American exorcist god.

Chapter 237 Violent beating!

Chapter 237 Violent beating!

Xu Yi moved a huge stone slab and sealed the Daniels to prevent their bodies from being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

He stood up and stared at Noah Weiss, the anger in his eyes was like the eruption of volcanic lava.

Xu Yi walked towards Noah Weiss. Noah Weiss roared like a wild beast, but did not step forward to meet the enemy. It commanded the evil clone to rush towards Xu Yi.

All the fighter jet cameras were focused on Xu Yi.

In the underground command room, everyone's hearts were suspended for a moment, and they were staring at the screen intently.

Then they saw a strange scene.

The raging group of divine clones was like a black craze, and Xu Yi was like a small boat in the craze, seemingly likely to be sunk by the waves at any time.

But there was no panic on Xu Yi's face, and he walked forward leisurely, as if he were in a beautiful park, admiring the red flowers and green grass around him.

The clones of the gods who were close to Xu Yi suddenly flew out. Before they landed, their hearts exploded and black blood spilled out.

"Is this some kind of exorcism?" Someone asked in confusion.

Xu Yi put his hands in his pockets and had no intention of taking them out. They could only think that it was some kind of magic trick.

Someone stared at the screen for a long time, then suddenly shook his head, "It's not a spell, it's a fist! The opponent's punch was too fast, too fast for the camera to capture. Look, the position of the opponent's arm is actually getting smaller every second. Amplitude changes.”

The people present were stunned. If it was some kind of powerful magic, they would understand it, but if it could achieve such an effect with just fists, it would be unbelievable.

Xu Yi was indeed using his fists. After melting his blood and becoming a god, he felt that what he was controlling was the body of an ancient ferocious beast, with a steady stream of power pouring out of his body.


Someone in the command room suddenly shouted, and everyone in a daze came to their senses and stared at the screen.

The passage of "God's Clone" reached the end, and Xu Yi stood in front of Noah Weiss.

They all realized that Xu Yi was very strong at the moment, but they had never fought Noah Weiss head-on, so they were still a little worried.

Noah Weiss is too powerful, a monster that even the Blade of Scourge cannot kill.

Xu Yi took action, and his fists looked slow, like an old man doing health-preserving boxing in the park.

Can this kind of light fist really be able to deal with Noah Weiss?They were very confused.

The strength of Noah Weiss's body is unimaginable, and the anti-tank sniper rifle can only leave a little white mark on the surface of the opponent's body.

The fist seemed slow, but Noah Weiss couldn't avoid it, with a look of horror on his face.

The fist fell, and Noah Weiss's newly repaired chest broke instantly, like a glass mirror that had been hit by a hammer, shattering into countless pieces.

Noah Weiss flew out like a cannonball and smashed into the building behind him. It penetrated several buildings before stopping and being embedded in a metal advertising wall.

Everyone in the underground command room was shocked. Can this kind of power really be possessed by humans?

Xu Yi suddenly disappeared from the screen. The next second, when they saw Xu Yi again, he had already appeared in front of Noah Weiss.

This is because the speed is so fast that the camera cannot capture the opponent's movements and it looks like a "flash".

Xu Yi was about to punch again, but Noah Weiss suddenly jumped up and hugged Xu Yi. His chest split open, and turbulent black water spurted out, wrapping Xu Yi.

This is black water that can easily corrode solid magic weapons. An ordinary person's body can only survive in the black water for one second before it is completely corroded.

Corrosive black smoke was rising all over Xu Yi's body, and his skin seemed to have been burnt by fire, charred and wrinkled.

"Do you only have this strength?"

Xu Yi seemed not to feel the pain in his body, and kicked Noah Weiss away with a knee strike, hitting the ground hard and shaking violently.

He shook his whole body, and the charred skin began to fall off, revealing the fair and smooth skin underneath, like a snake peeling off its skin.In the underground command room, what they saw next would be an unprecedented "beating".

Yes, it was beating.

Noah Weiss' chin was violently kicked, his neck was broken, and his face was deformed by the huge force. He flew high into the air, and the next second, he was kicked wildly in the back.

Before it hit the ground, Xu Yi was already waiting for it below, punching it in the abdomen, and viscous black blood spit out uncontrollably.

Xu Yi seems to be playing a "single volleyball", with him on the blue and red sides, and Noah Weiss is the volleyball.

The people in the command room felt their blood boil with excitement, and their whole bodies felt indescribably comfortable, as if they suddenly drank a can of iced drink on a hot day.

Noah Weiss, who frightened them so much, had no power to fight back. He was like a young gangster on the streets who met a professional fighter and was beaten hard in the corner of the alley.

Xu Yi tore off Noah Weiss's arms and threw the broken arms in the air, just like Noah Weiss did to Daniel.

He tore Noah Weiss' waist like a catfish. Noah Weiss let out a shrill scream, but could only watch Xu Yi tear it in half.

Thick black blood spurted out and splashed onto Xu Yi, who had no expression on his face.

Today, only one of him and Noah Weiss can leave here alive!

Only half of Noah Weiss's body was left crawling on the ground, but it suddenly laughed wildly, as if it was the one who had the absolute upper hand.

The people in the command room were a little confused. They didn't know what was going on with Noah Weiss. Could it be that his brain was damaged by Xu Yi?
The next second, their hearts were in their throats.

Xu Yi's movement suddenly stopped, his face turned a strange dark red, he spit out a mouthful of blood, twitched and fell to the ground.

The tiny eyeless snake penetrated his skin, revealing half of its body. Two rows of sharp teeth kept opening and closing, biting Xu Yi's flesh crazily.

This scene was so horrifying that the people in the command room were instantly chilled.

They recalled a parasite called dracunculata.

This kind of parasite will burrow into the human body and use the human body as a nest for reproduction. When the reproduction reaches a certain level, they will bite through the flesh and emerge from the skin.

The eyeless snake in front of me was obviously a thousand times more terrifying than the dragon worm.

But when was Xu Yi parasitized?

Noah Weiss's eyes flashed with excitement. When Xu Yi emerged from the cocoon, he noticed that his "parasite" existed in the other party's body.

It doesn't know the reason for this, but this is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

If it were an ordinary person, as long as it triggered those "parasites", it could easily kill the opponent, but Xu Yi's body was too strong, even stronger than those so-called sons of gods.

So it controlled its own blood and poured it onto Xu Yi silently.

It uses blood as a medium to transport its own source of power into Xu Yi's body, feeding the parasites and allowing them to continue to grow.

Now that the time is right, the parasite breaks out of the body. It will kill the opponent, devour the opponent's flesh and blood, and grow into a supreme existence!

Xu Yi controlled his muscles and wanted to squeeze out the parasites in his body.

This is of course impossible to do, because these parasites are not foreign objects, but something inherent in the body itself.

As the saying goes, success is a sin and failure is a sin.

He used the avatar's clone to quickly fuse the blood of the merging gods, but the toxins of the abomination would also fuse with his body, making it impossible to eradicate it.

Xu Yi could only writhe in pain on the ground, helpless.

 Please read it later. I can’t finish the two chapters. I will work overtime later and finish Chapter 3. Friends, you can read it tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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