American exorcist god.

Chapter 223 Experimental subject x massacre

Chapter 223 Experimental subject x massacre
Martin hid in the room, dressing his wounds while spying on the battle between the gods.

Humans are such complex creatures. Just now, I wanted to run away immediately, but now that I can run away, I don't want to leave for the time being.

Martin wants to figure out what happened, which may help solve the chaos in Boston.

Martin was not the only one who spied on the battle between the gods and evil spirits. Xu Yi used his ability to sneak in darkness and hid in the shadows of the building, quietly watching the evil gods fight.

That weird god was naturally his work. After completing the "brain worm removal surgery", he injected three types of high-quality blood into the body of the god.

The blood of Olivedo, the blood of the Demon King, and the blood of Ryan.

What he didn't expect was that after being injected with blood, the avatar of the god would develop a strong desire for blood.

The body of the evil god has also begun to "swell". If it cannot absorb the blood in time, I am afraid that the entire clone of the evil god will explode.

Of course, he couldn't let the experimental subjects attack ordinary people, so he had an idea and used the Evil God's Nest to give hints to the experimental subjects.

"The blood of the gods is so good and plentiful, hurry up and suck it!"

The experimental subject began to attack other divine beings crazily. As the experimental subject continued to grow stronger, the lone divine being could no longer satisfy it, and it began to attack groups of divine beings.

So the experimental subject came here, and unexpectedly saved Martin.

Martin didn't know that he could survive because of a certain "wool king". He was intently watching this "rebellion" between gods and evildoers.

The power of the siege was extremely astonishing. After all, they were six near-perfect gods, but what was even more astonishing was the traitor.

He has seen how sharp the claws of the gods are, and the special alloy can easily tear them apart.

But the sharp claws couldn't tear apart the traitor's defense!
The opponent's surface is densely covered with pale golden scales, and its toughness is unimaginable.

The traitors were unable to break through the siege. As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands, but there were more than four hands in front of them. Those eyeless snakes were attacking the traitors like a violent storm.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Sharp bone spurs sprouted from the traitor's palm. The bone spurs were ink-colored and shone with a metallic sheen.

The bone spurs instantly pierced the two gods and nailed them to the wall. The metal wall in front of the bone spurs seemed to be made of butter.

The evil god behind him pounced, and another bone spur grew out of the traitor's back, piercing the evil god.

Martin was shocked. This traitor was too strong. He was not at the same level at all!

Xu Yi, who was watching, was equally surprised. He knew that after injecting three kinds of blood, the strength of the experimental subject would skyrocket, but he did not expect it to skyrocket to such an extent.

The experimental subjects bit the other gods, their sharp fangs piercing the bodies of the gods, sucking the other's blood crazily.

The experimental subject looked up to the sky and roared, and its aura was actually getting stronger!
"What kind of quality will the fused blood be?" Xu Yi was amazed.

Now is not the time to recover the blood. The blood of the experimental subjects is as violent as a volcano erupting. At this time, there is no way to extract the "source blood".

The experimental subject swallowed up the blood of the god, and a pair of flesh wings grew out of its back. The flesh wings vibrated, and the experimental subject crashed through the wall of the building and flew away.

This little blood is not enough, it needs more blood of the gods.

Xu Yi watched the experimental subject leave. With the Evil God's Nest, he could keep an eye on the other party's situation at any time.

"We still need to create more experimental subjects!" Xu Yi muttered to himself.

The amount of "source blood" that can be extracted from an experimental subject is very small.

Besides, you can't put all your eggs in the same basket to avoid problems with a certain experimental subject.

He counted the nests of evil gods on his body.

There were originally eight, but in order to enhance the controllability of the Oni Samurai, one was permanently lost, leaving seven remaining.

In other words, he can also create six experimental bodies.


Daniel pressed the accelerator to the bottom, causing the tires to rub violently against the ground, making a harsh noise.

As the groom at the wedding, he actually abandoned his upcoming bride and drove away from the wedding venue alone.

Daniel held the steering wheel tightly, his right eyelid twitching wildly.

He called Finn Manor, but no one answered. He had a bad feeling, so he decided to go back to the manor to see what happened.

The car finally entered the city, but there was a traffic jam in front of it. The road was full of car wrecks, but the driver was nowhere to be seen, and screams came from far away from time to time.

"What happened?" Daniel called Martin's phone again, but the signal was still busy, and Martin didn't answer the phone.

He wanted to call again, but then he received a call from Mia.

"Daniel, where are you now? Don't go into the city!" Mia's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Why?" Martin asked doubtfully.

"The people from the special task force found me. They told me that there are many clones of the gods appearing in the city, which are very dangerous. You must not enter the city! Just stay in the church!" Mia said anxiously.

When Daniel heard the word "god", his body trembled suddenly.

"Mia, protect yourself!" Daniel was silent for a moment and hung up the phone.

Daniel stepped on the accelerator, slammed into the side railing, and forced a U-turn.

He knew a small road that could lead to Finn Manor from here, but the road was very bumpy and narrow, and the luxury car was scrapped after just one trip there.

But he can't control that much anymore.

As the car drove on the narrow dirt road, Daniel breathed heavily, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Finn is from a family of exorcists, and some members of his clan have inherited the "Silver Blood" and are natural exorcists.

This kind of extraordinary blood is simply a rare delicacy for the gods!

In the distance, Daniel could already see Finn Manor, where a raging fire was burning.

"It's okay! It's okay! There are so many exorcists in the Finn family!"

Daniel kept comforting himself, but his breathing became more and more rapid, and cold sweat soaked his back.

When the car was about to fall apart, he finally arrived at Finn Manor.

The gate of the manor opened, and the strong smell of blood came from inside. Daniel ran wildly into the manor.

"Uncle...Uncle!" A weak voice came from the bushes next to the door.

Daniel rushed over and opened the bushes, and found a little boy about eight years old lying in the bushes.

"Maggie!" Daniel was a little surprised. He reached out to hug Maggie, and the warm liquid flowed into his hand. He looked down and was stunned.

It was blood, warm blood flowing from Maggie's abdomen to his hands.

A hole was opened in Maggie's abdomen, the size of a fist. Any doctor who saw such a horrific wound could only shake his head helplessly.

"Uncle! I hurt!" Maggie frowned in pain.

"Maggie! It's okay! Uncle will take you to see a doctor right now. Go right now!" Daniel picked up Maggie and hurriedly walked towards the door.

He held Maggie's abdomen tightly, but it was a penetrating wound and the blood still flowed uncontrollably.

"Uncle, I...I may not be able to be your flower girl anymore, please let Eli take my place!" Maggie said softly.

Daniel suddenly remembered that Maggie was indeed the flower girl at today's wedding.

At this moment, he was wearing flower boy clothes, a black suit, a white shirt, and a corsage on his collar. He already looked like a young gentleman.

"It's okay. My uncle's wedding has also been postponed. When you get better, your uncle will want you to be a flower girl, okay?" Daniel asked softly.

No one answered him.

He suddenly stopped, and he could clearly feel that the body in his arms was cooling down rapidly.

Daniel held Maggie's body and stood at the gate with a confused look on his face.

There was a strange noise from the house behind him. Daniel held Maggie's body and subconsciously walked towards the house.

There were corpses scattered all over the house. The blood of those corpses had been sucked dry, but Danil still recognized them.

The one on the railing is Uncle Ralph, who often took him to the river to fish when he was a child; under the stone pillar is cousin Henie, who told him she had found a boyfriend before... They should all have a beautiful life, but now they are both Sleep here forever.

His body shook suddenly, and he fell to his knees with a bang. The two corpses in front of him hugged each other tightly, and death could not separate them. They were his parents.

Daniel was born in the Finn family, but he did not have the talent to become an exorcist, but neither his parents nor other clan members disliked him.

Tears slipped silently from the corners of his eyes. The color of the tears was no longer transparent, but blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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