American exorcist god.

Chapter 224 The flower of evil rises

Chapter 224 The flower of evil rises
Suddenly, a wild beast-like roar came from deep in the house, and Daniel turned his head suddenly, with a fierce look in his eyes as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

He saw the clone of the god flying out.

The avatar's clone also discovered Daniel. It roared and rushed towards Daniel, but a loud gunshot rang out and the bullet hit the head of the abomination. The abomination screamed and hit the stone pillar on the side.

The god of evil struggled to get up, did not launch any more attacks, and fled towards the outside of the manor.

Daniel turned around and saw Xu Yi walking out of the house holding a revolver.

"It's a pity that it's too late!" Xu Yi sighed.

He captured the gods everywhere and performed brain worm separation surgery. When the seventh experimental body was completed, he suddenly received a call for help from North.

But he was too far away from Finn Manor. When he arrived, North had died in the battle and Finn Manor had turned into hell.

"It's safe for now, come out!" Xu Yi suddenly said.

Daniel's gray pupils suddenly gained color, footsteps sounded from the house, and small figures walked out one by one.

Those were children, the oldest were eleven or twelve years old, and the youngest were only two or three years old. Their eyes were full of fear, but they bit their lips to prevent themselves from crying.

This is the ancestral motto of the Finn family. The strong cannot shed tears.

"The Finn family members would rather die than retreat. They used their bodies to delay time and protected these children." Xu Yi said lightly.

"Thank you! If it weren't for you, these children wouldn't be alive today." Daniel bowed sincerely.

"As long as these children can survive, there is still hope for the Finn family..."

Before Daniel could finish speaking, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Xu Yi suddenly realized something. He quickly climbed up the tall building next to him and looked in the direction of the source of the earthquake. Then he was stunned.

The earthquake's source came from the upper reaches of the Charles River, on the edge of Boston.

A huge black column rose from the river, spanning half of the river.

The black column continues to rise, getting higher and higher. The tallest Hancock Bacteria in Boston is only 241 meters. The black column has far exceeded Hancock Bacteria, with a visual measurement of more than 500 meters.

The black pillar has become the tallest building in the city, and you can see it when you look up.

Xu Yi's pupils suddenly shrank, and thick black flesh suddenly poured out from the top of the black column. The black flesh spread out like black petals.

The black column suddenly cracked, and a giant black cocoon slowly rose up and was embedded in the center of the petals.

That is the real "Cocoon of Transformation". The giant cocoon in the cave before was just used to deceive the special task force!
Xu Yi heard the drum-like heartbeat again. The sound was so loud that it could be heard even in the suburbs of the city.

He shuddered subconsciously, and the ominous aura gave him a strong sense of suffocation.


An underground shelter somewhere in Boston.

The original command room was invaded by the evil clones, and they could only move here as a temporary command post.

"Launch the Blade of Scourge!" someone said in a deep voice.

"Are you crazy? That monster is in Maple Leaf Town! The town is on the edge of the city. If the Blade of Scourge falls there, do you know how many people will die?"

"Then what do you think we should do? Are there any other ways we can deal with that monster?" The speaker was hoarse.

Martin sat in the corner, silently listening to the quarrel.

Although he was the leader of the special task force, he was only the leader. The people quarreling were all core senior executives of Boston, and he was not even qualified to speak.

"Have you extended an invitation to the title exorcist?" the mature and solemn army general suddenly said.

Martin's eyes lit up. Of course he had heard of the "Title Exorcist".

"Title" is not an ordinary nickname or alias. Only after being jointly recognized by local governments and churches will a unique title be given.

The "titled exorcist" is known as the strongest among exorcists. "Invitations have been sent to all titled exorcists, among which 'Evil Dragon Queen Eukni' has responded to us and is on her way. It will take about five hours." someone answered.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

"I'm afraid we can't wait any longer!" Boston's director of special operations suddenly said. He pointed at the surveillance screen, "Look at the images coming back from the cruise plane."

Everyone looked at the surveillance screen, their expressions becoming extremely gloomy.

"Launch the Blade of Scourge!"

Moments later, Boston's mayor was the first to break the silence.


"Take out the three exorcism artifacts from the 'Golden House' and engrave them with the 'Kong-breaking Array'!" the mayor said in an unquestionable voice.

The "Golden Room" is a building similar to the War God Storehouse in New York, where various rare treasures are stored.

"The Sky-breaking Array can indeed prevent the radiation of the Blade of Scourge from spreading, but can the three exorcism sacred weapons drive the Sky-breaking Array?" Someone wondered.

"Plus the star basin." When the mayor said this, he didn't hesitate at all. It was obvious that he had already thought about it.

"Once the star basin moves..."

The speaker suddenly stopped talking, because this was the best way to deal with it so far, although it would sacrifice the star basin, a precious treasure that could predict disasters.


Xu Yi drove his motorcycle towards the "Flower of Sin", riding fast and furious along the way.

The closer you get to the Flower of Sin, the clearer the drum-like heartbeat sounds, almost like thunder.

A strong suction suddenly came to Xu Yi, and the blood all over his body began to stir, as if it wanted to break through the skin and fly away into the air.

Xu Yi tensed his muscles to offset the suction force.

"This is it?" He looked up in surprise.

The Flower of Sin suddenly overflowed with black liquid, and the liquid swirled around the giant cocoon, forming a powerful waterspout.

That powerful suction comes from the black waterspout.

Xu Yi was able to break away from the suction force with his strong physical fitness, but ordinary people were not so lucky, especially those who were close to the Flower of Sin.

Their bodies collapsed instantly, and blood continued to overflow from their bodies, turning into blood mist and floating toward the Flower of Sin in the sky.

The suction force is getting stronger and stronger, and I am afraid that in a few minutes, the blood of people within a few kilometers will be drained, and they will turn into corpses and fall to the ground.

"Deadly danger ahead! Everyone, please stay away immediately!"

Fighters circled over the city, blaring horns playing on a loop.

In fact, there is no need to warn. Everyone knows the danger here, and they all try their best to escape outside. But there are too many people here. Fortunately, there are military vehicles picking up and dropping off outside, which speeds up the evacuation.

Xu Yi also saw a large number of exorcists, who were engraving magic circles around the Flower of Sin with strong blood pulling force.

These exorcists were wearing the same uniforms, they were painted very quickly, and they were obviously very familiar with the magic circle.

"Last time around Shishan, no wonder we were able to carve out a magic circle with such an exaggerated scope. It turns out that we have trained a special magic circle team!" Xu Yi suddenly realized.

He probably guessed what Boston's top brass wanted to do, so he no longer rushed inside. Instead, he stayed slightly away from the Flower of Sin and came to a tall building to watch.

Golden flames suddenly rose in the sky and fell like a holy sword of judgment.

Xu Yi stared closely at the Blade of Divine Punishment. He didn't know whether this terrifyingly powerful "missile" could kill the evil beings.

The cocoon of transformation in front of me is not comparable to the "fake" used to divert attention in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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