American exorcist god.

Chapter 234 Life and Death Chase and Escape

Chapter 234 Life and Death Chase and Escape

Lisa felt the strong wind coming from behind, and the terrifying Noah Weiss was chasing her.

Her forehead was covered in cold sweat. Even if the Holy Arrival was turned on, her speed was far inferior to Noah Weiss, not to mention that she was still carrying a heavy white cocoon.

Xu Yi's aura in the cocoon is constantly rising, but it will still take some time before he can break out of the cocoon.

"What to do? What to do?"

Lisa was distraught. She was not afraid of death, she was just worried about failing to protect Xu Yi in the cocoon.

"Come on! Let's stop that monster!"

People wearing the same uniforms were waiting in front, and a man who looked like the captain shouted at Lisa in a low voice.

"Thank you!" Lisa thanked softly as she ran past the group of people.

The captain shook his head, "Protecting this city is originally the responsibility of our special task force."

Of course they knew that this mission was dangerous, but they came anyway because they had too many relatives and friends living in this city.

If the evil spirits went on a killing spree in the city, their relatives would not be spared either.


The god of evil chased Lisa away, and the room was in a mess, leaving only the unconscious Carlisle and the weak Daniel.

Daniel was lying on the ground, bending his body, trying to bite the belt buckle around his waist with his mouth.

But his body is long and slender, and even if he folds his body with all his strength, he can't bite it.

This instead caused the wounds on his body to open again and blood dripping all over his body. Daniel was very anxious because the duration of the Dragon Blood Explosion Potion was about to expire.

"Do you need help?"

At this moment, a faint voice of inquiry came from his side.

"Barton!" Daniel turned his head in surprise, and his body suddenly relaxed, "There is a small mechanism on the side of the belt buckle. After opening it, please help me take out the contents!"

Vampire Barton squatted down next to Daniel, turned the mechanism on the belt buckle, and pulled out a half-finger-long copper needle from it.

The surface of the copper needle was wrapped with dense gray dead vines, and the vampire smelled the breath of death from it.

"This is the treasure of the Finn family, the Gray Soul Tree Needle." Daniel explained casually, "I also need a small favor from you. Help insert the needle into my head."

Barton did not hesitate and inserted the gray soul tree needle into Daniel's head. Daniel shuddered and the breath of soul filled his body.

The ability of the Gray Soul Tree Needle is very simple, that is, it sacrifices its own soul to gain powerful power in a short period of time.

Daniel did not use this needle before because he knew that even if he used it, he would not be able to deal with Noah Weiss.

Later, when his arms were chewed off, he had no chance to use them.

Now he sees the hope of revenge. He knows that Xu Yi and Lisa still need his help, and he cannot fall yet.

Daniel's whole body was shaking violently, his eyes turned red, and something was pouring out of his body, it was gray vines.

The vines grew from the broken part of the arm, intertwined continuously, and finally weaved into the shape of the arm.

Daniel used his new-born arms to prop up his body and stood up. He crashed through the wall and roared in pursuit of the godly evil.

Barton watched Darnell leave, walked slowly to Carlisle, and injected a jar of blood into Carlisle's body.

Daniel walked in a hurry and only glanced at Barton briefly. If you look closely, you will find wrinkles on Barton's face and white hair on his head.

Generally speaking, vampires are immortal creatures, but in fact they also have the possibility of aging, that is, a large amount of source blood in the body is extracted.

Now these source blood have been injected into Carlisle's body.


Lisa ran wildly through the city lanes, she didn't dare to stop.

Although there was a special task force to stop him, Noah Weiss was still chasing after him crazily.

"Fountain Square is ahead!" Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.

The members of the special task force told her that after arriving at the Fountain Square, there would be combat helicopters waiting for them. The only weakness of the gods may be that they cannot fly.As long as they get on the fighter jet, they are safe for the time being.

Lisa could already see the fighter jet suspended above the fountain square. The fighter jet needed a slightly open terrain to lower its height and lower the life ladder.

There are two soldiers on standby next to the life ladder. As soon as they arrive, they will leave with the white cocoon.

But a black water column suddenly came from behind and penetrated the fighter jet instantly.

That was the move Noah Weiss used to deal with Xu Yi before.

The fighter jet began to fall, hit a residential building crookedly, and exploded with a bang.

Lisa's expression changed. Shen Ai didn't attack these fighter jets before because the fighter jets maintained a certain height, beyond the attack range of Shen Ai.

These fighter jets hovering over the buildings are simply targets for Noah Weiss.

Noah Weiss had no hesitation in attacking these fighters, most likely aware of their plan.

The fighter jet crashed, and Lisa could only continue to run wildly.

At this time, a huge roar came from behind, like thunder, spreading in all directions of the city.

Lisa didn't know what was going on, but the yelling came from Noah Weiss, which made her feel deeply uneasy.

In the underground command room, everyone's expressions changed.

Through the footage shot back by the fighter jet, they immediately discovered the purpose of Noah Weiss's roar.

The shadowy figure flashed at high speed in the city, rushing towards the direction of the evil being.

Noah Weiss is summoning the evil clone in the city!

"There are so many evil clones that it is impossible for the people of the special task force to stop them. Let them withdraw!" The mayor gave the order after thinking rationally for a moment.

The stool legs made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground. Suddenly someone stood up from the meeting, pushed the stool behind him, and strode outside.

"General Sass, where are you going?"

"You are willing to hide in this mouse hole, but I am not. As long as I can still hold a gun, I will not flinch." General Sasse left without looking back.

Everyone present was silent. General Sasse was already 82 years old. Inviting him to the combat meeting was just to express respect.

During the entire meeting, the other party said nothing. I didn't expect that he would stand up at this time.

In the corner, Martin, who was covered in bandages, also stood up and silently followed General Sasse's footsteps.

"Report! The special task force refused to execute the order! They will continue to block Noah Weiss!" the commander suddenly reported from the side.

The mayor was silent for a long time, and finally turned into a sigh, "Open the Golden Room and send them the magic exorcism device inside!"

He suddenly understood that before making a choice, reason is not the whole story.


Lisa continued to run towards the next open area, and the people on the helicopter did not give up the idea of ​​rescue.

Screams came from behind from time to time, and every scream was like a heavy hammer hitting Lisa's heart.

She knew that there was a group of people behind her who were using their lives to stop the evil spirits.

Gradually, the screams disappeared, and the huge noise caused by the battle disappeared.

Lisa had no time to feel sad and ran forward desperately.

She knew very well that her back carried the last hope, and the heartbeat coming from the white cocoon became more and more even and powerful.

Xu Yi will be able to break out of the cocoon soon.

Lisa suddenly stopped. The surroundings were too quiet, as if even the air had frozen here.

She slowly raised her head, her heart falling to the bottom.

Dense black shadows clung to the tall buildings, surrounding her. She seemed to have fallen into a black sea of ​​divine clones.

(End of this chapter)

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