American exorcist god.

Chapter 244 Thumbs up

Chapter 244 Thumbs up
The watchtower is the highest place in the entire Yinahai fishing village. Xu Yi and Youkeni stood on the top of the tower, holding telescopes and looking towards the rocky beach on the seaside.

It is too far from the seaside. Even Xu Yi needs a telescope to see the seaside scene clearly.

"Here it comes!" Yukni suddenly said.

Xu Yi quickly looked intently, and he finally saw the person Yukni was waiting for.

A group of people wearing uniforms suddenly appeared at the beach, with the words "Tokyo Marine Conservation Organization" written on the back of the uniforms.

"This is a really good trick of selling dog meat over sheep's heads!" Xu Yi quickly discovered the clues. Those people seemed to be setting up exploration equipment, but in fact they were building some kind of magic circle.

Xu Yi frowned slightly. He seemed to see an acquaintance, but he was not 100% sure.

That man seemed to be very similar to Fick, the deceiver who planned the Ram Evil God incident, but his hands were intact and his face was thinner.

"Didn't the Japanese Onmyoji predict a big disaster a long time ago? Why did it happen like this?" Xu Yi suddenly thought of something.

When the ghost warriors were operating in Japan before, they did not feel the breath of the curse. Not long after this, the entire country turned into a place of curse and execution.

Youkeni glanced at Xu Yi in surprise, but she didn't expect that Xu Yi even knew about this.

"The speed at which the curse spread can only be described as terrifying. In just three days, it spread throughout the country. When the group of Onmyoji discovered it, it was already too late to stop it."

Youkeni looked down, "The reason why it spread so quickly is because the organization behind this group of people is fueling the fire."

Yukni's brows gradually wrinkled, "That organization is very mysterious. I still can't find its name. I only know that the organization's totem is a door."

"Have you ever tried to catch people from the sect organization and give them some strength?" Xu Yi asked.

"There is no use in torture. The souls of those people have been sealed. Once they want to reveal information about the organization, they will die instantly." Yukni shook her head.

While they were chatting, the magic circle had been set up.

A woman who seemed to be the leader walked to the center of the circle and covered the things she was holding with a black cloth.

The black cloth was uncovered, and inside was a plant similar to a lotus palm, with purple-black leaves and closed leaves, like the pupils of a beast.

The woman cut her wrist open and poured blood on the plant. The leaf petals unfolded in an instant. What was in the center was not a bud, but a small piece of black and gold debris, only the size of a fingernail, with uneven edges.

Xu Yi suddenly lowered his head in surprise. The moment he saw the black-golden remains, the Niyuan statue on his waist actually started to tremble.

With such a long distance, the Niyuan statue shouldn't have reacted. This can only mean one thing.

The quality of the black-golden remains is estimated to be very high, and it is very suitable for evil fate.

Xu Yi was very excited, but unfortunately it was too far away to measure the actual level of the thing.

The woman placed the plant in the center of the magic circle. The magic circle activated silently, with no light and no loud noise, but Xu Yi smelled the stench of rotting dead mice.

"This smell smells bad to us exorcists, but not necessarily other things." Yukni frowned in disgust.

As soon as he finished speaking, a water ghost covered in water plants crawled out of the sea.

As time goes by, ferocious fish-headed monsters, two-headed sea serpents... various strange dark creatures continue to emerge.

Later, not only monsters in the ocean, but also monsters on the surrounding land were attracted.

The bottom of the sea suddenly surged, and something huge was rising from the sea. Xu Yi's face became ugly,

In a radius of several kilometers, who else could have such power but Yaoyaoya?
He couldn't figure it out. Is the attraction of the black-golden wreckage really that strong?The demon hammer is now too weak to deal with the ghost warriors, but it still has the heart to come out to "hunt game"?
Xu Yi first met Youkeni today, and then met people from these organizations. It seemed like a coincidence, but all coincidences have some kind of inevitability.

The people from these sect organizations would definitely look down on the dark creatures nearby. Their initial target was Yaoyouya.

Eukni took out a short golden staff from her waist. The short staff was actually a retractable structure. With a flick of her hand, Eukni turned the short staff into a long staff.

"Are you planning to go?" Xu Yi asked subconsciously.

"According to my investigation, that ritual object is very important to the Sect organization."

Eukni looked cold, "In that case, I will snatch it away. I don't believe that the mastermind behind the scenes can still sit still. When the time comes, the other party will come to the door, detain them, and then force them to solve the curse." Okay." This plan can't be said to be crude, it can be said to have no plan at all.

But Xu Yi followed without hesitation. If the Eight Demonic Houses were not involved, he could still be a member of the crowd. Now he couldn't sit still no matter what.

A group of dark creatures rushed toward the wreckage in the center of the circle, their eyes full of hunger, but the one who was faster than them was Yaoyaoya.

Densely packed chains flew out of the Yaoyao House, sweeping away the competitors along the way and flying towards the black-golden wreckage.

Seeing that the chains were about to come into contact with the wreckage, the competitors suddenly became red-eyed and pulled the chains like crazy to prevent them from getting close to the mysterious wreckage.

Yaoyaowu was angry. It didn't expect that these ant-like things would dare to stop it. The chains danced wildly, smashing all the blockers in front of it.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yi shook his head subconsciously.

The one who controls the Eight Demon Houses is the Demon Hammer. Previously, Xu Yi evaluated it as "clear stupidity". Now it seems that his evaluation was wrong.

Where is the stupidity in this?It's just no brainer.

Putting aside whether Yaoyaoya can recognize the scam of "fishing for law enforcement", the other party's approach is tantamount to opening up a halo of ridicule.

The dark creatures present rushed toward the Yayoi House. They lay on the Yayoi House like a group of ghouls, biting with their fangs and tearing with their claws.

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and he wanted to praise the ghost warrior loudly.

While Yayoya fought against the monsters, the Oni Samurai accelerated the speed of absorbing divinity. If he continued like this, it would only take a week or two to completely subdue the demon hammer and gain control of Yayoya.

"Hand over the ritual objects!" Yukni shouted in vain, and rushed out with the golden scepter in hand.

Xu Yi wanted to cover his face. If he had followed his approach, he would have sneaked over first, fired a few sneak shots, and tried to kill one or two.

This practice has nothing to do with strength, it is simply a habit. People in the world call it "lyb syndrome".

Yukeni waved the golden scepter, and Xu Yi originally thought that the other party was a "mage" type of exorcist, with all kinds of powerful exorcisms at his fingertips.

But Yukeni only used pure brute force to deal with the people of these sect organizations.

The golden scepter was swung with great force, and its power could shock people's eyes. No one was his enemy. Anyone swept by the golden scepter would either die or be injured.

There was a transparent air curtain covering Yukni's surface, and all the attacks that landed on her were silently eliminated, leaving only some ripples in the air curtain.

Eukni rushed to the center of the ritual object and slammed down the golden scepter. The strange plant was filled with rich purple light, and the invincible scepter was blocked.

A violent dragon roar suddenly came, and the shadow of a giant dragon burning with green flames appeared on the scepter. Yukni used the power of the evil dragon to break through the purple light.

She reached out to take away the ritual object, when her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of purple light, and she subconsciously dodged it.

The purple tentacles swept from her original position with great power, and the dark creatures affected were instantly smashed to pieces.

The tentacles came from the woman headed by the Sect Organization. A large black mist filled the air behind her, and countless tentacles poured out from it, dancing around the woman.

A strange pattern appeared on the woman's forehead, which was a closed brass door. On the door was carved some kind of unknown monster, with a bird's head and human body, and countless pale hands growing on its back.

"Take away the guilty body!" the woman shouted angrily.

Eukni waved the golden scepter again, but instead of blocking the tentacles, she resisted the tentacle attacks with her body.

The golden scepter struck the strange plant like hitting a baseball. The strange plant flew towards Xu Yi with a roar, carrying something called "sin bones".

Xu Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed the strange plant.

"Awesome! Home run!" Xu Yi gave a thumbs up to Eukni.

But his next move shocked Youkeni. Xu Yi picked up the things, turned around and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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