American exorcist god.

Chapter 222 The “Traitor” among the Gods

Chapter 222 The “Traitor” among the Gods

On the streets of Portland.

Xu Yi stared at the evil clone on the ground, his eyes shining.

He stretched out his hand, and a wisp of black mist condensed on his fingertips. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the chest of the god. The mist penetrated the chest of the god and injected into the eyeless snake.

This mist is the power of faith.

Although he is not in New York, the myth of Huo Kui is still circulating in New York. He can still receive the power of faith from time to time. Coupled with the "deposit" from the previous treatment of the hot soul disease, a mature fruit of faith has been born on the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree. .

As for why he suddenly thought of the power of faith, it was entirely because just a few minutes ago, the mysterious apocalypse was triggered again!
[The occult apocalypse is triggered! 】

[As a "terminal computer", the body of the evil being controls more clones, and the more information needs to be processed.

In this case, why not try to become a hacker and use "information bombs"?

The power of faith may be able to help you. 】

If "Occult Apocalypse" can be opened stably, Xu Yi is even willing to exchange it for a red-level entry!

At this time, the "occult apocalypse" appeared, which simply saved my life.

The sudden outbreak of the evil avatar is like Gou Jian, who was suffering from hardships, suddenly stopped being a groom and kicked the master he was serving off the horse.

This can only be because "Gou Jian", the evil god, has accumulated enough strength and is no longer afraid of him, and even has a way to deal with the Blade of Scourge.

When the transformed god appears, Xu Yi can only run away with his tail between his legs. If the situation is worse, he may have to face the endless pursuit of the god.

The hope for reversal now is the "Blood of Fusion God".

The power of faith was injected into the body of the eyeless snake. Xu Yi stared at the eyeless snake through the vision provided by the Evil God's Nest without blinking.

Occult Apocalypse only provides theories, and there will be countless variables in the operation process. It is very likely that it will fail because some details are not done well.

The eyeless snake twitched suddenly, and Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The other party did not "wake up", let alone self-destruct.

This is a good start.

The Evil God's Nest took advantage of this opportunity, turning the front end into a spike and piercing into the eyeless snake's body.

The anatomical diagram of an eyeless snake appeared in Xu Yi's mind, and he almost wanted to pump his fist in celebration.

In the body of the eyeless snake, the brainworm seemed to be paralyzed and motionless.

This is because the brainworm is "overloaded".

The so-called "information bomb" is when a hacker attacks a server and injects a massive amount of information, causing the server to become paralyzed.

The power of faith is composed of the thoughts of countless living beings, and the amount of information contained in it is astonishing. The brainworm cannot process so much information, and the "CPU" is directly burned out.

"You can't relax yet!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and concentrated.

The tentacles of the Evil God's Nest turned into sharp scalpels, carefully dissecting the eyeless snake.

This process cannot harm other organs. If the "nest" borrowed is broken, all previous efforts will naturally be wasted.

That is the Nest of the Evil God, otherwise it would be impossible for any human being to complete this "operation".

The god's chest was cut open, and a white brainworm the size of a fingernail was sent out by the tentacles. Xu Yi took it and squeezed it with both hands.

He watched the brainworm slurry splashing around, and felt a sense of relief.

He conveniently used the demon-suppressing flame to incinerate the brainworm.

"The brain worm separation operation was successful. The next step is to use the nest to hatch. I hope it will be successful!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and took out the blood injection.


Boston, Special Task Force Building [-].

Martin ran wildly in the corridor. He looked back and did not find those terrifying figures for the time being. They were leaning against the metal wall, breathing heavily.

"At least the plan was successful!" Martin forced a smile, but when he thought of those teammates, his mood immediately dropped again.Building No. [-] of the Special Task Force stores the blood of all kinds of extraordinary creatures, more than the Blood Group Five of MIT.

When a large number of divine beings appeared in the city, they had a premonition that the divine beings would come here. As expected, the place was soon invaded.

Fortunately, they finally managed to destroy the blood of those extraordinary creatures before the gods could.

But those teammates who fought side by side with him will also rest here forever.

He released his hand covering the wound on his abdomen, and the blood almost stained his combat uniform red.

He knew he had to find a safe place to bandage the wound, otherwise he would die here due to excessive blood loss.

But as soon as he took two steps, he suddenly stopped. He felt that the blood all over his body was going cold. Standing in front of him were three gods who had almost grown to their full bodies.

The special task force divided these divine clones into three stages: incubation period, larvae, and complete body.

The so-called complete avatar of the evil god has blood-colored reverse cross patterns clearly appearing in its pupils, and eight eyeless snakes growing out of its back.

The combat power of the complete god is so terrifying that only a great exorcist can deal with it.

It's a pity that there are not many great exorcists in the special task force. Among them, Mia has taken leave and is planning to get married today.

"I'm afraid Mia's marriage won't work out!"

Martin felt a little regretful. He watched Mia and Daniel walking over, and both of them were still his friends.

He still has time to think wildly now because he knows that he can't escape.

Knowing that he was about to die here, he relaxed.

There were footsteps behind him, and he knew without turning his head that they were the gods chasing after him.

Martin took out a cigarette from his handbag with trembling hands and wanted to light it, but found that the lighter on his body had fallen off at some point.

There was a wry smile on his face, and his wish to smoke a cigarette before he died could not be realized.

He took out the only grenade left in his waist. Even if he died, he would still give these gods some trouble.

A terrifying roar suddenly came from behind. Martin turned around and saw a special god rushing from the end of the passage.

There are pale golden scales growing on the surface of that evil being, and there are no eyeless snakes behind it, but its aura is actually more terrifying than the complete clone of the evil one!
Could it be that the avatar of the evil god has a stronger stage than the complete body?

Martin was confused, but not alarmed.

Now any evil god can kill him, and if a stronger evil god appears, it will be like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

But he suddenly froze, because the newly appeared divine evil did not attack him, but rushed towards its companion. The other party suddenly grabbed the neck of one of the divine evil clones, and the veins on its arms were exposed, as if it wanted to kill the companion. The neck was broken.

Martin looked blank, completely confused as to what was going on.

Could it be that the gods would also fight among themselves?Or is it that the "god boss" who has just appeared is ready to give these younger brothers a kick in the ass?

But isn't his mawei too cruel now?He was just rushing to kill his companions.

The gods present were stunned for a moment. They clearly sensed the breath of their companions from each other, but why did they attack them?

But the next second, they all let out an angry roar and rushed towards the newly appeared god.

They received new instructions to immediately eliminate the "similar people" in front of them.

Martin looked confused, because all the gods had gone to attack the new "companion", and no one cared about him.

He took two tentative steps, but no god paid any attention to him. He took two more steps, but nothing happened.

"If you do this again, I'm going to leave!" Martin ran towards the other end of the corridor with all his strength.

While running, he still couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart. He turned to look at the battlefield and was slightly startled.

He suddenly discovered the biggest difference between that divine creature, there was no bloody reverse cross in his pupils!
Could there be traitors among the gods?Martin's mind was filled with questions.

(End of this chapter)

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