American exorcist god.

Chapter 230 Ryan’s resurrection?

Chapter 230 Ryan’s resurrection?

Xu Yi thought about how to break the situation, and before he knew it, more than ten minutes passed.

He took a deep breath and was about to make a decision, when a black shadow suddenly broke through the glass of the window and broke into the room.

It was a monster bleeding all over.

Lisa immediately made a fighting stance, and Xu Yi also tightened his grip on the alchemy revolver, but when he saw the opponent clearly, he stopped Lisa from attacking.

"Professor Daniel?" Xu Yi said softly.

He had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield through the Evil God's Nest. He knew that Mia had sent Daniel out, but he didn't expect that she was sending it to him.

Does Mia think he is safer here?Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh a little, he couldn't protect himself now.

The chain, used as an exorcist, had exhausted its energy by sending Daniel here.

Daniel could easily break free, but he didn't. He lay on the ground, motionless.

Daniel rolled his eyes, and his gaze only stayed on the test tube for a moment, and then looked away, his eyes in a daze.

"Professor Daniel, can you help me take a look at this potion?" Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Daniel, and he spoke repeatedly.

In the field of extraordinary blood research, Daniel is the real master.

Daniel was born in the Finn family, and the Toth Library has been open to him since he was a child. Daniel is extremely talented, and his dedicated research day and night cannot be compared to a "half-way guy" like Xu Yi.

So maybe the other party knows why the blood of Fusion God cannot be purified.

Professor Daniel did not respond, looking at the ceiling blankly.

With the Dragon Blood Explosion Potion, he could still be alive for the time being, but his heart was dead.

He didn't want to do anything and couldn't do anything.

He even hoped that the effects of the medicine would wear off quickly. Now every minute and second of his life was so painful and torturous.

Xu Yi frowned slightly when he saw Daniel's appearance.

Now even if you put the muzzle of the gun against the opponent's head, there will be no response from the opponent.

The psychological trauma suffered by the other party was so severe that the brain spontaneously closed its self-awareness and refused to communicate with the outside world.

Fortunately, Xu Yi is an expert in this field. He has a psychology entry and knows very well how to make the other party "return to his soul."

"Professor Daniel, you must have been troubled! Although you were born in the Finn family, you are just an ordinary person and failed to inherit the talent of an exorcist. As an ambitious person, you cannot accept this."

Xu Yi used the cold reading technique in psychology to construct a psychological portrait of Daniel.

"So you worked hard to learn family knowledge, and finally found a way to achieve extraordinary results, which is the blood of Olivedo. However, the experiment progressed to a certain level and began to stagnate."

Xu Yi walked up to Daniel and stared into his eyes quietly.

"Of course this can't trouble you. You plan to learn from Ryan's blood. For this reason, you did not hesitate to cooperate with the werewolf vampire and directed and acted in a big show on the plane. Now that Ryan's remains are in hand, the next step is to resurrect Ryan and have a glimpse of it. The secret of the opponent’s blood…”

Xu Yi's voice suddenly became extremely cold, "The evil god was resurrected because of you. You killed your family! And you killed the person you loved most! But you don't feel guilty, you just regret that you couldn't Embark on the path to transcendence!”

Xu Yi's words were so poisonous that even Lisa couldn't bear it and turned away.

Daniel finally reacted. He roared and stood up, rushing towards Xu Yi like a wild beast.But both of his hands were broken and he had no fighting power at all. Xu Yi picked up Daniel by his collar and slammed him on the experimental table.

Xu Yi stared at Daniel fiercely, "Did I say something wrong? You coward! Mia is so blind when she sees someone like you. Are you going to give up before you die? What do you want? Don’t want revenge?”

When Daniel heard the word "revenge", there was finally some light in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he spoke softly, "What do you need me to do for you?"

"Help me purify this blood, and I will kill Noah Weiss for you!"

Xu Yi decided to risk everything. Instead of running away like a defeated dog, it was better to fight.

Daniel looked into Xu Yi's eyes and nodded, "Okay! Tell me about the blood potion."

The situation was urgent, so Xu Yi explained the blood production process in the most concise words, without hiding anything.

In the past, Daniel would have been amazed by Xu Yi's train of thought, but he knew there was no time. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Inject the blood into my heart."

Although Xu Yi was a little confused, he still did it.

After the Fusion God's blood was injected into Daniel's heart, Daniel's face became even paler, and blood surged all over his body.

After a moment, he collapsed on the ground tiredly and said in a hoarse voice, "Cut my chest."

Daniel has no hands, so Xu Yi can only do it for him.

The knife cut open Daniel's chest, and the white-gold blood was squeezed out. Xu Yi caught it with a test tube and observed carefully that the impurities inside had indeed become less.

[Blood of Fusion God (slightly purified version), "quality; s", "fusion success rate: 13%", "promotion potential: red epic——??"]

Xu Yi frowned involuntarily. The fusion success rate increased from "8%" to "13%". This was indeed an improvement, but the degree of improvement was too small.

"This is the limit of what I can do." Daniel explained, "The reason why vampires and werewolves suffer from the blight disease is because their blood contains the 'god's filth factor', which is the filth factor in the blood of the gods. of impurities.”

"So Ryan can cure the emaciation disease because he can absorb the evil filth factor?" Xu Yi asked.

Daniel nodded, "Yes, I was imitating Ryan just now, using the dragon's blood in the heart to absorb the filthy factors in it, but after all, I am not Ryan, and I can only do this to this extent."

Daniel was a little frustrated, "I want to be greatly purified, unless Ryan is resurrected."

He raised his head and stared at Xu Yi, "You'd better leave as soon as possible! I know what you just said was just to deliberately anger me. I thank you again on behalf of the children of the Finn family."

Xu Yi did not answer, staring at the blood of Fusion God in the test tube.

Do you want to try again?He was very confused. Although the fusion probability had increased, the improvement was too small.

At this moment, a sonic boom suddenly came from the horizon. Xu Yi and Daniel's attention was instantly attracted, and they looked up from the balcony window.

A figure crossed the sky and flew in the direction of Noah Weiss.

Huge wings spread out behind the figure, and blood-colored flames seemed to be burning in the scarlet pupils. When the figure roared, the sharp fangs of a vampire were revealed.

She was a very beautiful girl, with a strange totem mark engraved between her eyebrows, with the sun and the moon intertwined.

Xu Yi's eyes widened in surprise, with disbelief on his face, because that was actually Carlisle!

What surprised him even more was that Daniel suddenly screamed, "It's Ryan! Ryan is resurrected!"

(End of this chapter)

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