American exorcist god.

Chapter 225 Out of the Cocoon

Chapter 225 Out of the Cocoon
The "Blade of Scourge" missile roared down, its long flame tail piercing the sky, and its alloy warhead reflected the reflection of the god.

The missile exploded, and golden crystals flew out, spreading throughout the space.

The Flower of God's Evil sensed the approaching danger, and its thick petals gathered together to form a bud, firmly protecting the giant cocoon of God's Evil.

The towering black pillar suddenly twisted. Xu Yi looked at the huge "bud head" and still didn't understand. The "Tongtian Pillar" in front of him was essentially a huge eyeless snake.

The eyeless snake realized that it could not escape, and curled up, using its body to protect the giant cocoon.

The Heavenly Punishment Crystal cracked open, and bright light illuminated the entire area, as if a golden sun was rising from here.

The huge magic circle was lit up at the same time, and a transparent air curtain enveloped the entire area, blocking the radiation from the Scourge Crystal.

If it weren't for this magic circle, few people within a few kilometers would be able to survive, and Xu Yi wouldn't be able to watch it up close.

But even so, Xu Yi still felt a strong burning sensation. His skin was severely burned. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died before being sent to the hospital.

In the golden light, the huge eyeless snake turned into powder and disappeared.

This is the ultimate achievement of the integration of alchemy and modern technology. This is not the first time Xu Yi has seen the Blade of Scourge, but he is still amazed by it.

The light slowly dissipated, and the magic circle was extinguished due to exhaustion of effectiveness. Radiation dust rushed towards his face, and the burning sensation on Xu Yi's skin became more intense. Only then did he realize that the magic circle was not simple.

Looking around, there was no sign of any living thing in the area covered by the Blade of Scourge, only a black cocoon floating on the river.

This is a normal phenomenon. The last time the Blade of Scourge fell, the giant cocoon in the cave remained, not to mention that this time there was a huge eyeless snake to protect it.

As soon as the water flowed, the black cocoon turned into debris and scattered, falling into the river.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that even though he was as powerful as a god, he could not resist the power of the Blade of Scourge.

But the next second, his pupils suddenly shrank into points, staring at the river.

The river suddenly rippled, and a withered skeleton rose from the river, floating quietly on the surface of the river, lifeless.

But Xu Yi could clearly see that fine black flesh and blood surged in the eye holes of the withered bones, condensing into black eyeballs, with distinctive bloody inverse crosses in the pupils.

The god of evil is not dead!
Xu Yi was shocked, how tenacious his vitality was, and he could still survive when he faced the Blade of Divine Punishment head-on.

"My name is Noah Weiss!"

The god of evil was obviously only left with a dry bone and no organs such as a throat, but it actually made a sound.

The sound was like thunder that resounded throughout heaven and earth.

Xu Yi looked ugly. In order to deal with the evil spirits, he had searched a lot of knowledge related to the evil spirits.

The gods do not refer to individuals, but to a group. No one knows how they were born. One guess is that they come from outer space and do not belong to the earth.

After the divine evil breaks out of the "Cocoon of Transformation", it will have a unique "true name", and at this time the divine evil will become extremely terrifying.

Xu Yi glimpsed the excitement in Shen Sin's eyes and was slightly startled.

He has always had a question.

Why does the god of evil have to be so "high-profile"? Can't he hide secretly at the bottom of the river and wait until the day he breaks out of his cocoon?

Gods are not creatures without intelligence, on the contrary, they have very high IQs, otherwise they would not think of using a "fake nest" to confuse the special task force.

Could it be that he wanted to use the power of the Blade of Scourge to help him break out of his shell?
Xu Yi suddenly thought of a possibility and was shocked.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it became that it was possible. The sturdiness of the Cocoon of Transformation was obvious to all. Under the radiation of the Scourge Crystal, the remains could still be preserved.

Even if he is as powerful as a god, it is very difficult to break through the giant cocoon.

So God Sin took the risk and used the Blade of Scourge to forcefully break out of the cocoon. Now it succeeded!
"Can you use another Blade of Scourge?" He felt that if he could use another Blade of Scourge, he might be able to eliminate the evil beings.

Xu Yi stared at the horizon, expecting the golden flames to rise from there again, but unfortunately, nothing happened.

Isn't this Martin too honest?It is said that there are two Scourge Blade missiles, but there are really only two.

The fighter jet stretched its height, and the camera kept facing downwards, transmitting the picture back to the command room.

Everyone in the command room was silent. No matter how they imagined it, even the Blade of Scourge could not destroy the evil being.

"Continue to send invitations to the title exorcist. I don't think 'Evil Dragon Queen Eukni' is safe to deal with this kind of monster." The mayor ordered softly.

"I've been inviting you all along, but what should I do now?"

"Use all your power to prevent the evil spirits from entering the city. It is best to lure them away from the city." The mayor sighed helplessly.

"The one on top of the tall building seems to be Xu Yi?" Someone suddenly said.

The fighter jet camera captured Xu Yi.

"Have you defeated the evil Xu Yi before? Will the other party have any idea?" Another person said in surprise.

"Stop dreaming! After leaving the cocoon, the evil being is a completely different creature. Xu Yi is indeed very strong, but there is still a long way to go before becoming a 'titled exorcist'." The man shook his head.

Xu Yi didn't know that anyone was talking about him, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Several divine clones suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and they rushed towards the withered bones.

Xu Yi had a premonition that something was not going to happen. He pulled out the alchemy revolver Messiah, concentrated his energy, and aimed at the withered bones.

Noon has arrived and start!

The sinister Noah Weiss noticed the locked energy and turned to look at Xu Yi. He didn't know if it was because he was too weak that he didn't react.

The five-second countdown ended, and six silver-white bullets roared out of the barrel, pierced the sky, and hit the god's eyes and temple.

Xu Yi stared at Shensi closely, secretly expecting.

Noon has arrived and has the effect of "remaining blood kill". The god of evil looks very weak. If the "special effect" of noon has arrived can be triggered, there may be a chance to kill the god of evil.

The god's eyes were pierced, and a large amount of dark mist contained in the bullet exploded, blowing the eyes to pieces.

But those bullets that hit the temples only left shallow white marks on the black bones, which healed in an instant.

At the same time, the evil clones rushed to Noah Weiss, and Noah Weiss stretched out his hand and put it on the evil clone.

The body of the evil avatar began to melt, like burnt butter, turning into a black liquid and flowing towards Noah Weiss, where it was completely absorbed.

Noah Weiss was reborn. He was a tall human figure, with blood-colored patterns engraved on his dark skin, like twisted snake shadows.

Xu Yi's muscles all over his body were tense, and he suddenly couldn't feel the breath of Noah Weiss, as if what he saw in front of him was just a stone. This does not mean that the other party is not strong, on the contrary, this is because the other party's level has far exceeded he.

Noah Weiss turned to look at Xu Yi. Xu Yi saw many things in the other person's eyes, hatred, bloodthirsty desire, and...disdain.

Noah Weiss' figure suddenly became illusory, and Xu Yi's body suddenly became hairy. It became illusory because the opponent's speed was too fast, and even the Dark Eye could not capture the opponent's route of action.

The purple-red air curtain unfolded, and the demon-suppressing flames rose from the surface of Xu Yi's body. Although he could not catch the opponent's actions, he was definitely right to be on guard in advance.

Xu Yi turned his head suddenly, Noah Weiss was standing on the edge of the rooftop, watching him quietly.

The gunshot rang out, and Xu Yi instantly emptied the magazine of the alchemy revolver. Noah Weiss did not dodge, and the bullet only left a faint white mark on the surface of its body.

Xu Yi's expression changed. His attacks couldn't even break through the defense, so how could he fight?
(End of this chapter)

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