American exorcist god.

Chapter 227: Collecting Blood

Chapter 227 Recovering Source Blood
The fighter jets were monitoring the god Noah Weiss, and the people at the command headquarters were a little confused looking at the pictures transmitted back.

As an ordinary person, how could Daniel have the courage to challenge the gods?
At this time, the camera panned to the alley behind Daniel, where a metal box was scattered.

"What is that?" the sharp-eyed man suddenly said.

"Pilot No. 158, focus the camera on the alley behind Daniel." The officer ordered quickly.

The camera gradually focused on the metal box. The metal box was open, and two injections were randomly thrown into the box. The injections had been used up.

But there is still some residue on the edge of the syringe.

"What is that? It looks a bit like Oliverdo's blood?" someone asked doubtfully.

Olivedo's blood was pure gold, but the remaining liquid was mixed with a faint purple color.

"Has the research on Oliverdo's blood been successful?" The speaker suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

Daniel has always been in charge of the Olivedo Blood project. Because of Daniel's special status, he only needs to report the progress of the project once a month.

So they don't know exactly what stage the project has reached.

"Look Daniel, this doesn't look like the research was successful." The person next to him shook his head.

Daniel roared like a beast from his throat, fine golden scales grew from the surface of his skin, and the dragon's horns penetrated his forehead, protruding ferociously.

"Is there such a serious phenomenon of dragon transformation?" someone said in surprise.

The ultimate goal of the Olivedo blood experiment is to develop a potion that can give humans a powerful physique without changing their appearance.

No one wants to live with the appearance of a monster.

So what is in front of me is obviously not the perfect blood of Olivedo.

"Isn't this the dragon's blood explosive potion?" Someone suddenly spoke.

While studying the blood of Olivedo, in a very accidental experiment, a special potion was created, which is the Dragon Blood Explosion Potion.

It can transform people into dragons and give them powerful strength, even comparable to that of a great exorcist.

But there is only one consequence of taking the potion, and that is death.

Originally, they wanted to use this potion to create a "Suicide Squad", but Daniel refused because Daniel was unwilling to make such a "tragic" potion.

Daniel was unwilling, and they had no choice. After all, the other party was from the Finn family.

Except for Daniel, no one else has the strength to study Oliverdo's blood.

Unexpectedly, Daniel actually secretly researched it in private and got results.

A huge shadow suddenly covered Daniel, and ferocious dragon wings broke out of his back. Daniel looked up suddenly, his pupils as bright as gold.

"Even dragon wings have grown. How is it possible to achieve this level of dragon transformation?"

Someone in the command center exclaimed.

"It's obviously an enhanced dragon's blood explosive potion. It seems that in private, Daniel has conducted very in-depth research on this potion."

Noah Weiss watched Daniel quietly and did not disturb the other party's "promotion". The scent of the other party's blood became more and more attractive.

But he suddenly turned his head and looked in Xu Yi's direction with a frown. The other party started to move.

He didn't want to wait any longer for the "delicious food to come out" and planned to deal with Xu Yi first.

Shen Xiong's roar suddenly came, and Daniel had completely transformed into a half-human, half-dragon monster, and he rushed towards Noah Weiss.

The enhanced version of Dragon Blood Burst Potion can only last half an hour.

In half an hour, he would die no matter what, and there was no chance of survival, so he had to hurry up.

Before coming, he was already prepared to die.

But there was one thing that made Daniel regret.He should stop Xu Yi so that Xu Yi would not die.

But he couldn't follow Xu Yi right away. The city was full of evil clones. Those children were the hope of the Finn family and there was no room for failure.

What he didn't know was that by stopping Noah Weiss now, he happened to save Xu Yi and Lisa's lives.


In the city alleys of Boston, Lisa turned on the Holy Arrival mode and ran wildly. She was carrying a backpack behind her, and inside the backpack was Xu Yi's head.

A large group of divine clones chased after him, like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

Although there are many divine evils, they are scattered in such a large city, maybe only one or two within a few kilometers.

No matter how bad their luck was, they would never be able to attract so many evil clones, twelve in total.

This is obviously because Noah Weiss gave the order to the evil clone.

Since Noah Weiss found out that he was not dead, why didn't he come in person?Xu Yi was a little confused.

But no matter what, this is absolutely good news for them.

Lisa's face turned pale. This was her second time to initiate the Holy Advent.

Although after fully mastering the ability of the Holy Witch Hunter, the sequelae are much smaller, but if it is continuously activated, the accumulation of the sequelae will become very terrifying.

The time that the black carp inherited the "Demon Heart" was too short, and it almost didn't swallow any extraordinary creature's flesh and blood, so it couldn't help at all.

"Hold on! Reinforcements will be coming soon!" Xu Yi's voice was hoarse, but at least people could hear what he was saying clearly.

He has recovered a lot now, his heart and chest have grown out, only his limbs are missing.

A black shadow swooped down from the sky and rushed towards the group of gods like a falcon.

These terrifying avatars of the gods looked like little lambs in front of the black shadow. Their bodies were pierced by sharp bone spurs and their blood was swallowed up.

Xu Yi looked at the figure quietly. After growing up during this period, the strength of the experimental subject became even more terrifying.

He became more and more curious about the quality of the hatched Fusion God blood.

Experimental Subject No. [-] killed all the evil clones, turned his head suddenly, and stared at Lisa with his blood-red pupils.

Lisa's body tensed up and she was ready to escape. The opponent was too strong and she could not be her opponent.

"Don't worry! It's just a little lamb!" Xu Yi comforted softly, not taking Experimental Subject No. [-] seriously at all.

Experimental Subject No. [-] suddenly let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground writhing in pain. His chest was broken open, and a group of black tentacles came out of it.

Of course Xu Yi would be on guard against the experimental subject, otherwise what if the experimental subject becomes too strong and uncontrollable?
So as early as the brainworm removal operation, the Evil God's Nest took the opportunity to invade the eyeless snake's body.

The eyeless snake at the heart is the core of the evil avatar. Once it is controlled, it will never make any trouble again.

After the core of Experimental Subject No. [-] was destroyed, the flesh quickly rotted and emitted a foul odor.

Lisa walked straight over and picked up the Evil God's Nest on the ground. The Evil God's Nest was wrapped in something with its tentacles.

Lisa put the Evil God's Nest into the copper jar. The tentacles of the Evil God's Nest opened, and the platinum-gold liquid flowed into the copper jar.

This is the hatched Fusion God Blood, only the size of a mung bean.

Xu Yi had already expected this. High-quality blood is made through refining. It is impossible that just because the experimental body absorbs more blood, the amount of Fusion God's blood will increase.

"Keep me close to the blood!"

What is the quality of the current Fusion God’s blood?Xu Yi couldn't wait to know.

(End of this chapter)

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