American exorcist god.

Chapter 241 Of course you want it all

Chapter 241 Of course you want it all
"Isn't this title too middle-class?"

Xu Yi looked at the gold card in his hand and scratched his head.

The gold card was sent by people from the church. They came and left quickly. Apart from the gold card, there was only a dark blue crystal ball left behind.

Xu Yi's title is engraved on the card: "Holy Flame Martial God".

This made him feel a little ashamed, but after he learned the titles of other exorcists, he felt relieved. At least there was someone else accompanying him.

The church members left, but the “uninvited guests” stayed. Of course, the uninvited guests were targeted at people in Boston.

"Mr. Xu Yi, long time no see!" Entos and Xu Yi greeted warmly.

"Entos, aren't you supposed to be in New York? Why do you have time to come here?" Xu Yi asked with a smile.

He remembered the days when they fought against the rats side by side in the sewers of New York, and he felt a little nostalgic for some reason.

"I heard that Mr. Xu Yi became a titled exorcist. On behalf of New York, I came here to express my congratulations." Entos replied with a smile.

He took out an extremely heavy metal box. After a series of complicated unlocking steps, the box slowly opened, and golden light shone through the gaps in the box.

"This is a little gift we brought." Entos's voice was full of pride.

Xu Yi looked around and saw that inside the box was a circular piece of "metal" with fractures at both ends and unknown complex patterns engraved on it.

"Is this the remains of the Gun of Longinus?!"

Before Entos could introduce him, Mir suddenly screamed.

Xu Yi was also very surprised. Of course he had heard of the Spear of Longinus. It was the spear that once pierced Jesus. After the spear absorbed the holy blood of Jesus, it became a "holy weapon" with great power.

Strictly speaking, the Spear of Longinus is also an exorcism artifact.

But there is also a gap between exorcism artifacts, just like the gap between people, sometimes bigger than that between humans and dogs.

Exorcist artifacts can be roughly divided into three levels, "legacy level", "epic level", and "myth level".

There is no doubt that the Spear of Longinus is the top mythological exorcism artifact.

The exorcism sacred weapons that Xu Yi had come into contact with before, whether it was Saint Oha Gang or the Long Sword Red Lotus, were all heritage-level.

This was his first time coming into contact with such a mythical exorcism artifact.

Xu Yi subconsciously looked at the snake statue on his waist and was slightly startled.

The gems on the statue lit up, but this was not the reason for his daze. It was normal for Nie Yuan to react when encountering a legendary exorcism artifact.

What surprised him was that even for the legendary sacred weapon, the Spear of Longinus, only two gems lit up!

What kind of treasure can light up the three gems?

"This is no small gift!"

Xu Yi looked away from the remains of the Gun of Longinus and stared into Entos's eyes, "We are friends. If you need help with anything, just ask."

"It's really just a congratulatory gift. Of course, I also brought greetings from New York. I wonder when Mr. Xu Yi will return to New York to live? We have prepared several villas there." Entos replied with a smile.

Xu Yi understood that whether it was senior officials in New York or Boston, their demands were actually very simple, which was to let him settle there.

The reason is simple. With your "thigh" by your side, you will be more confident even if you encounter a big disaster, and you can sleep much more peacefully.

Mir was a little frustrated. He wanted to say that Boston also had an exorcism artifact, but compared with the Spear of Longinus in front of him, it was a bit difficult to use.

Although it is just a wreckage, the power of the Spear of Longinus is not comparable to that of ordinary exorcism artifacts.

The most important thing is that there is a induction effect between the remains of the Gun of Longinus.

In other words, with the remains in hand, there is a small hope of finding the entire Gun of Longinus.

Mir looked at the mayor of Boston. The mayor nodded without any trace. Mir knew what to do.

"The remains of the Gun of Longinus are indeed a great work!" Mir suddenly stood up.

He silently opened the briefcase in front of him, took out a stack of information, and placed it in front of Xu Yi, "But the most important thing when giving a gift is that it suits your heart."

Xu Yi curiously checked the information on the desktop and suddenly said in surprise, "These..."

"Yes, this is our Boston, all scientific research projects involving mysticism. As long as Mr. Xu Yi agrees to settle in our Boston, these projects can all be open to Mr. Xu Yi."

Mir glanced at Entos provocatively, "There is also information about the Blade of Scourge. We can also make a copy and give it to Mr. Xu Yi." When Entos and Mir's eyes met, lightning seemed to occur, and the scene was filled with The smell of gunpowder.

They suddenly turned their heads and looked at Xu Yi, "I don't know, Mr. Xu Yi, which city do you think is better to live in?"

Xu Yi looked at the remains of the Gun of Longinus in the box, and then at the pile of information.

He hesitated for a moment and then raised his head, "Otherwise, I live in Boston on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and in New York on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays?"

Entos and Mir were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect such an operation?What's the difference between this and a scumbag telling two girls, "Let's take turns dating?"
"Of course this is a joke. After all, running around every day is such a waste of time."

Xu Yi's next words made both of them breathe a sigh of relief, but they were soon stunned.

"Actually, it doesn't matter where I live. After all, it only takes an hour and a half to fly from Boston to New York." Xu Yi said softly.

Mir glanced at Xu Yi cautiously, "So...what do you mean?"

"I can promise you that if there is a disaster in the city, I will help." Xu Yi stood up and pulled the metal box and documents in front of him.

Only children make choices, of course he wants them all!

Anyway, one sheep is being driven, and two sheep are being driven. His father and friends both live in New York, and there is no way he can just let it go.

In the next period of time, he will also use Boston's resources to conduct research, so it is best to have a good relationship with both parties.

"Of course, I can't guarantee that everything will be solved."

For the sake of caution, Xu Yi added.

Entos and Mir looked at each other, and after thinking for a moment, they actually felt that what Xu Yi said made sense.

"Of course, no problem! If there is anything that needs Mr. Xu Yi's help, we will also send a thank you gift." The mayor of Boston suddenly spoke up and made a decision on this matter.

Xu Yi glanced at the other party with satisfaction. He was indeed a person who could become the mayor. He just had the foresight.

Seeing that the matter was successfully resolved, Xu Yi stood up and was about to go to the hospital to visit Lisa and Carlisle, but the blue crystal ball on the table suddenly flashed red.

What's happening here?Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

The people in the church may have noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere, so they put down the crystal ball and left before they could tell him the function of the crystal ball.

The red light flashed faster and faster, and Xu Yi moved slightly away from the crystal ball, because it looked too much like a bomb whose countdown was about to end.

"What's going on in Japan?" Mir murmured.

Seeing the confused look on Xu Yi's face, he suddenly remembered that Xu Yi didn't know the function of this crystal ball, and slapped his forehead, "Mr. Xu Yi, look carefully at the red light. Is there a flag?"

Xu Yi nodded. He did see the Japanese flag in the red light.

"Mr. Xu Yi, you can think of this blue crystal ball as a 'help platform'. If that city or country encounters a problem that cannot be solved, it will ask for help." Mir explained.

"Do all exorcists with the title have crystal balls like this?" Xu Yi probably understood what was going on.

Mir nodded, "Yes! We have a companion crystal ball in Boston, which is colorless and transparent. When we encountered evil spirits before, we used the companion crystal ball to ask for help from all the exorcists with the title, and finally the Evil Dragon Queen Eukni responded to us.”

"Evil Dragon Queen?" Xu Yi wondered, why didn't he see her?

"Ms. Youkeni is a bit far away from Boston. By the time she arrived, Mr. Xu Yi had already solved the problem." Mir explained.

Xu Yi saw that Mil was hesitant to speak. He knew that the other party had something else that he had not told him, but he did not delve into it.

"What's the situation in Japan?" Xu Yi asked.

Of course he is not concerned about Japan's life and death.

He never thought that he was a savior. Being able to protect the people he cherished around him was already good enough.He has been working hard to strengthen himself for this purpose.

He is worried about the "Ghost Samurai". The Ghost Samurai is still sleeping in Japan, and he doesn't know when he will be able to subdue the demon hammer.

Now that there is a problem in Japan, I don't know if it will affect the ghost warriors.

Mir shook his head, "I don't know, but the red light flashing so fast shows that the situation in Japan is already very bad."

"How bad is it?" Xu Yi asked subconsciously.

"It could possibly destroy the country!" Mir said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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