American exorcist god.

Chapter 239 Blood is holy!

Chapter 239 Blood is holy!

The dragon of evil flapped its wings, the strong wind opened a path, and black breath spurted out from its mouth.

Xu Yi watched the black breath fall, as if the collapsing world was crushing him, but he didn't take a step back, and the white-gold air around his body surged like flames.

The white-gold air flow and the black breath collided with each other. Half of the world was ink-like black, and the other half was bright white. The dividing line between black and white was so sharp.

Xu Yi has the confidence to dare to face the evil dragon directly.

[Blood Goddess: (Light Gold)

Ability 1 - Demigod Body:

It is a combination of many extraordinary bloods, brewed in the darkness, and born in miracles. It is one of the strongest bodies above the mortal world and under the gods.

Ability 2 - Blood is Holy:

Before your blood burns out, they will call you: Holy! 】

After swallowing the blood of Fusion God, the term "Blood God Throne" has completely changed its appearance.

The previously complex ability system disappeared, leaving only two simple abilities, but absolutely powerful!
The level of the blood throne is "light gold".

That's right, it's not the "red epic" that reaches the limit of advancement to the Blood God Throne, but the "pale gold".

"Light gold" is an entry level between red and gold.

Xu Yi had never had such extravagant hopes for the Blood God Throne to become a golden entry. He had already vaguely felt that the golden entry was likely to involve the field of "gods".

Thinking about it this way, Crystal Lake Jason with two golden entries is definitely a very special existence.

But just "red epic" cannot reflect the power of the blood throne, so the "light gold" entry appeared.

Platinum light flashed in Xu Yi's pupils. At this moment, he had burned the blood in his body, and he felt an unprecedented surge of power.

In the underground command room.

Everyone gathered together, leaning forward and staring unblinkingly at the screen.

"Mayor, do you still need to call the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization?" the subordinate next to him suddenly asked.

"Don't worry! Wait and see!" The mayor quickly stopped his subordinates.

There was only black and white light on the screen, and the light gradually dissipated. They saw Xu Yi suspended in mid-air and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dragon of Evil flapped its wings and roared towards Xu Yi.

Facing such a terrifying behemoth, even a mountain peak would be smashed into pieces, Xu Yi had no intention of dodge, and he stretched out a hand.

What is this for?
The people in the underground command room were very confused, but the next second, they were all stunned, their mouths opened wide enough to swallow a goose egg.

Xu Yi actually blocked the incoming dragon of evil with only one hand!
The visual effect of this scene is like an ant lifting an adult giant African elephant.

Xu Yi pressed down with one hand, and the head of the evil dragon was forcibly pressed down, as if he was bowing his head in front of Xu Yi.

Xu Yi took the opportunity to jump on the back of the evil dragon, took a deep breath, concentrated the "blood-burning power" on his fist, and punched fiercely.

The cold wind of the fist made a sharp sound like a whistle. This was because the fist was too fast and produced a sonic boom.

The Divine Dragon sensed something was wrong and swung its snake body violently, trying to throw Xu Yi off. Xu Yi's body balance was affected, and his fist deviated from its original trajectory and struck the wings of the Divine Dragon.

The wings were pierced, and the surging wind of the fist continued unabated, blasting toward the Charles River below.

A huge crater was blasted out of the Charles River, as if a meteorite had fallen there, and the water flowed back, forming a huge whirlpool.

"Is this something a human can do?"

The people in the command room watched the battle on the screen and were shocked to the point of numbness. Xu Yi was refreshed in their understanding again and again.

"Mayor, do you think Xu Yi can defeat the evil spirit?" Someone suddenly asked.

The mayor shook his head, "I don't know, but I know that Xu Yi now is definitely better than the exorcists I have ever seen."

He once saw the title exorcist take action, although the other party was also a being that could only be looked up to, almost the pinnacle that humans could reach.But compared to Xu Yi in front of him, a clear gap can still be seen.

"It would be great if Xu Yi could defeat God! It would be great if he could stay in Boston!" Someone suddenly sighed.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. The mayor's eyes suddenly lit up. If a person with more strength than the title of exorcist could be kept in Boston, wouldn't the safety of the city be... He fell into a beautiful imagination. middle.

But how can we keep Xu Yi in Boston?His brain was working like crazy.

Xu Yi didn't know that someone had already paid attention to his head. His attention was entirely on the Dragon of Sin.

He panted slightly. The Dragon of God was covered in scars, almost all of which were penetrating injuries. Thick black blood dripped into the Charles River, and large black smoke evaporated.

Xu Yi didn't have any injuries, but he knew he had to speed up.

The ability of "Blood as Holy" is indeed powerful, but this ability has a very big drawback, that is, it requires burning the blood in the body.

He didn't take it seriously at first. After all, he had a super-accelerated regeneration entry and could continuously create new blood. But what he didn't expect was that "Blood is Holy" could burn blood so fast.

In less than half a minute, half of the blood in his body had been burned.

"If this ability wasn't supported by the super-accelerated regeneration entry, I really wouldn't dare to use it!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Yi suddenly jumped off the back of the Divine Dragon. Not only did the Divine Dragon not feel any joy, its huge body even started to tremble.

"Everything should be over!" Xu Yi took a deep breath, stretched out a finger, and pointed at the evil dragon below.

The first reaction of the Divine Dragon was not to fight back, but to turn around and run away.

This escape scene is so similar, except now the roles are reversed, and the one who escapes becomes the evil one.

Xu Yi drank in vain, the blood in his body burned out in an instant, and his body shriveled up, like a mummy.

The turbulent platinum-gold air flow gathered at the fingertips, and Xu Yi's face changed slightly. Even as the controller, he felt his heart pounding.

The egg-sized ball of light on the fingertips contained too much violent energy, and the flickering white-gold light was extremely dazzling.


Xu Yi took a deep breath and tapped his fingertips.

The white-gold ball of light was instantly activated, and the bright light burst out, like a huge lightsaber shooting out, which was simply reaching the sky and the earth.

Xu Yi's hand that controlled the "Light Sword" was chapped inch by inch, but no blood flowed out, because the blood in Xu Yi's body had already burned out.

The dazzling white-gold light swallowed up the Dragon of Divine Evil. The Dragon of Divine Evil let out a shrill scream, its pupils shone with bone-crushing fear, and its flesh and blood slowly melted in the light.

The sword of light continued unabated and swept across the Charles River. The water in the river was instantly evaporated, the river bed was cut through, and the river flow was cut off. The Charles River was actually "cut off" forcibly!

"Oh my God! Is this God?"

In the underground laboratory, everyone stared blankly at the pictures on the screen and murmured.

The light slowly dissipated, and the evil dragon was nowhere to be found. The mummy-like Xu Yi fell from the sky, but a bright smile appeared on his face, blooming like a flower.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

System information rang in his ears, and Xu Yi let his body fall into the Charles River. He looked in the direction behind him and let out a sigh of relief, "My friends, I will avenge you!"

 This is the end of a phased story, and I want to chat with my friends.

  First, an updated question. After I had a bad cold before, my body suddenly wasn’t as good as before. It wasn’t because I was stuck, or because I didn’t know how to write. It was just that I felt overwhelmed and had a lingering feeling of sleepiness. .

  So the update is very annoying. This is my problem. I hope my friends can understand.

  My grades haven't been very good recently. Although I know that writing requires you to endure loneliness, but if you can get a little more support, you can still be more motivated.

  Let’s get back to the story. I added more “emotional” elements to the story. In fact, I don’t know what the effect will be. I can only “wait and see”.

  I hope I can write better stories!
(End of this chapter)

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