incoming road and there was still no car coming in.

Finn Manor is quite far away from here, but it's already this time, and the family's spectators should have come over.

He didn't know why, but he felt heart palpitations inexplicably.


Finn Manor.

"Hurry up! You're going to be late!"

The head of the family, North, glanced at his watch and urged.

The Finn family members were dressed in formal attire, carrying various gifts, and walking around the car, looking extremely busy.

Everyone had a smile on their face.

Although Daniel did not inherit the exorcist talent from the Finn family, he was still an important member of the Finn family. Naturally, they could not miss such an important event as marriage.

A fierce dog barking suddenly came from the direction of the courtyard wall, and North frowned. There were many bulldogs raised in Finn Manor to guard the house and the courtyard.

This reaction was obviously that a stranger had broken in.

"Butler!" North didn't want to waste time and was about to ask the butler to send the person away.

This kind of thing happens from time to time. Someone sees this huge and beautiful manor and can't help but want to come in and take a look.

The barking quickly died away, and North's face turned gloomy.

The barking of the dogs disappeared not because the intruder had left, but because the bulldog had been killed, and he heard the dogs whine.

But before they could react, shadowy figures surrounded them, and everyone's bodies could not stop trembling.

The people surrounding him had dark skin, and their ink-colored pupils flashed with bloody inverse crosses.
God's evil!They are all evildoers!
There are more than thirty evil beings in front of me at a glance. Where did so many evil beings come from?North looked horrified.

"Run! Run quickly!" North blocked the figure and growled.

There are so many evil beings that they cannot be opponents. The only thing they can do now is to delay time.

The housekeeper took out the phone and after hesitating for a moment, he chose to call the special task force first.

(End of this chapter)

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