American exorcist god.

Chapter 231 If someone takes away your beloved thing

Chapter 231 If someone takes away your beloved thing
half an hour ago.

Carlisle watched Xu Yi melted by the black water with his own eyes, and then watched Lisa leave and fall to the ground on the rooftop, with a look of despair on his face.

At this moment, the door to the rooftop was pushed open, and a black shadow slowly walked in. Carlisle turned his head warily.

It wasn't a clone of God. The other person looked familiar. After thinking about it for a moment, Carlisle finally remembered, "Are you a vampire on the plane? Why did you help us that day?"

"Because you are special." Barton replied calmly.

On the plane that day, the vampires fought for the box containing Ryan's flesh and nearly hurt Carlisle.

But this was just a show played by Barton and Daniel. The whereabouts of Ryan's flesh and blood were also revealed to him by Daniel.

Before the plan started, Daniel repeatedly emphasized not to accidentally injure innocent people, so the entire "robbery" process was unusually restrained.

But this was not enough for Barton to take action and repel his own people.

The first-generation vampire has a certain chance of awakening his natural ability. He is one of the lucky ones. His ability is "premonition".

When he resurrected Ryan's flesh and blood, he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

But at that time, he felt that the worst-case scenario was that the resurrected Ryan would lose control.

With the werewolves and vampires present, they could handle it completely. Daniel was also persuading him. In order to solve the blight disease, he resolutely chose to take risks.

That was also the choice he regretted most.

The reason why Barton saved Carlisle was because of his premonition ability.

The moment he saw Carlisle, he had a hunch that Carlisle would be the next "Ryan".

"Do you like Xu Yi?" Barton suddenly spoke and broke the silence.

Carlisle was stunned, no matter how much she thought, Barton came to her to ask about her relationship issues.

She couldn't deny it, lowered her head and said nothing.

Barton looked into the distance with a nostalgic look, "I also have a girl I like, to be precise, my wife. Unfortunately, they are all dead and were killed by me."

Barton said the most tragic things in a calm tone, and Carlisle was stunned.

"Maybe they don't want me to take revenge, they just want me to live well, but I still have to do it, do you know why?" Barton turned to look at Carlisle.

"To make your heart not hurt so much?" Carlisle unconsciously covered his heart, where there was a dull throbbing pain.

Barton did not continue the topic and said intentionally or unintentionally, "Do you think Xu Yi will avenge you if you die?"

Carlisle curled up, tears falling silently.

Her life was saved by Xu Yi, although Xu Yi kept saying that the two of them were even, saving each other once.

But after she learned about Xu Yi's power, she knew very well that Xu Yi would not die after falling into the water.

"I want revenge, do you have any idea?"

Carlisle suddenly raised his head and stared at Barton.

She knew that the other party would not come to her for no reason. If the other party could say this, he must have a way of revenge.

Barton took out an injection. The liquid inside was bright red and reflected the light of ruby.

"This is Ryan's blood potion, which can give you powerful power and allow you to become Ryan. That monster was defeated by Ryan and fell into a long sleep."

After the god of evil was resurrected, Barton re-read the ancient books left by the vampire family.

From the clues in the text, he glimpsed the truth of history.

When Lane died, Dracula, as the ancestor of vampires, saw hope. He has never been willing to be ruled by Lane.

In order to legitimately obtain the inheritance rights of the kingdom, he prepares to become the new "Ryan".

So he devoured Ryan's flesh and blood.

At the beginning, Dracula's power was indeed greatly enhanced, but soon he discovered that he was suffering from severe emaciation disease.

They are all descendants of Dracula, with Dracula's blood flowing in their bodies, and the blight disease will naturally appear on them.

The situation of the werewolf is similar. Dracula, who went crazy after getting sick, attacked the ancestor of the werewolf and fed him his own blood, hoping to kill the werewolf.As the first-generation vampire, what kind of serious injury could cause Dracula to sleep under an ancient tomb for hundreds of years?

Serious injuries are just an excuse, they are actually used to delay the outbreak of the blight disease through deep sleep.

"Why me?" Carlisle really couldn't understand why the other party wanted to find her as an ordinary person.

"I told you, you are special."

Barton didn't explain much, but he also didn't choose to lie.

"The Ryan blood agent can indeed give you powerful power, but that is only if the fusion is successful. If it fails, there will be only one result, and that is death."

With Barton's strength, he could forcibly inject blood into Carlisle, but he would not do that. He wanted to leave a little hope for the surviving werewolves and vampires.

"You make your own choice!" He put the blood potion on the ground and turned to leave.

Carlisle looked at Barton's back in a daze. After hesitating for a moment, she picked up the injection on the ground with trembling hands.

Can she really fuse Ryan's blood agent?What if it fails?
Even if she succeeds, can she really defeat the terrifying monster?
Ever since she was a child, she has always been a very timid person, and she even dared not turn off the light to sleep at night.

She suddenly remembered something. When she was a dance teacher at Finn Manor, there might be a problem with the wiring in the room where she lived, and the lights in the room suddenly went out.

It was a moonless night, and the room was dark. She was so scared that she huddled under the quilt and shivered, fearing that some monster would burst out of the darkness and eat her.

She recalled what happened when she was a child. Because her classmates were jealous of her winning a dance award, they led her to an abandoned equipment room, saying that the teacher asked her to go there to help clean up.

Then she was locked inside because the place was too remote. No matter how much she yelled, no one came to save her.

She was only seven years old at the time. After banging on the door for a while, she got tired and fell asleep in the equipment room unknowingly.

When I woke up, it was completely dark outside.

It was also a moonless night. She was locked in a dark room and she didn't even dare to cry loudly for fear of attracting some monsters. She could only tremble and sob softly.

She was not found by the police until early the next morning.

After that day, she had to sleep with the light on at night and would wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.

Her aunt knew about her problem, so she would prepare a flashlight for her next to the pillow, but she was in such a hurry that she forgot to take the flashlight.

Just when she was shivering and at a loss, the door suddenly opened.

"It's so late, haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing Xu Yi's familiar voice, Carlisle suddenly lost his fear.

"Go to bed early! Go to bed early and get up early for good health!" Xu Yi dragged his tired body to the floor and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

"What time is it? You should go to bed early." Carlisle complained softly.

Something magical happened. Listening to Xu Yi's steady breathing, she felt inexplicably at ease and fell asleep without even realizing it.

This was the first time in so many years that she fell asleep without lights in the room, and she slept extremely peacefully.

But now that Xu Yi is dead, she will no longer be able to hear that soothing breathing sound.

Carlisle silently pulled out the protective syringe, pointed the needle at his arm, and plunged it in.

When she was very young, children who didn't like her would always snatch her toys and tear her cherished toys into pieces.

Whether she told the teacher or her mother, they just told her to be generous and that she was just a toy.

Until one time, she couldn't bear it any longer and beat the bad boy who snatched her toy so hard that he cried loudly.

Although she was criticized by the teacher later, she was very happy because from then on, no bad kids robbed her things.

At that time, she understood a truth.

If someone takes away your beloved thing, you cannot be cowardly, let alone shrink back, you must show the other person a bit of shame!
Carlisle pressed the injection switch and injected all the blood into the body.

Her eyes were extremely firm.

Since meeting a unicorn as a child, her "sixth sense" has become extremely strong, and she has a hunch that she will succeed!

(End of this chapter)

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