American exorcist god.

Chapter 238 In full glory!

Chapter 238 In full glory!
Noah Weiss absorbed the blood of several divine clones and regrown the lower half of his body.

It stared at Xu Yi, eyes full of hunger.

Everyone in the underground command room looked pale. They didn't expect that the hope they had just ignited would be extinguished so soon.

Noah Weiss approached Xu Yi, and it suddenly stopped.

Something was wrong. Although the other party was struggling in pain, there was no panic on his face. Instead, he seemed to be waiting for something.

Holy white flames suddenly rose from Xu Yi's body and enveloped Xu Yi's whole body.

"Finally here!" Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and his frown relaxed.

The holy flames did not harm Xu Yi's body at all, but those small black eyeless snakes, like unclean things that died in the light, melted away under the flames.

[Golden Stance: If the fusion is successful, you will be immune to all negative effects brought by the mysterious blood! 】

This is one of the abilities of the "Blood God Throne". Xu Yi once felt that this was the most powerful ability in the entry.

Does Xu Yi not know that using the clone of a sinner to incubate the blood of the melting god will bring huge sequelae, and even become the wedding dress of Noah Weiss?
He dared to do this because of the self-confidence given by his "grand gesture".

Under the flames of the heyday, not only the toxins of the gods were eliminated, but also the deformed mutation of Oliverdo's blood, the depravity and demonization of the Demon King's blood, the out-of-control bloodthirsty of Ryan's blood...a series of sequelae were eliminated. , leaving only the purest power in his body.

"Are you disappointed?" Xu Yi stood up, patted the dust on his clothes, and walked towards Noah Weiss calmly.

Noah Weiss roared angrily, but did not dare to step forward.

"Don't waste time. I know you didn't use all your strength. My friends are still waiting for me to send them home!" Xu Yi stared at Noah Weiss' pupils.

Noah Weiss' pupils flashed with anger. It was silent for a moment, then raised its head and roared. The clones of the gods present also began to roar. The roar was so loud that people could hear it even several kilometers away.

The evil clones rushed towards the battlefield, and their target was not Xu Yi, but Noah Weiss.

The moment they approached Noah Weiss, their bodies began to melt and turned into a black gel.Noah Weiss opened his hand and allowed the gelatin to pour into its body.

More and more clones of the gods melted into black liquid, and Noah Weiss stood in the black frenzy, as if he was the master of everything.

Xu Yi watched all this expressionlessly.

When studying the clones of gods, he knew that these clones were the power that Noah Weiss had given away, and the other party could take it back at any time.

The other party had previously hoped to kill him with the evil poison, but now the plan went bankrupt. Noah Weiss knew that if he didn't use all his strength, he would probably die directly in his hands.

Why didn't Noah Weiss use all his strength before?
This is probably because there are some shortcomings in fusing the clones of gods.Xu Yi thought.

All the evil clones disappeared, replaced by a black giant egg. The egg was so huge that it exceeded the 30-story tall building next to it.

An ominous aura filled the air from the dome, so strong that Xu Yi couldn't help but tremble slightly.

There was a crisp cracking sound, and a crack penetrated the entire dome. The cracks spread in all directions, and the dome suddenly burst.

The huge black shadow broke through the eggshell and let out a roar. The whole city trembled in the roar, even the people hiding in the underground shelter were no exception.

Xu Yi slowly raised his head. The dark shadow blocked the skylight. It was a huge "dragon".The snake's body that spread for several kilometers was covered with black scales. Its four wings that covered the sky were fluttering, and strong winds blew in all directions.

The head of the "dragon" is a huge circle with only two thin lines carved on it, a horizontal white line and a vertical red line.

Two lines split at the same time. The white line was two rows of ferocious teeth, and the red line was a huge one-eye, with a bloody reverse cross flashing in the pupil.

Xu Yi raised his head and stared at the "Dragon of Divine Evil". The powerful momentum of the Dragon of Divine Evil came like a storm, and he seemed to be in the center of the storm.

The Dragon of Evil swung its long tail, and thick black water mist surged out of its body, covering the entire area. The surrounding steel buildings instantly turned into black water and flowed.

It was still a sunny day outside, and the sun was shining brightly, but Xu Yi seemed to be in darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, with the sound of water flowing in all directions.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the Charles River.

"Xu Yi escaped?"

In the underground command room, the dead silence lasted for a long time before someone slowly asked.

No one answered him.Even through the screen, they could feel the terror of the monster, and recalling the violent roar just now, their bodies would tremble slightly.

Even if Xu Yi ran away, they could understand. After all, who would want to face such a terrifying monster?
The light in their eyes went out.

"I'm afraid the Evil Dragon Queen can't deal with that monster. Call the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization! Let them send someone to deal with it." The mayor said softly.

He hesitated for a long time before making this decision. When he finished saying this, it seemed that all the strength in his body had been drained, and he leaned weakly on the stool.

"Xu Yi didn't run away! I knew Xu Yi wouldn't run away! He was luring the evil ones out of the city!" Someone suddenly jumped up from the stool in the corner, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

Everyone's eyes instantly returned to the screen. The combat helicopter had been chasing Xu Yi's figure, and the other party stopped by the Charles River.

"Just here!" Xu Yi looked around. This place was far away from the city. Apart from the Charles River, it was an open plain.

Of course he won't run away. In order for him to successfully break out of his cocoon, so many people have stood in front of the god without hesitation, and so much hope has been placed on him...

His good friends are still waiting for him under the ruins, waiting for him to go back and tell them the good news that the god has been killed, and waiting for him to offer white roses in mourning in front of the tombstone!

How could he escape?
Before the Dragon of Evil arrived, the black mist was already surging in. The terrifying aura coupled with the powerful corrosive mist was simply suffocating.

Xu Yi faced the water mist craze and remained unmoved.

The evil dragon opened its ferocious mouth, and a large amount of water mist gathered in its mouth. The terrifying power made the entire space begin to tremble.

Xu Yi began to sing softly, and what he was reciting was an unknown ancient language, ancient and strict.

Qi and blood surged all over his body, and platinum-gold air surged out of his body and enveloped his whole body. His hair began to change, and his jet black hair turned into platinum gold, flying violently in the strong wind.

The white-gold air current held up his body, and he was suspended in front of the Dragon of Divine Evil. There was no ripple in his eyes, but there was a majestic wind and thunder hidden in his eyes.

He stared at the evil dragon, as if an emperor sitting on the throne looked down at his ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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