American exorcist god.

Chapter 233: Fusion of Blood and Ascension to God

Chapter 233: Fusion of Blood and Ascension to God
Xu Yi stared at the Fusion God's blood in the test tube with an ugly expression on his face.

After Carlisle's purification, the success rate of fusion had increased to 31%, but he still failed, for which he paid another resurrection coin.

Logically speaking, the probability of 31% is not low. As long as you keep trying, you will always succeed.

But how many times does it take to succeed?
He only has a maximum of five resurrection opportunities a day. What if the opportunities run out and the fusion is not successful by then?
At that time, there was no room for error at all.

Xu Yi knew very well that he couldn't take chances. He planned to try twice more. If it didn't work, he could only consider other methods.

But he didn't act rashly. He looked at Carlisle.

"Carlisle, do you have any secrets to being able to fuse Ryan's blood agent?"

According to Daniel, the fusion success rate of Ryan's blood agent is not even one in ten million. Is it just luck that Carlisle can do it?
"I'm not too sure." Carlisle looked confused, but she suddenly remembered something and murmured to herself, "Colored light... I remember that when they merged, I seemed to see colored light."

Xu Yi frowned in thought, completely clueless.

After Carlisle used his body to absorb the filthy factors of the gods, he became very weak. Those filthy factors are no less poisonous to any living thing than blood-sealing poison.

She was lying on the sofa, almost in a semi-conscious state.

But she knew that she couldn't fall asleep yet, and Xu Yi still needed her help. She bit the tip of her tongue with her sharp fangs and woke herself up through the pain.

"Xu Yi, give me your blood, I want to try it." Carlisle forced himself to sit up straight.

Xu Yi was a little hesitant. The other party's health was so bad that it was really not suitable to take risks and do other things.

But when he met Carlisle's firm eyes, he handed over the test tube.

Carlisle once again pierced the heart with sharp nails. Her muscles tightened and her body was shaking from the severe pain.

When she pulled out her nails, her face was as pale as a piece of white paper, and her forehead was wet with cold sweat.

There was a heavy drop of blood on her fingernails, her original blood.

After becoming the new "Ryan", she inherited the abilities of werewolves and vampires, and naturally also has source blood.

After squeezing out the source blood from her body, her strength will permanently decline and it will be difficult to make up for it.

Carlisle dropped the source blood into the test tube.

The origin blood is crystal red, like a clear red crystal. Xu Yi discovered a strange place. In the center of the origin blood, there were colorful lights flashing.

According to common sense, if new blood is mixed in, the Fusion God's blood is likely to be destroyed, but Xu Yi doesn't care. The worst is to spend a resurrection coin.

He chose to believe Carlisle.

Xu Yi wanted to go over and support the weak Carlisle to comfort him.

But Carlisle shook her head and stopped Xu Yi's movements. She handed the test tube back to Xu Yi with a slight smile on her lips.

The next second, her eyes closed and she fell softly on the sofa.

Xu Yi was startled and hurried over to check Carlisle's condition. He was slightly relieved when he found that it was just because he was too weak that he was in coma.

He put the test tube in front of his eyes and observed it. A special fragrance wafted over, and his blood smelling ability was activated. Then he was stunned.

[Blood of Fusion God (being blessed), "Quality: s+", "Fusion Success Rate: ??", "Promotion Potential: Red Epic——??"]

A lot of question marks also appeared in Xu Yi's mind, followed by ecstasy.

The quality of the blood of the Fusion God has actually reached "s+", surpassing the blood of the sinner!

At the same time, Noah Weiss, who was fighting with the special task force, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Xu Yi. He had never encountered such a sweet smell of blood, even more than the original Holy Son!

A large amount of black water gushes out from its body. The black water is like a blade, cutting through the cyan array light curtain, and the light curtain collapses.The expressions of the exorcists of the special task force changed greatly, but they suddenly discovered that the divine evil did not attack them at all, but rushed downwards.

Xu Yi was also aware of the situation above, and he injected the "S+" quality God-melting blood into his heart without hesitation.

The fusion success rate displayed on the system was an unknown question mark, but he had an inexplicable intuition that it would be successful this time!

Xu Yi suddenly realized that what was taken out from Carlisle's heart was not only Ryan's blood, but also the "blessing" of the unicorn.

Otherwise, it is impossible to make the blood reach "s+" quality.

Carlisle transferred the "blessing" of the unicorn to Xu Yi. From then on, Carlisle will completely lose this blessing.

This gift was too valuable, but Xu Yi knew very well that the more so, the harder it was to live up to the other person's expectations.

The blood of Fusion God spread from the heart to the whole body, and the pain that was a hundred times stronger than before hit, like a violent storm.

He felt like every cell in his body was being crushed over and over again.

He fell to the ground, his body twitching wildly, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even make a sound.

Everyone present looked at Xu Yi worriedly, fearing that Xu Yi would die of pain.

pain!It really hurts!

Xu Yi fainted from the pain one second, and woke up from the pain the next. He seemed to have fallen into an abyss of pain, and the torture of hell was nothing more than that.

He was covered in blood, with blood oozing from every pore on his body. All the organs in his body were destroyed by the bursting blood energy and turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

Just when his consciousness was about to collapse, a "sweet spring" suddenly gushes out from his heart and pours on his broken body.

[Blending blood and becoming a god is successful!Your body is about to step onto the "steps of God"! 】

The pain gradually left Xu Yi, replaced by warmth, as if he had been trudging through the cold snow for countless years and suddenly soaked in a steamy hot spring.

Success!Finally succeeded!
Xu Yi breathed a long sigh of relief, his whole consciousness was between half coma and half awake.

In the real world, Xu Yi suddenly stopped twitching, and platinum-gold gelatinous liquid overflowed from the surface of his skin. The liquid wrapped Xu Yi's body and solidified quickly.

A long cocoon appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone present subconsciously moved away from the white cocoon. They felt an unprecedented oppression. It seemed that there was an ancient beast hidden in the cocoon, and the thunderous heartbeat came from the cocoon.

In the underground command room.

Boston's top brass also saw the white cocoon. Although they couldn't feel the aura of the giant cocoon, they could figure it out through the reactions of the people present.

The mayor of Boston suddenly stood up from his stool and almost shouted an order, "Give this order to the exorcists of the special task force! Protect that white cocoon at all costs!"

The moment the white cocoon appeared, he clearly saw that Noah Weiss's body was trembling slightly.

The god of evil is actually afraid!The god is actually afraid of the creature in the white cocoon!
The sound of Bai Cocoon's heartbeat woke up Lisa. She suddenly realized something, rushed towards Bai Cocoon on the ground, and picked up Bai Cocoon.

Shenglin activated, pale golden light flashed from her pupils, Lisa hugged the white cocoon that Xu Yi had turned into, and ran towards the door.

The walls of the room were smashed into pieces, and the eyeless snake around the neck of the god Noah Weiss roared together. The two sweet "delicacies" of Daniel and Carlisle were right next to them, within easy reach.

But Noah Weiss didn’t stop for a second and chased after Lisa.

From the white cocoon, Noah Weiss not only smelled an unprecedented sweet scent, but also felt the threat of death.

Nothing is more important than eradicating this threat.

(End of this chapter)

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