American exorcist god.

Chapter 228 S-level God-melting blood

Chapter 228 S-level God-melting blood
Lisa moved the copper can in front of Xu Yi's nose, and her ability to smell blood was activated. Xu Yi's eyes widened as he looked at the system information.

[Blood of Fusion God (Upgraded Dirty Version), "Quality: s", "Fusion Success Rate: 8%", "Promotion Potential: Red Epic——??"]

S-level!It’s actually S-level quality blood!
The prediction of the mysterious Apocalypse will not go wrong, that is to say, if you follow the normal fusion path, you can only fuse the blood of "s-" quality God Fusion in the end.

Now that the quality has been improved, it is obviously due to the work of the gods.

You must know that the blood of gods is also "S" level.

Xu Yi looked at the end of the message: "Red Epic——??".

This piece of information is very intriguing. According to the description of the "Blood God Throne", after devouring high-quality blood, the entry can reach the highest level of "Red Epic".

Now there are question marks.

Could it be that the "Blood God Throne" can surpass the red epic level?

"Blood of Fusion God (Upgraded Dirty Version)", both in terms of quality and promotion potential, cheered up Xu Yi, but when he saw the success rate of fusion, his face fell.

The success rate is less than [-]%, which is simply appalling.

"It's better to recover all the source blood first, and then purify it to see if we can improve the success rate of fusion." Xu Yi made an instant decision.

Fortunately, he created seven experimental subjects, otherwise it would be very difficult to purify such a small amount of source blood.


In a spacious and bright house.

"Is this so possible?" Xu Yi stared at the Fusion God's Blood in the test tube, his brows tightened. The situation of the Fusion God's Blood was completely beyond his expectation.

His body has returned to its original state, and his arms and legs have grown back.

After recovering the source blood of the last experimental subject, they found a nearby house. There was no one in the house, so they must have taken refuge.

Noah Weiss could chase him at any time, and Xu Yi had no time to return to the villa and could only conduct experiments here.

Luckily Annabelle has a whole host of tools in her toy space.

The cat's meow woke up Xu Yi who was in a daze, and the black carp came to Xu Yi's side.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Xu Yi touched Black Carp's head.

Black Carp was on a mission just now, taking "Xu Yi's clone" to another direction in the city.

The so-called clone is to cut the flesh and blood from Xu Yi's body, and then add some medicine. The "added" flesh and blood will emit a strong bloody smell and attract the evil spirits away.

This was something that had to be done, otherwise Xu Yi would not be able to calm down and purify the blood if the evil clones kept coming to harass him.

"But it's not the time to rest yet." Xu Yi took out an Evil God's Nest and threw it at the black carp, which swallowed it in one gulp.

Black Carp went out again and disappeared from Xu Yi's sight after a few jumps.

Black Carp is preparing to find Noah Weiss.

Noah Weiss never came after him, which made Xu Yi a little uneasy, so he could only let Black Carp take the risk and take the Evil God's Nest to monitor the opponent.

After watching the black carp leave, Xu Yi's attention returned to the experiment.

The blood of Fusion God is platinum and looks dazzling, but if you look closely, you will find that hair-like black is mixed in it.

The goal of blood purification is to separate these "black hairs".

But he tried all methods, even burned the entries, and used the ability of "occult inspiration", but he couldn't find any clue.

At this time, he began to miss the "occult revelation", but it never happened. Xu Yi knew that he could not place his hope on luck.

Could it be said that the blood of the Fusion God hatched from the clone of the evil god cannot be purified at all, just like the blood of the evil god?
"Should we try to fuse directly? After all, there is an 8% success rate." A thought suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

.........This is a desperate fight between two monsters.

The sharp claws and dragon wings tore through the air, and the golden flames collided with the viscous black liquid, causing a violent explosion, and the surrounding buildings collapsed.

The dragon-transformed Daniel was covered in golden flames, and his strong dragon scales were directly torn apart, and the blood was evaporated by the flames as soon as it spilled out.

Daniel gasped for breath. Because of his dragon transformation, his breath was extremely hot.

He was covered in scars, but Noah Weiss looked like he was only slightly injured, with only cracked marks on his chest, like broken glass.

This situation had been expected by Daniel. He would not think that being injected with the dragon's blood explosive potion would make him an opponent of the gods.

"If you want to kill Noah Weiss, you only have one chance!"

Daniel felt the contents of his pocket with an extremely focused expression.

During the battle, he had been protecting the contents of his pockets from being destroyed.

On a tall building not far away, Black Carp quietly watched the battle below. Xu Yi's monitor was finally in place.

Through the vision of the Evil God's Nest, Xu Yi finally figured out the reason why he escaped.

Although the other party had changed a lot, he still recognized the other party's identity. When he saw Daniel, he was not too surprised.

When he saw Daniel's eyes at Finn Manor, he knew that the other party would definitely fight for Noah Weiss.

Not only for revenge, but also to wash away one's own sins.

If you look at it from another angle, the Finn family was "annihilated", and Daniel can be said to be the "mastermind behind the scenes".

Even though that wasn't his intention, that's what happened.

The resurrection of the Abomination came from the wrong judgment of vampires and werewolves. They originally wanted to resurrect Ryan, but they did not expect that the Abomination was lurking in Ryan's flesh and blood.

The "truth" is actually very clear. Finn set himself on fire because he discovered that the evil was lurking in his body, and he could not drive away the evil, so he could only choose to "die together."

The vampire Barton was hesitant at first because he had a premonition that something was not going to happen and wanted to stop it, but it was because of Daniel's persuasion that he continued the ritual.

Xu Yi recognized Daniel's identity when he was in the Tote Library. The other person was the mysterious man in black standing next to the altar.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage.

Daniel's dragon wings were torn off, and hot blood spurted out from the wound. Daniel's powerful and heavy fist struck Noah Weiss's chest, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His attacks don't have much structure, but he remembers one thing, which is to keep attacking the opponent's chest.

There was a crack in Noah Weiss's chest, and the unimaginably strong body was finally broken, and Daniel's hand was inserted into Noah Weiss's chest.

But Noah Weiss's counterattack was even more fierce. He inserted one hand into Daniel's eye socket, dug out the eyeball, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it.

Daniel endured the severe pain in his eyes, took out a syringe from his hidden pocket, inserted it into Noah Weiss's wound, and injected all the purple medicine in the syringe into Noah Weiss' body.

Noah Weiss, who had always been expressionless, suddenly let out a painful roar, threw Daniel out, and hit the building next to him hard.

The panting Daniel suddenly smiled. The purple potion was made by him using the extract from the remains of the giant cocoon.

After his research, he discovered that the giant cocoon wrapping the divine evil contained some special toxin, which was extremely lethal to the divine evil.

This is also one of the reasons why the divine evil must use the Blade of Scourge to break out of its cocoon.

Purple lines spread across Noah Weiss's body, and Noah Weiss coughed violently, coughing up turbid black blood.

He fell to the ground in pain, his body curled up and trembling unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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