American exorcist god.

Chapter 236 Today’s sunshine is just like that day

Chapter 236 Today’s sunshine is just like that day

The helicopter hovered above the black screen, and the camera was always on, transmitting the footage back to the underground command post.

People in the command room were walking back and forth with anxious eyes.

They desperately want to know what's going on inside the shady scene, but the helicopter can't break through at all.

There were densely packed clones of the gods around the black curtain, like a black tide. It was roughly estimated that there were no less than three thousand.

Moreover, there are still a large number of divine clones rushing here. They have no idea how many divine clones there are in the city.

Just when they were at a loss, the black curtain burst apart, turning into black blood and scattering again. Black heavy rain fell one after another, and all the raindrops gathered towards Noah Weiss and injected into the other party's body.

The people in the command room quickly looked at it, a little dazed.

The white cocoon burst, and Xu Yi and Noah Weiss, who were reborn, looked at each other from a distance.

They thought it would be an extremely brutal battle, but they didn't expect that the two sides were too harmonious. They just looked at each other and had no intention of taking action.

It's not that Noah Weiss doesn't want to attack, but he doesn't dare.

An extremely terrifying energy locked onto it, and its body trembled slightly, not daring to move rashly or even escaping.

The other party didn't take action, which was to its advantage. It had always been injured, and now it finally had time to recover.

Xu Yi just glanced at Noah Weiss for a few times, then looked away. He found Carlisle who had fallen to the ground.

Carlisle was almost cut in half, with only a little flesh and blood sticking to his waist. If this kind of injury was applied to an ordinary person, he would have been pronounced dead long ago.

Fortunately, Carlisle fused with Ryan's blood and gained the abilities of a vampire and a werewolf, making his vitality extremely strong.

Xu Yi applied a bandage to Carlisle's wound, and Carlisle's breathing gradually stabilized.

Xu Yi raised his head and waved to the helicopter hovering in the sky, but so many divine clones gathered below that ordinary people simply did not have the guts to come down.

A red helicopter suddenly landed. The other helicopters were all black, but this red helicopter was particularly eye-catching.

The helicopter stopped next to Xu Yi. The pilot was Xu Yi's acquaintance Martin. The old general sat in the co-pilot and saluted Xu Yi, who nodded in response.

Xu Yi put the unconscious two people on the helicopter and hung the Annabelle doll on Lisa's waist. He asked Annabelle to protect the two people to prevent accidents.

The wings rotated and the helicopter flew away. Until they reached a safe area, the evil clone did not dare to attack.

Xu Yi looked back at the tragic battlefield. In order to buy him time, too many people died along the way.

None of the members of the special task force who stopped Noah Weiss survived. Their bodies were scattered among the ruins. Xu Yi even found traces of soldiers inside. These ordinary people were like ants in front of the gods.

While in the cocoon, he couldn't do anything, but his consciousness was still clear and he could sense the surrounding situation.

Xu Yi's eyes fell on Daniel. He did not get Daniel on the plane for treatment because it was no longer necessary.

Daniel's body and soul were like a candle that was about to burn out. It was a miracle that he could persist until this point.

Daniel stumbled among the ruins, seeming to be looking for something.

Xu Yi was a little confused at first, until he suddenly realized that this seemed to be the battlefield at the beginning. Unexpectedly, after chasing and escaping all the way, he returned to the starting point.

Daniel was lying on the ruins of a house, using his hands woven with dead vines to peel away the rubble and push away the heavy cement pillars.

I don’t know how he did it, but he actually found Mia accurately inside. Xu Yi guessed that it might be some kind of telepathy or other magic weapon.

Miraculously, Mia is still alive and even conscious.

Xu Yi ran over in surprise, but when he saw Mia's condition clearly, his heart suddenly dropped.

Mia's chest was penetrated, and her heart and other organs were corroded. It was impossible to save this kind of injury.

Long silver needles were inserted all over her head, and Mia used some secret method to force herself to breathe again.

This approach will cause great damage to the soul, and may even lead to the direct destruction of the soul.

In this world where ghosts exist, if the soul remains, there is still a slim possibility of resurrection. If the soul is gone, then everything is gone.

Doing so also requires enduring very severe pain.

Of course Mia knows all this, but why does she still do it?The answer is self-evident.

"Daniel, is that you?" Mia heard the movement, and her pale face actually had a trace of blood, and she asked softly.

Daniel heard the familiar and gentle voice again, and his body couldn't help but tremble violently.He wanted to answer, but his vocal cords had been torn off by the evil clone, and he could only make a "ho ho" sound.

"Daniel, we finally got married today. You look so handsome in a suit!" Mia murmured in a daze as her consciousness began to fade.

Daniel first transformed into a dragon, and then his body was invaded by gray vines. His entire face was more ferocious than a monster, and he was far from handsome.Xu Yi stared into Mia's eyes. Her eyes were cloudy, with only black blood flowing.

Mia was already blind. The corrosive black water splashed into her eyes and corroded them all.

Maybe this is good!Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

In this way, in Mia's eyes, Daniel will always look that elegant, wearing a coat and a scarf while walking around MIT, and attracting female students to look back frequently.

Daniel stretched out his hand and touched Mia's face gently, but his hands had turned into vines and he could no longer feel the warmth on Mia's face.

When Daniel leaned over, an exquisite ring box fell out of his jacket pocket.

He knew whether he and Mia would get married today, or even see each other for the last time, but he still carried the wedding ring with him, as if he was holding on to the last ray of hope in the abyss of despair.

Xu Yi looked at the ring box in silence. Today was Daniel and Mia's wedding. The two were supposed to stand on the stage with smiles on their faces, accepting blessings from their relatives and friends.

Xu Yi would also give him a big red envelope that he had prepared in advance, saying that it was the custom there and that everyone who attended a friend's wedding needed to pay for it.

If Daniel refuses, he will laugh and tease that when he gets married in the future, you two can also give him a red envelope.

Why are things like this?What else could he do for his two friends?

Xu Yi was silent for a moment, then suddenly stood up straight, straightened his clothes, and looked solemn.

He looked at Daniel and spoke loudly, "Daniel, are you willing to marry Mia? Love her and protect her, whether poor or rich, sick or healthy, never leave her until death."

Daniel was slightly startled when he heard Xu Yi's voice.

During his dazed time, countless pictures flashed through Daniel's mind, all of which were of him and Mia together.

The scene finally freezes on the scene when he and Mia first met, it was a sunny afternoon.

He was only eight years old at the time. Because he failed to inherit the family's talent and could not become an exorcist, he always had low self-esteem and often avoided other children of the same age in his family.

That day, as usual, he hid in the forest behind the manor and read silently. When he got tired of reading, he stood up and wanted to walk in the forest.

At this time, a small head suddenly emerged from the bushes in front, hit him on the chest, and knocked him to the ground.

Daniel stood up and was about to get angry when he noticed a thin little girl standing in front of him, apologizing in a panic.

Daniel looked at the pitiful look of the other party, and suddenly he couldn't get angry any more. He just muttered about "daredevil" in a low voice.

He saw that the daredevil in front of him was very strange. When he returned home and asked his elders, he found out that the person's name was Mia, who was fostered by a friend of the Finn family and said he would come back to pick her up soon.

But one year, two years... ten years passed, and there was still no news from that person.

Mia lived with them like this. The two went to school together and grew up together until now.


Daniel didn't know what method he used, perhaps some unimaginable perseverance, but he weakly said those three words.

Xu Yi turned to look at Mia and asked, "Mia, are you willing to marry Daniel? Love him and protect him, no matter poor or rich, sick or healthy, never leave him until death."

"I do!"

Mia answered cheerfully, with a sweet smile on her face, as if spring flowers were blooming in the sunshine.

Daniel fumbled to open the box, took out the bright diamond ring, and put it on Mia tremblingly.

Mia felt the coolness on her fingers and smiled sweetly again.

In fact, there was one thing that she never told Daniel. She did it on purpose on the day they first met.

Suddenly coming to a new place, Mia was a little frightened and did not dare to face the strangers in the house, so she wandered in the forest.

She found Daniel reading under the tree and secretly observed him for a long time. She felt Daniel's loneliness, as if she was seeing another self.

So she deliberately hid in the bushes, thinking of giving the other person a "surprise", but she didn't expect to bump directly into the other person.

The sun fell on Mia's face. Although she couldn't see it, she could feel the warmth of the sun.

Mia's wedding dress had been completely stained red with blood. She snuggled into Daniel's arms and murmured to herself, "Daniel, the sunshine today is just like that day!"

Daniel didn't answer her, and slowly lowered his hand, as if he wanted to hug her.

"May the Father in Heaven bless you. From now on, I wish you peace and joy, love each other, and share joys and sorrows until the end of your life..."

Xu Yi suddenly stopped reciting because this sentence has been practiced.

(End of this chapter)

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