American exorcist god.

Chapter 229 Card Bug

Chapter 229 Card Bug
After Noah Weiss struggled painfully for a moment, he gradually stopped moving and lay motionless on the ground.

Daniel's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the toxin extracted from the giant cocoon to be so effective.

He stood up and prepared to go over and deal with Noah Weiss.

But Noah Weiss's chest suddenly split open, and a dark heart was forcibly squeezed out, along with purple toxin.

Noah Weiss slowly opened his eyes, his face could not hide his fatigue, and his eyes flashed with anger.

He stood up suddenly, and the corrosive black water gathered in his palm, turning into a sharp "black knife". Daniel wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

The "black knife" penetrated Daniel's abdomen, the small intestine was corroded and blood flowed, and Daniel screamed miserably.

Noah Weiss opened his mouth wide and his teeth were fine and sharp. He bit into Daniel's arm. The strong dragon scales could not stop it. The flesh and blood were torn apart, and even the bones inside were bitten off.

Daniel was "hugged" tightly by Noah Weiss, unable to break free.Both of his arms were chewed off and he completely lost his ability to resist.

A look of despair flashed through Daniel's eyes, and Noah Weiss was about to eat his head and suck out the brains.

The silver light suddenly flashed past, and it was accurately nailed into Noah Weiss's chest that had not yet healed. It was a long needle engraved with complex patterns.

The long needle pierced into Noah Weiss's body, and countless sharp thorns grew out, like thorns.

Noah Weiss was in pain and took back one hand, trying to pull out the thorns on his chest. Daniel took this opportunity to break free from Noah Weiss's restraints.

Daniel was very familiar with the long needle that pierced the opponent's chest. He turned his head and saw the figure he least expected to see.

"Mia! Let's go!" Daniel roared angrily.

Although he said goodbye to Mia on the phone and entrusted the Finn family's children to her, she still came.

Mia threw out a chain. The chain was only as thick as a thumb and half an inch long. But when it was flying in the air, the front end of the chain began to extend, and in the blink of an eye it became a hundred meters long.
The chains did not fly to Noah Weiss, but to Daniel, binding Daniel tightly.

"Don't worry about me! Let's go!" Daniel vaguely realized what Mia wanted to do and yelled anxiously.

Mia turned her head and looked in the direction of the city, trying to feel the familiar atmosphere. She suddenly felt something and pointed at the chain.

The chain flew into the air, taking Daniel away from the battlefield.

Mia was already very familiar with this kind of thing, just like she had protected Daniel countless times before.

Of course, Noah Weiss could not watch the "delicious food" slip away from his eyes, and he pounced towards Daniel.

Mia cut her palm and blood poured into the bronze bracelet in her palm.

She recited an unknown ancient language and suddenly threw out the bracelet. The bracelet intercepted in front of Noah Weiss and exploded suddenly.

A large amount of molten metal poured out of the bracelet and turned into dense and sharp thorns. Noah Weiss was trapped in the thorn forest and was unable to move for a moment.

Ordinary magic weapons cannot do this. This is Mia's exorcism sacred weapon, the guardian thorn.

"Be careful!" Daniel shouted.

He wanted to break free from the chains, but he was too seriously injured and too weak. If the dragon's blood potion was not still taking effect, he would have died long ago.

Noah Weiss's "eating" was interrupted several times, and he was completely angry. He hit his head against the metal thorn, and his head was shattered, but densely packed eyeless snakes came out from under his neck and replaced the head.

The Noah Weiss before at least had a human form, but now he has completely transformed into a terrifying monster.

The eyeless snake used its sharp teeth to tear apart the metal thorns and forcefully broke through the blockade of the exorcism artifact.

"No!" Daniel roared desperately.

Mia was concentrating on controlling the exorcism artifact, so she couldn't see that a broken eyeless snake escaped from the thorn forest at some point and swam behind Mia.

The body of the eyeless snake arched up and shot up, instantly piercing Mia's abdomen. The blood stained Mia's white wedding dress. Because she rushed over in a hurry, she didn't even have time to change into her wedding dress.

Two lines of blood and tears slipped from the corners of Daniel's eyes. At this moment, all the light in his pupils was extinguished, and he allowed the chains to take him away.


Xu Yi kept taking deep breaths to adjust himself to the best condition.

He no longer hesitated, inserted the syringe into his arm, and injected all the white-gold liquid into his body.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to directly inject the blood of Fusion God. Although the fusion success rate was only 8%, what if it could create a miracle? [It has been detected that high-quality blood has entered the body. Do you want to open the blood throne and perform "melting blood to ascend to the gods"? (Note that "Blood Ascension" can only be activated once, please choose carefully!)]

Xu Yi chose "yes" without hesitation.

["Blood-Blooded Ascension" will be accompanied by violent reactions, please be prepared. 】

Xu Yi suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground, twitching in pain.

Lisa's face was full of heartache, but she couldn't do anything because Xu Yi had already told her not to stop her no matter what she saw. She just had to guard the door and not let the evil beings disturb her.

Xu Yi felt like he was falling into the lava, and the flesh and blood all over his body began to melt. He longed for a basin of water to pour on his body to help him cool down.

The next second, his wish came true.

He was shivering with cold, as if he had fallen into a polar cold pool. The biting cold enveloped his whole body, and all the cells in his body were frozen into ice slag.

But he would rather continue to bear the burning of the magma.

Ice and fire raged alternately in Xu Yi's body. In extreme pain, Xu Yi was waiting for redemption, waiting for that "sweet spring" to repair his tattered body.

But "Osmantic Spring" did not wait, but waited for the system prompt.

["Blood-melting to Godhood" is about to fail, the "Return of Honor" ability will be activated, and the entry will always be at the "Blue Normal" level. 】

The miracle did not happen, and the fusion success rate of 8% was still too low.

Xu Yi endured the pain, touched the alchemy revolver Messiah that had been prepared nearby, and pointed it at his temple.

Before Lisa could react, she pulled the trigger.

The super-accelerated regeneration entry is always on by default, but Xu Yi can also choose to turn it off. The moment before pulling the trigger, he turned off the super-accelerated regeneration entry.

The bullet penetrated his brain, and without the blessing of the super-accelerated regeneration entry, his body was just that of an ordinary person.

Xu Yi committed suicide.

A faint golden light lit up in front of his eyes. Xu Yi had not returned to the resurrection space for a long time.

He has a total of 22 resurrection coins on him, including the remaining 16 coins he used before and the 6 coins he got from signing in in the past six months.

One resurrection coin is used, and there are 21 left.

If "Blood to Ascend to God" fails, the entry will be fixed at the blue ordinary level. For an entry as precious as the Blood God Throne, it is a complete waste of resources.

But he has a resurrection coin. As long as he commits suicide before failure and lets time go back, it means he has not failed.

Xu Yi had long been aware of this bug, so he merged with only an 8% chance.

This is equivalent to buying a lottery ticket. If the integration is successful, everyone will be happy. If it fails, the loss of a resurrection coin is acceptable.

Going back in time, Xu Yi was resurrected 10 minutes ago.

He stood in front of the experimental table, quietly staring at the blood of the fused god in the test tube.

He now has two options.

One is to continue injecting the blood of the Fusion God and bet on the 8% chance; the other is to run away and stay away from cities like Boston.

After the fusion attempt just now, he already felt that the hope of successful fusion was slim.

The latter seems to be a good choice. Now that he has obtained the blood of Fusion God, as long as he is given time, he can always find a way to improve the success rate of fusion.

But Noah Weiss was bombarded by the Blade of Scourge and injured by the toxins in the cocoon. He was in a weak state, which was the easiest time to solve it.

When Xu Yi successfully melts the blood, Noah Weiss will definitely recover. By then, the opponent will have devoured more blood of extraordinary creatures, and his strength will become even more terrifying.

Besides, escaping Boston is a problem in itself, and when Noah Weiss takes care of the blockers, they will definitely come to him.

Xu Yi frowned, a little hesitant.

(End of this chapter)

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