American exorcist god.

Chapter 232 Purifying the Blood of Fusion God

Chapter 232 Purifying the Blood of Fusion God
"It actually succeeded!" Daniel was surprised as he watched Carlisle fly away. After a moment, he slowly spoke out.

"Professor Daniel, do you know what's going on?"

Xu Yi looked at Daniel and looked at his reaction. He seemed to know the reason why Carlisle became "Ryan".

"We have retained part of Ryan's flesh and blood. After the Abomination incident, Barton asked me to extract Ryan's blood and create an injection that can be fused."

Daniel sighed, "The fusion success rate of injections is not even one thousandth. For ordinary people, injections will basically lead to death. I don't know how Carlisle did it?"

Xu Yi thought of unicorns. Carlisle was blessed by a unicorn when he was young. Could it be related to this?
"I've studied Carlisle's blood, and it's obviously the blood of ordinary people!" Daniel looked confused.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly thought of something else.

Back at Carlisle's aunt's house, when Carlisle got close to Ryan's flesh, black tentacles appeared on the flesh.

He originally thought that those tentacles came from the gods and appeared because of the desire for Carlisle's blood. Now according to Daniel, Carlisle's blood seems to be ordinary.

Could it be that the appearance of those black tentacles was due to Ryan's remaining will?

"You just said that as long as you can purify the blood of the Fusion God, you can kill Noah Weiss?"

Daniel suddenly turned his head and stared at Xu Yi, hoping to get a positive answer.

"I'm not sure, but I'm [-] to [-] percent sure." Xu Yi had enough confidence in the Blood God Throne, but he still didn't say it too fully.

"That's enough! Let's go find Carlisle and I'll teach her how to absorb the filthy factors of the gods!" Daniel cheered up.

As long as he can kill Noah Weiss, let alone a [-]-[-]% certainty, he will try even if it is a [-]% chance.

"No need." Xu Yi shook his head and looked up at the horizon, "They are coming!"

Noah Weiss climbed tall buildings and jumped between tall buildings.

Although it cannot fly, its sturdy body can easily offset the impact of falling.Black waterspouts appear around its body, and the rotating waterspouts generate powerful suction.

Wherever Noah Weiss went, it was like the God of Death passing by. Even the people hiding in the houses were not spared, and the blood in their bodies was drawn out.

Dense lines of blood flew out from below and poured into Noah Weiss's body.

After Noah Weiss emerged from his cocoon, he kept fighting and getting injured. Now he needs to absorb blood to recover from his injuries.

A dark shadow chased him, it was Carlisle.

Carlisle shook the black wings behind her, and her nails grew sharply, extremely sharp.

She rushed towards Noah Weiss, her nails scratching like knives.

Xu Yi and Daniel both had a clear understanding of the sturdiness of Noah Weiss's body, but the sharp nails actually tore Noah Weiss's body apart, leaving bloody traces.

Xu Yi observed something more subtle. Carlisle's hands were covered with light red flames. The red was very light, as if transparent. If he didn't have the Dark Eye, he might not have been able to detect it.

Those flames seemed to restrain the evil spirits.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered that the evil god seemed to have fallen into Ryan's hands once.

Ryan set himself on fire, and the evil being was forced into deep sleep. Could it be that he used the translucent flame in front of him?

Carlisle was dancing on death's scythe every time he made a kill.

With her lightning speed and ability to fly, she escaped Noah Weiss' "catch" time and time again.

As long as she is caught by Noah Weiss, this battle will come to an end.

Although the light red flame can restrain the evil, it can only hurt the opponent. If you want to kill Noah Weiss, this intensity of flame is far from enough.

"Although the blood agent has been successfully fused, if you want to obtain a power close to Ryan's, you still need to go through a long blood exchange period." Daniel knew the situation clearly.A huge cyan light prison suddenly rose from the ground, trapping Noah Weiss.

The special task force finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action. If the evil was allowed to continue, many people in this city would die.

They carved the magic circle silently, and when Noah Weiss entered the range of the magic circle, they immediately activated it.

A large group of exorcists came out from the hidden corner, and all kinds of methods rushed towards the gods like a storm.

"Carlisle!" Xu Yi's eyes lit up, and he took advantage of this opportunity to shout loudly.

He didn't dare to say anything just now, for fear of distracting Carlisle and causing him to be caught by Noah Weiss and put him in danger.

Now that the people from the special task force are taking action and Carlisle is in the observation stage, he dares to speak out.

Carlisle heard a familiar voice and turned her head suddenly. With the strong eyesight of the vampires, she discovered Xu Yi in the house.

"Xu Yi!" Carlisle rushed down, smashed the window of the house, and rushed towards Xu Yi, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart.

Xu Yi felt like he had caught a cannonball. He patted Carlisle on the head. Knowing that now was not the time to comfort him, he took two steps back.

He stared into the other person's eyes, "Carlisle, I need your help!"

Carlisle also responded and nodded solemnly.

Daniel began to explain that the principle of absorbing the filthy factors of the gods was not complicated, and this was originally Ryan's ability. Carlisle, who was fused with Ryan's blood, quickly understood it.

"Will absorbing the evil filth factor cause harm to Carlisle's body?" Xu Yi asked worriedly.

"Of course there will be injuries, but they won't be fatal. You will probably get seriously ill." Daniel did not hide it.

Xu Yi wanted to ask again, but was stopped by Carlisle.

"No problem, let's get started!" Carlisle looked at Xu Yi with firm eyes.

Xu Yi hesitated for two seconds and handed over the Blood of Fusion God.

Carlisle tapped the test tube with her finger, and the blood of the Fusion God was automatically attracted to the sharp nails. She pierced her chest with her nails and injected the blood into her heart.

Qi and blood surged all over her body, and her face became extremely pale.

After a moment, she pulled out the hand that had stabbed her chest and let the Fusion God's blood on her nails flow back into the test tube.

Xu Yi stared closely at the Fusion God's blood in the test tube. The platinum-gold blood became more and more dazzling, and the ability to smell the blood was also activated at the same time.

[Blood of Fusion God (purified), "quality; s", "fusion success rate: 31%", "promotion potential: red epic——??"]

"I'm sorry, I can only do this!" Carlisle sat weakly on the sofa, his voice hoarse.

Xu Yi shook his head, "You have done a good job."

The fusion success rate only increased to "31%", which was actually what Xu Yi expected.

It is difficult to eliminate the evil and filthy factors. Carlisle is not Ryan after all. There is a huge gap in strength between the two.

Xu Yi knew very well that being able to achieve this level was already the limit.

"I hope it will succeed!" Xu Yi prayed secretly.

In order to speed up the effect, he inserted the injection into his heart and injected it all without hesitation.

A familiar burning sensation came, and Xu Yi fell to the ground in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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