American exorcist god.

Chapter 242: Place of Curse, Punishment and Killing

Chapter 242: Place of Curse, Punishment and Killing
Japan, Tokyo Airport.

Xu Yi wore a loose sweatshirt, a baseball cap on his head, and a mask on his face. Only his eyes were exposed, covering himself tightly.

If you are not particularly familiar with this outfit, you will definitely not recognize him.

Although with his current strength, it would be nothing even if someone knew about it, but in order to avoid unnecessary complications, he still chose to keep a low profile.

After thinking for a long time, he finally came to Japan, but he did not respond to the invitation of the Japanese government, but came secretly in private.

The "ghost warrior" is like the jewelry he buried in the back of the mountain. Now that he knows something may go wrong, his first thought is, of course, to dig out the jewelry and hide it back home.

Japan is a country surrounded by sea and is a typical island.

The air was filled with a faint moist sea air. Xu Yi took a deep breath, but he suddenly froze and stood there blankly.

[You are in the "Land of Grudges and Punishments" and have successfully signed in. Congratulations on getting "Resurrection Coin x44"! 】

The system information appeared so suddenly that he was stunned for a long time before he realized what was happening.

The sign-in information for the Land of Fear has not appeared for a long time. Unexpectedly, when it appeared, it was "King Explosion"!
Among all the fearful places currently, the highest one is "The Habitat of the Evil God of Thieves, Latma", with a whopping 36 resurrection coins, and now directly reaches 44!

This is not the scariest thing. He is now located at Tokyo International Airport. The huge airport is bustling with people coming and going.

There are hints of a place of fear in such a place, which can only mean one thing. Japan's prosperous appearance has been completely "rotten".

When he was walking around Japan as a ghost warrior before, he met a guy called an onmyoji, who told him that Japan would soon be in a catastrophe.

Didn't expect it to be true.

Xu Yi took a taxi without stopping and headed to Yinahai Fishing Village.Now he just wants to quickly solve the problem of the ghost warriors and leave Japan.

Along the way, he said nothing, and his gloomy face made the driver afraid to breathe.

Thanks to his psychic ability, Xu Yi was very sensitive to various supernatural energies. He felt that the whole of Japan was enveloped in a cold chill.

He really couldn't understand how on earth this could be accomplished on such a huge scale!No one as powerful as a god can do it.

"Can Japan be saved?" A thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

The taxi arrived at Yinahai Fishing Village, and Xu Yi went straight to the seaside.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the waves washed against the silvery beach. This place gave him a sense of familiarity. It was here that Umibozu was killed and the Yayoi House sank into the sea.

Xu Yi jumped into the sea, and his demigod body allowed him to move around in the sea without worrying about drowning.He went all the way down, surrounded by darkness, and he reached the deep sea where even the sun could not reach.

He restrained his aura and secretly communicated with the ghost warrior.

A huge shadow slowly emerged in the sea. Xu Yi looked at the Eight Demons House in front of him, his brows furrowed.

Dense chains wrapped around Yaoyao's house, and the previous doors and windows disappeared, like a sealed fortress.

Yaoyaoya appeared briefly for a few seconds and then disappeared.

Yaoyaoya is very special. It is between illusion and reality. Now it has completely escaped into illusion. If it were not for the ghost samurai's "ghosting", Yaoyaoya would not have appeared.

The ghost warrior is naturally fine. Not only is he fine, but his condition is better than ever.

The Demon Hammer's attempt to "bewitch" the ghost warrior is tantamount to ogling a blind man. Without Xu Yi's possession and control, the ghost warrior is just a cold "machine that absorbs divinity."

The demon hammer is getting thinner day by day, but the ghost warrior is getting stronger and stronger.

As the two continue to rub shoulders, there are signs of merging with each other. In the past, this was a great thing.

This means that the ghost warrior will absorb divinity faster and can control the demon hammer just around the corner.

"According to the normal progress, I'm afraid it will take another two or three months to defeat the demon hammer."

Xu Yi was very confused. With his current strength, he could of course forcibly separate the ghost warrior and the demon hammer, but in this way, the ghost warrior would also be affected.It's actually okay to be affected a little bit. What I'm most afraid of is that Yao Zhui is a "dumb-headed young man" who will die together.

By then, the ghost warrior's origin will inevitably be damaged beyond repair.

"Forced separation is not advisable. We can only think of other ways." Xu Yi originally came for the Demon Hammer and the Eight Demon Houses. He did not want to lose his wife and lose his troops.

He didn't even dare to do it himself, fearing that the demon hammer would sense his power and kill him.

Xu Yi never thought that one day he would be distressed because he was too powerful.

"This matter can only be discussed in the long term." Xu Yi sighed.

He returned to the fishing village of Yinahai with deep thoughts.

Japan is now like a smoker sitting on a barrel of dynamite. At some point, sparks will splash onto the fuse, and then Japan will be blown up into the sky with a bang.

There was no way he could leave the ghost warrior alone. The ghost warrior was too precious, and this walking evil god had the qualifications to become a god!
Yinahai Fishing Village is a remote small village, still some distance away from the city. Xu Yi was too lazy to run around, so he found a private residence in the village.

It was late at night, and Xu Yi was sitting cross-legged on the balcony thinking about the ghost warrior. At this time, the sound of a cat meowing along with the sound of running sounded on the stairs.

At first, Xu Yi didn't pay attention, thinking it was a villager's child chasing the cat.

But he soon realized something was wrong. Under the influence of the "money" ability, the original owner not only cleaned the house well, but also wisely took his family to stay at a relative's house.

And he clearly remembered that there were only two old people and a young couple in this family, and there were no children at all.

The cold wind was moving in the courtyard. Xu Yi felt it carefully and noticed a strange chill.

He was a little surprised, because the chill was so subtle that it almost eluded his psychic perception, but after he noticed it, the chill was so deep into his bones.

In fact, exorcists are also divided into subdivisions. Those who are good at dealing with ghosts and those who are good at dealing with extraordinary creatures. Now Xu Yi is undoubtedly better at dealing with the latter.

He activated his dark stealth ability, blended into the darkness silently, and followed the chill.

Under the table in the room, he discovered the source of the chill, and the muscles all over his body tensed subconsciously.

Xu Yi himself was surprised. His body would only react like this when encountering something that could threaten him.

But now that he is a demigod, he will remain unmoved even if he encounters a powerful evil spirit.What's more, in his perception, the dirty things under the table are at most like evil spirits.

Could it be that his perception was wrong?

Xu Yi looked at it intently. It was a little boy of about seven or eight years old. He was pale and naked and huddled under the table. He lowered his head and didn't know what he was playing with.

The little boy suddenly turned his head, his eyes were dark, without the white of his eyes, like an abyss.

It stared at Xu Yi's position.

Was it discovered?Xu Yi was even more surprised. He knew that dark stealth was not absolute, but he didn't expect to be discovered by a kid who was not even a vicious spirit.

Xu Yi hesitated for a moment, then walked out of the darkness and walked towards the little boy.

He "smelled" the smell of blood from the other party. It was so strong that it was nauseating. This was definitely not a "good ghost".

To be sure, Xu Yi prepared to ignite a little blood in his body to generate "holy" power and completely kill the evil ghost.

"If I were you, I wouldn't choose to do it."

At this moment, a faint female voice came from the shadow next to her. The voice was pleasant, but very cold, like the cold stream on the iceberg.

Xu Yi turned his head and saw a figure sitting in the shadow of the window sill. He had a slim figure and long slender hair flying in the night wind.

(End of this chapter)

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