American exorcist god.

Chapter 240 Give me a mountain for free?

Chapter 240 Give me a mountain for free?

Among the Boston villas.

"Which one should I choose?" Xu Yi stared at the information on the panel and was very confused.

He rubbed his temples and pulled up the linen blanket on his legs. The entire living room was extremely warm, and the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly.

But overnight, Boston suddenly became cold.

Logically speaking, Xu Yi's demigod body didn't have to worry about the cold, but he still used the fireplace like an ordinary person.

Yesterday's battle consumed too much of his blood, and even with the super-accelerated regeneration entry, he was still a little anemic.

Not to mention using the fireplace, he wanted to drink the first cup of brown sugar water in autumn.

He was the only one in the villa, and the wind came in through the cracks in the windows, making it seem very deserted, which made him a little uncomfortable.

He had just returned from the hospital. Carlisle had woken up, but was very weak and would not recover in a short time.

Lisa's condition was even worse than Carlisle's. She had been unconscious all the time. The aftereffects of continuous use of Holy Spirit accumulated and caused great damage to her body.

Xu Yi sighed and returned his attention to the system panel.

[The entry is devoured successfully, congratulations on obtaining "Entry: Source of Evil (Red Normal——??)"]

He rubbed his hands. Although he had seen it countless times, he was still very excited.

This is the entry he devoured from the god Noah Weiss. Although there is only one entry, Xu Yi feels that this one can already cover many entries.

"Red Normal——??" The meaning is very simple, indicating that this entry is a growth entry, and unlike the Blood God Throne, this entry has no growth limit!
In other words, if you are lucky, it is not impossible to grow into a gold entry, or even a top purple entry.

[After the "source of evil" is determined, the entry "source of evil" will be officially opened. (Note: Once the "Nie Yuan" is confirmed, it cannot be replaced, please choose carefully.)]

[Please select the type of bad relationship: person/thing? 】

This was Xu Yi's first time coming across this type of entry, and he actually needed to choose before proceeding to the next step.

To choose "people" is to choose yourself to become the source of evil.

This is the path Noah Weiss takes. After becoming the source of evil, he will gain two abilities, namely "split evolution" and "fusion detachment".

"Split Evolution" allows Noah Weiss to split into a large number of clones, each of which has the ability to devour evolution.

"Fusion and detachment" means the fusion of the clone and the main body. At that time, thousands of forces will be gathered into one body to complete detachment.

The Dragon of Divine Evil is the product of fusion and transcendence.

This ability has a big limitation, that is, it can only be used three times.

Xu Yi finally understood why Noah Weiss was beaten so badly and why he was reluctant to fuse the evil clone.

The devouring evolution of the evil clone is far from reaching its limit, so merging it in advance is a waste of an opportunity for "fusion and transcendence".

Xu Yi hesitated for a long time and finally made his choice.

[You have selected "object" as the source of evil, please choose a suitable carrier as soon as possible. 】

Choosing to become the source of evil and taking the "fusion and transcendence" of the body to the next level does sound very tempting.

However, a large number of clones will cause the demigod's body to be weakened, and the power of Blood as Holy will also be greatly reduced, which is equivalent to requiring him to temporarily give up his greatest advantage.

What's more important is that after "fusion and transcendence", the body will undergo uncontrollable mutations, just like the dragon of evil.

For a monster like God, of course, it doesn't matter, but Xu Yi, as "New York's Great Exorcist" and "Boston's Savior", still has a "billion points" of idol baggage.

The black gel surged in Xu Yi's palm, and finally condensed into a sculpture that looked a bit like a cobra, wearing a crown.

Xu Yi gently touched the crown, which was inlaid with three gray-white "gems".

When encountering an object that can become a "source of evil", the gems will light up. The higher the quality of the object, the more gems will light up.

When the time comes to fuse the statue with the object, you will be able to harvest the "source of evil".

Xu Yi has absolute control over Nie Yuan.Xu Yi took out the alchemy revolver Messiah and placed it in front of the cobra statue. None of the gems on the crown lit up.

After all, Messiah is a legendary magic exorcism weapon, but he can't even get a "one-star" rating?
Xu Yi was very surprised. He didn't expect Niyuan's requirements for objects to be so high!
I wonder what kind of treasure can be rated as "three-star"?Xu Yi is looking forward to it.

Xu Yi glanced at the antique watch in his hand. The time was almost up. He stood up and when he opened the door, he found that it was raining lightly outside.

"What a perfect weather for farewell!" Xu Yi sighed and went out carrying a black umbrella.

He was wearing a black suit, black trousers, and a white rose on his collar.

Today is Mia and Daniel's funeral.

The funeral was held at the Finn family cemetery. In the drizzle, Xu Yi stood in front of the tombstone holding a black umbrella. A photo of the two of them was posted on the tombstone.

It should have been taken when the two of them were studying in college. Daniel was wrapped in a scarf and wearing glasses, looking elegant, while Mia was close to Daniel, smiling like a flower.

"May all love come true."

Xu Yi put down the white rose bouquet in his hand and chanted softly.


Boston City Hall.

"So, you want to send me a mountain?" Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the three people in front of him, feeling a little dizzy from the big pie falling from the sky.

Not long after he attended the funeral, he met Martin, and at Martin's warm invitation, he came here.

There were only three people in the grand and elegant council hall, an old acquaintance named Martin, the mayor of Boston, and an unknown official who introduced himself as Mill.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Xu Yi stared into Mil's eyes and asked.

The person with the highest status here is of course the mayor of Boston, but the other party came in person just to express his importance to Xu Yi. The real person talking was Mir in front of him.

Martin is purely a decoration, a mascot used to lighten the atmosphere.

"Mr. Xu Yi, please believe us!"

Mill spread out a map of Boston and drew a circle on it with a red pen. "The reason why I send you Notting Hill is because this hill is right on the edge of the city. After opening a special road, it only takes a few minutes to drive to the city. 20 minutes, and even closer to MIT, only 15 minutes.”

Mir seemed to transform into a real estate agent and introduced enthusiastically, "Notting Hill has beautiful scenery, and many people usually visit it. If we can build a villa on the top of Notting Hill, the scenery will definitely be great!"

"Don't Xu Yiqian like to be quiet? Notting Hill is big enough. We will build several laboratories on it when the time comes so that no one will disturb you." Martin helped.

"That's right, Mr. Xu Yi, as an exorcist, will definitely experiment with exorcism. When the time comes, he can open a special place in Notting Hill..." Mir said gushingly.

Xu Yi remained silent.

"Mr. Xu Yi... do you think Notting Hill is not suitable?"

Seeing that Xu Yi remained silent, Mir asked cautiously, "We actually have other options. Within the boundaries of Boston, as long as it is not private land, you can choose. Even if it is private land, we can negotiate."

Xu Yi finally couldn't help but said, "So, you are going to give me the entire Notting Hill without charging a penny?"

"Of course! It's free, it's legal, and it has complete documents. If Mr. Xu Yi trusts us, we can also help build walls and mountain villas, and we don't charge a penny."

Xu Yi was speechless, and he even wondered if he had not woken up.

He remembered watching an anime before, in which there was a family of killers called Beaten Hakka who lived in the vast Kukulu Mountain.

Now he only needs to nod his head to get the same treatment.

At this moment, Xu Yi's cell phone suddenly rang. It was Ed, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After he picked up and listened for a moment, his frown suddenly relaxed, and he suddenly understood why the pie hit him on the head.

People from the church are rushing here, preparing to give him a "title."

He became the title exorcist.

 The next chapter won’t be until early in the morning, friends, you don’t have to wait~
(End of this chapter)

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