American exorcist god.

Chapter 235 Breaking the Cocoon

Chapter 235 Breaking the Cocoon
Densely packed clones of the gods fell like raindrops, blocking the skylight.

Lisa looked up in the shadows, protecting her body with a white cocoon, and was ready to fight.

A sharp sound of wind suddenly came, and a black shadow rushed out from the alley. Because of its speed, its body was twisted and elongated, like a black sharp knife, breaking through the siege of the evil clones.

"Go!" Daniel finally arrived, and he roared at Lisa.

The two of them had no time to chat at all. Lisa followed behind Daniel and ran as fast as she could.

The divine clones ignored Daniel and all rushed toward Lisa, but Daniel roared like a wild beast, and a large number of gray vines flew out of his body and wrapped around the divine clone.

He actually intercepted all the clones of the evil gods by himself.

Daniel watched Lisa leave with a smile on his lips, but his pupils suddenly shrank and he roared, "Be careful!"

A terrifying figure fell from the sky. Noah Weiss eliminated all the blockers and finally caught up. It rushed towards Lisa, and Lisa had no time to dodge.

"We are all Avengers, so we can't let you get the limelight!"

Faint words rang in Daniel's ears, and Daniel knew who was coming without turning his head.

Vampire Barton spread his wings and rushed towards Noah Weiss without hesitation, using all his strength to knock Noah Weiss away.

Noah Weiss landed on the ground, and the eyeless snake on its head retracted into its neck, and black gelatin poured out and turned into a head again. It didn't even look at Barton.

Barton fell to the ground slowly, blood pouring out uncontrollably. His body was covered with holes. At the moment of the fight, dense eyeless snakes pierced through his body.

Taking advantage of this time, Lisa had already run some distance away, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face, "Carlisle?"

Carlisle was waiting for her in front. Although the other party's face was still pale, being able to appear here at least meant that the other party had regained his mobility.

The situation was urgent, so Carlisle just nodded as a response.

She took the white cocoon from Lisa's back, flapped her wings, and flew high into the sky.

Lisa turned her head warily and looked at Noah Weiss. She was suddenly stunned. Noah Weiss did not pursue him, but just stood there and stared at Carlisle's back coldly.

Has the other party given up?Lisa was a little confused.

The dense black shadow suddenly jumped towards the sky, it was the clone of the god who had just arrived.

The avatars of the abominations that Daniel stopped were the first batch to come over, and the avatars of the abominations from far away were still rushing here in a steady stream.

When the evil clone jumped to the highest point, its body exploded in vain, and thick black blood splashed out. The black blood did not fall, they floated in the air.

More and more evil clones exploded, and the entire sky was covered with black blood, like a black curtain, blocking the sunlight and blocking Carlisle's escape path.

Carlisle stopped in front of the black curtain. She didn't dare to move forward. She felt the strong corrosiveness in the black curtain.

The black curtain is like an inverted bowl, blocking this space and blocking the way to escape.

The sound of shattering suddenly sounded. It was a very slight cracking sound, but when it reached the ears of those present, it was like a thunderous explosion.

Carlisle's face showed an expression of ecstasy, but Noah Weiss's expression changed drastically... The cracking sound came from the white cocoon on Carlisle's body. The white cocoon cracked, and a violent breath filled the air.

Noah Weiss was completely anxious, the inverse cross in his pupils flashed with dazzling blood, a large amount of black water overflowed from the body, and dense black balls condensed around its body.

It is conceivable that every small ball will trigger a terrifying black water column. Carlisle is like a bird in a cage, unable to escape.

"If you can, please help take care of my people." Barton, whose body was pierced into a sieve, suddenly stood up and shouted towards Carlisle in the sky.

Carlisle was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

There was an expression of relief on Barton's face. He had not been able to sleep well during this period. As long as he fell asleep, the scenes of the tragic death of his tribe would always be replayed in his mind.

Now he could finally let go of it all and have a good sleep... forever and ever.He rushed towards Noah Weiss, not caring that his body was melted by the black water, hugged Noah Weiss tightly, and pressed the button in his hand at the same time.

A low explosion sounded, pink mist surged out of his body, covering him and Noah Weiss, and a huge pink "rose" bloomed quietly.

Before setting off, Barton implanted a large number of Sighing Roses in his body. He knew very well that in order for this kind of micro bomb to exert its maximum power, it must be detonated close to the body.

When he went out, he had already made plans to die.

A black shadow rushed out of the pink mist, and Noah Weiss raised his head and roared angrily. The skin on its surface was corroded into pits, making it look extremely ferocious.

Of course, Sighing Rose could not kill Noah Weiss. This was a monster that even the Blade of Scourge could not destroy, but Sighing Rose interrupted the opponent's brewing "ultimate move" and bought precious time.

Simply using the word "anger" is no longer enough to describe Noah Weiss's mood. It squeezes out the source of the heart, permanently depletes its own strength, and gains unparalleled speed.

Noah Weiss suddenly disappeared from the spot. Carlisle twisted her body subconsciously and used her body to protect the white cocoon. The next second, her back was torn and her waist was almost cut off.

Noah Weiss stood behind Carlisle, with a fierce look in his eyes.

This blow was originally going to fall on Bai Cocoon, but Carlisle suddenly turned around, making its plan fail.

Carlisle fell, and before she passed out, she threw the white cocoon in her hand towards Lisa.

Lisa caught the white cocoon and ran wildly outside.

Noah Weiss looked at Lisa coldly, this place has been blocked, where can the other party escape?
"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Lisa exploded with speed, but she felt it wasn't enough.

Her eyes glanced at the edge of the black curtain, where someone used his body to force open a small opening.

The vines on Daniel's body collided with the black curtain, and were constantly corroded, emitting black smoke.

He can no longer be described as scarred, he is simply in pieces. If it weren't for the vines of the Gray Soul Tree needles wrapping around his body, he would have turned into a pile of broken flesh.

Daniel has always been a handsome, middle-aged man, and no one can associate the monster in front of him with him.

The light in his pupils was about to fade away, but he forced himself to burn the last of his soul to prevent himself from falling.

Lisa pushed her legs desperately, trying to run faster.

But reality is not affected by human will. At the cost of losing his source power, Noah Weiss's speed exceeded Lisa's by too much.

Lisa was about to reach the edge of the black curtain. Noah Weiss had already appeared behind him. The hand knife moved forward, tearing the air. Countless black water splashed around the hand knife, forming a bloody storm behind Noah Weiss.

The force of this blow is enough to destroy a mountain, and Lisa and the white cocoon in her arms will not be spared!

There was a cruel smile in Noah Weiss's bloody eyes.

At this moment, a white and slender hand suddenly stretched out from Lisa's arms, holding a hand knife that was powerful enough to destroy mountains, as easily as holding a cup of black tea.

The surging strength disappeared in that slender white hand, just like wiping away the dust on the blanket.

"Just leave it to me next!"

A reassuring voice sounded, and the next second, Lisa fell asleep.

Although she did not fight Noah Weiss head-on, she did not know how many times Holy Advent broke out, and the accumulated sequelae had long made her body overwhelmed.

Xu Yi waved his hand to shatter the white cocoon and hugged Lisa who fell asleep and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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