American exorcist god.

Chapter 243 Patients with Severe Disease 2

Chapter 243 Patients with severe secondary disease

Most of Xu Yi's attention was focused on the new people who appeared. Compared with the fierce spirit of the little boy under the table, the people in front of him gave him a stronger sense of threat.

The dark clouds in the sky moved away, and the moonlight fell down. The girl's skin was as white as transparent, and the other party's hair was also white, like ice and snow, and her eyebrows were as sharp as knives, exuding an unspeakable nobility.

The moment the girl appeared, the pale boy emerged from under the table, holding a bloody eyeball in his hand. He glanced at the girl and rushed out the door.

Xu Yi hesitated for a moment and did not pursue him.

He has now come to realize that the murderous boy is too weird, so it would be better for him to just wait and see.

"You're not an American, are you?" Xu Yi asked aloud. The other person's facial features and temperament were very unique, very different from the Americans he had seen.

"Russia." The girl cherished the words like gold.

"There is only tea here, no vodka. Do you want some?" Xu Yi made a pot of tea by himself.

"You are the strongest man I have ever seen." The girl looked at Xu Yi and said lightly.

Xu Yi almost choked with tea and coughed twice, "What you said can easily cause misunderstandings! It's so late at night that you climbed into a young man's room from the window sill... But why aren't you the strongest?"

"Because I am the strongest person!" The girl's ice-like face was filled with pride.

"You are really confident." Xu Yi sat down and looked at the other person carefully.

The other party is indeed very strong, and can even be said to be the most powerful exorcist Xu Yi has ever encountered.The reason why he could still sit here and drink tea calmly was because he could see that the other party was not hostile.

"If you want to marry me, you just need to win." The girl didn't care about Xu Yi's scrutinizing gaze.

Xu Yi quickly put down the tea cup in his hand, not daring to drink any more water. He was afraid that he would choke to death. He looked at the strange girl with a speechless expression on his face, "You Russians all talk like this..."

He wanted to be straightforward, but this expression was not accurate enough. He wanted to say bohemian, but the girl had a serious face, as if she was telling some truth.

"My name is Youkeni." The girl ignored the troubled Xu Yi, jumped down from the window sill, and went straight to Xu Yi.

"Evil Dragon Queen Eukni?" Xu Yi was not surprised that the girl announced her family name. He had already realized it just now.

As a newly titled exorcist, of course he would get to know his "colleagues."

She can give him a sense of threat, she is a girl, and with her iconic long white hair, she is obviously the Evil Dragon Queen Eukni, who is known as the most talented exorcist in history.

"Please don't mention that stupid title." Eukni frowned slightly.

Xu Yi breathed a long sigh of relief, "We finally found a common topic! When I am free that day, I will definitely complain to the church and ask them to change the title. By the way, what do you want to change it to then?"

"The strongest exorcist in history!" Yukni answered without hesitation.

Xu Yi put down the tea cup in his hand and was silent for a long time. "I was rash just now. I take back what I just said."

The girl in front of her was obviously a "severe patient with late-stage chuunibyou".

"Why don't you ask me not to deal with that evil spirit?" Xu Yi changed the subject very wisely.

"Because I killed the other party several times, and then it became like this." Yukni released her body's seal, and a special magnetic field filled the air.

Xu Yi was secretly frightened. The other party's words revealed a lot of information. First, it was difficult to kill the evil spirit, and it might even be impossible to kill it. Otherwise, it would not have been "killed" by Yukni several times.

"Is this a curse?"

What surprised Xu Yi even more was that Yukeni was actually cursed!
The previous curse was forcibly suppressed by Youkeni, so Xu Yi couldn't notice it.

As a titled exorcist, Yukni doesn't know which direction the opponent's abilities tend to be, but she is by no means easily cursed.

"This kind of curse is very special. According to the useless Onmyoji in Japan, it is a curse, and it is basically an unsolvable existence." Yukni was extremely irritable.

She came here in response to the Japanese government's call. She originally wanted to make "extra money" and also experience herself. She didn't expect to encounter such a difficult thing.


"There is an extremely rare and special kind of person called 'Nasha'. If Nasha dies with a grudge and sets a curse before his death, a 'curse' will form."

Yukni explained, "For ordinary people, the curse will kill them if they touch it, and it will generate new curses, which will spread endlessly. This kind of thing is more like a virus, and it is a virus that cannot be killed. .”

"You stopped me just now to prevent me from being cursed?" Xu Yi suddenly thought of something. "The kid you saw just now is part of the curse. It doesn't mean that if you don't kill it, it will be fine. If you set foot on Japanese soil, or even just come into contact with someone who carries the curse, you may be cursed." You. Kni explained.

Xu Yi understood what the other party meant. If he didn't kill the evil soul, he might still be able to escape the curse. If he killed him, he would definitely be infected with the curse.

"So terrifying? According to what you said, wouldn't the world be over?" Xu Yi became more and more frightened as he listened.

"I left Japan a few days ago and went to Boston and got some good news."

Yukni's tone softened, "The farther away you are from Japan, the weaker the effect of the curse will become. If you are afraid of death, just find a place far away from Japan and hide."

"You are truly a model exorcist!" Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said casually.

Yukni accepted the invitation from the Japanese government. Before the matter was resolved, she went to Boston. After finding that there was no problem, she rushed back here without stopping.

"By the way, thank you too. If you hadn't solved Boston's problem, I'm afraid my current situation would be even worse." Youkeni thanked her softly.

"Then you flew in vain and wasted your time?"

Xu Yi was not surprised that Yukeni knew him. The other party had already arrived in Boston. Out of curiosity, he would also like to take a look at the person who solved the problem.

"How can it be a waste of time? There must be an appearance fee!" Youkeni glanced at Xu Yi doubtfully.

Xu Yi was choked. At the same time, he also figured out that the "appearance fee" was probably not low.

"So, you came here to remind me just to thank me for earning the appearance fee for you?" Xu Yi asked softly.

"Otherwise?" Youkeni glanced at Xu Yi in surprise.

"Of course...that's it!" Xu Yi took a sip of tea to relieve the embarrassment.

He stared at the curse on Eukni, frowned and said, "Is this curse really irreversible?"

Xu Yi walked towards Youkeni, and Youkeni suddenly became a little nervous, "Why are you so close to me?"

Xu Yi burned a wisp of blood and activated his "holy" ability. The white-gold air flow condensed on his fingertips, like a flame.

"You want to get rid of the curse? Don't waste time. I've tried so many methods, but none of them work." Youkeni saw what Xu Yi did and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as she finished speaking, white-gold flames burned the black-red curse around her body.

" did you do that?" Youkeni looked at Xu Yi blankly.

Xu Yi was not happy about getting rid of the curse. He was still frowning because the next second, the black-red curse spread to Yukni's body again.

The curse on Yukni, at first glance, seems a bit similar to the curse of the evil god Latma, but it is actually something completely different.

The curse of the evil god Ratma is difficult to remove because the curse has a high "level". As long as you find energy with a higher "level", it can be dispelled.

But the curse in front of him was different. Xu Yi actually felt... the meaning of "rules".

"Don't worry, I'm surprised that you were able to burn away the curse temporarily, and it's not without effect..." Yukni felt her body, "The curse has more than doubled in strength."

"That's only temporary. The curse will soon return to its original state, and may even become stronger."

Xu Yi is even more pessimistic than Youkeni. Only when you have been exposed to the "Grudge" can you understand how terrifying and difficult it is.

At the same time, he also understood why Yukni wanted to return to Japan.

The other party must be trying to find a way to lift the "curse", otherwise if this thing remains on his body, it will be a time bomb.

"How did you know I was here?" Xu Yi suddenly thought of something.

He glanced at Eukni in confusion. Could it be that she was following him?
Youkeni seemed to be aware of Xu Yi's thoughts and rolled her eyes at Xu Yi, "Don't think too much, I've lived here for a long time, right next door."

"You live near here and you still wear combat uniforms at night?" Xu Yi had long noticed the other party's special clothes.

"This combat uniform is not prepared for you." Yukni looked out of the window with a deep look.

(End of this chapter)

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