Chapter 226
Annabell floated above Xu Yi's head and transformed into her true form. The doll in the white dress filled the air with a special wave.

Black lines appeared on Noah Weiss's body, which were Annabelle's curse.

But Noah Weiss’ muscles all over his body bulged, and the black lines on his body were forcibly expelled from the body.

Xu Yi looked like he had seen a ghost. The other party actually used his physical strength to get rid of Annabell's curse.

He ran towards the edge of the rooftop. After "breaking out of the cocoon", the god of evil was simply too strong, and now he could only retreat temporarily.

He pressed the detonator in his hand. He was on the rooftop just now and did nothing. He placed a large number of explosives around the rooftop.

The explosives exploded with a bang, and dust and smoke filled the air.

Of course, these explosives can't hurt Noah Weiss. They are just to interfere with the opponent's vision so as to find opportunities to escape.

He rushed out of the rooftop, and the moment his feet left the ground, he had a pair of hang gliders in his hands, which he had prepared in advance and placed in the toy box.

Xu Yi flew away in the air and was far away from the building in an instant.

But a dark figure suddenly appeared behind him, pierced his chest with his hand, and pulled out his heart.

Xu Yi spit out a mouthful of blood, still holding on to the steel frame of the paraglider, using his hind legs to kick Noah Weiss out.

Noah Weiss fell downwards and slammed into the protruding billboard of the building. The steel billboard was smashed into a deep pit.

Noah Weiss raised Xu Yi's heart to his eyes, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he was ready to put the heart into his mouth.

But the heart suddenly ignited without fire, and instantly turned into a raging fire, and the black-gold demon-suppressing flame engulfed Noah Weiss.

The paraglider took Xu Yi away from Noah Weiss. He was covered in cold sweat and grinning in pain.

His heart was hollowed out, and an ordinary person would have died long ago. Fortunately, he has a super-accelerated regeneration entry, and the missing heart is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course he wouldn't think that he could escape just by relying on explosives and paragliders. His flesh and blood were a good medium for the demon-suppressing flame, which was the source of his confidence in escaping.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He was already far away from Noah Weiss. The other party was entangled in the demon-suppressing flames and had no flying ability. It shouldn't be so easy to catch up with him.

But a chill suddenly enveloped Xu Yi. He felt the breath of death and turned his head sharply.

Noah Weiss stood on the billboard, the demon-suppressing flame on his body had been dispelled. He stretched out his index finger and pointed at Xu Yi from a distance.

The black liquid flowed from Noah Weiss's palm and gathered at the fingertips. The large amount of black water condensed actually showed a sparkling effect.

Noah Weiss tapped his finger, and the huge black water column shot towards Xu Yi, passing by the edge of a building on the way, and the solid steel facade was instantly corroded.

The speed of the water column was so fast that Xu Yi could not avoid it and was swallowed up along with the glider.

The black water fell, and the place where Xu Yi was was empty.

The camera on the fighter jet faithfully recorded this scene. The picture was transmitted back to the underground headquarters, and everyone was silent.

Some time ago, Xu Yi was able to chase the evil spirits away, but now he was unable to fight back.

"Mayor, can the title exorcist really kill that monster? I'm afraid we have to prepare for the worst," someone broke the silence.

The mayor sighed, "Let's wait until the Demon Dragon Queen comes over! If it doesn't work, we can only contact that organization."

The scene where Xu Yi was swallowed by the black water revealed much more than just the group at the headquarters.

On a tall building in the distance, Lisa and Carlisle held up telescopes to observe.

"Xu Yi, he..." Carlisle fell to the ground, trembling uncontrollably. Her mind went blank, and she didn't even dare to recall what had just happened.

"Protect yourself!" Lisa said softly, then turned and went downstairs.

Lisa's voice was very soft when she spoke, and the expression on her face didn't change much. But when Carlisle and Lisa looked at each other, they could see the panic in each other's pupils, as well as the stormy waves of grief.

Carlisle knew very well that Lisa was rushing to the place where Xu Yi fell.

If Xu Yi is really dead, it is conceivable that Lisa will definitely rush towards the monster without hesitation in an attempt to take revenge, even at the cost of death.

Noah Weiss jumped from a tall building and landed with a crash.He knew that Xu Yi was not dead, and he could still smell the sweet blood on the other person's body.

The position of the aura has not changed. It must be that the opponent was seriously injured and unable to move.

This situation is the most favorable. Noah Weiss roared excitedly at the thought of being able to swallow the sweet blood right away.

At this moment, a rocket launcher suddenly hit Noah Weiss's face and exploded.

Noah Weiss had no desire to dodge this level of attack. He turned around and saw a figure squatting in the alley with a rocket launcher on his shoulder.

This scene was captured by the camera and sent back to the headquarters. Everyone was stunned.

"Then...that's Daniel?"

They couldn't believe it. Xu Yi was no match for the gods, but Daniel, a mere ordinary man, actually dared to challenge him, or in such a ridiculous way?
Daniel threw away the rocket launcher on his shoulder and stood up straight. Facing such a terrifying monster, his face did not show any fear.

Vampire Barton once said, "A pure Avenger cannot feel fear."

Today he finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

He started rushing here after arranging the surviving children of the Finn family, so he arrived a little late.

Noah Weiss looked at Daniel with interest and did not attack immediately.

Because he smelled the sweet smell of blood from the other party. The blood was fermenting and was far from reaching its most delicious moment.

Daniel's cell phone kept ringing, and Mia persisted in calling him. He didn't care that Shensi was right next to him, and answered the phone on his own.

"Daniel, I picked up those kids! Where are you? Why can't I see you." Mia's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mia, if you can, please help me take care of those children, and...forget me!" Daniel crushed the phone, with an unclear expression on his face.

He turned to look at the evil one and said softly, "I freed you, and now I should send you back to hell!"


In a building in the distance, Xu Yi was lying on the cold ground, with no color on his face because of the severe pain.

Noah Weiss's feeling was correct. He was indeed not dead, but he was not far away from death.

His entire body was melted by the black water, leaving only a head.

At the last moment, he cut off his own head with his own hands and threw the head away, thus escaping death.

There is a limit to the term hyper-accelerated regeneration. If the body is lost too much, exceeding 90.00%, including the brain, it will be difficult to regenerate.

Now that the brain is preserved, as long as he is given time, the physical body will slowly recover.

Xu Yi was a little lucky that he had the entry for super-accelerated regeneration, otherwise it would be really difficult to escape this time.

Even if you have the resurrection coins, facing such a disparity in strength, you will only die a few more times, unless you go back further in time and stay away from the evil.

The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came, and Xu Yi heard a scream of extreme grief.

"Xu Yi!"

When Lisa saw Xu Yi's head on the ground, her face instantly turned pale, and she almost fainted with grief.

"I think I can save him a little more!" Xu Yi said quickly, fearing that something might happen to him. He was a little lucky that his vocal cords were also preserved.

Xu Yi's voice was so weak that Lisa couldn't hear what he was saying, but when she saw the head was still moving, Lisa burst into tears of joy.

Lisa also had a general understanding of Xu Yi's ability, so she rushed over as soon as possible.

"Lisa, I need your help!" Xu Yi stared at Lisa.

Escape is not his style, and with the ability of the gods, he doesn't know where he can escape.

He wants to recover the source blood of the experimental subjects and try to attack the "Blood God's Throne"!
(End of this chapter)

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