Chapter 245

Youkeni looked at Xu Yi's running back and was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses.

No, this is too decisive an escape, right?No sloppiness.

But they are obviously titled exorcists, and it is not a problem to sweep these people away, so why should they run away?

Of course Xu Yi had to escape, and he also had to deal with Demon Hammer. Although the other party was stupid, for the sake of caution, he still couldn't let the other party know his strength.

If you scare the other party, it will be very troublesome to implement subsequent plans.

"Catch him! We must take back the sinful body!"

People from the sect organization were chasing after him, and Xu Yi deliberately slowed down.

Wherever his eyes glanced, shadowy ghosts were moving, and those dark creatures were also chasing after them.

The Yaoyao House trembled, chains flying around the body, and he was extremely angry and manic.

In the past, the Eight Demonic House could transform into a virtual body and float over the city, but now because of the ghost warrior, it could not be like before and could only watch Xu Yi leave with his things.

The strange plant in Xu Yi's hand was twisting desperately, and its leaf petals were like sharp teeth, constantly biting Xu Yi's hand.

But it soon discovered that the hand holding it was harder than steel.

Xu Yi glanced lightly at the "Lotus Palm" in his hand. The attack of the Lotus Palm stopped instantly. It felt a suffocating pressure, and the person in front of it could easily make it fall into eternal sleep.

The lotus palm retracted its wriggling leaves and returned to its original appearance, like a dead thing.

"Hey, you are quite discerning!" Xu Yi joked.

Taking advantage of the time to escape, he searched in the Memory Palace and actually found information about the Lotus Palm.

This is an extraordinary creature called a "bird of prey". Although it looks like a flower, it is actually a bird.

This kind of bird has a high IQ and is afraid of death. It can isolate extraordinary magnetic fields, and its effect is a hundred times more powerful than an ordinary shroud.

"Don't kill him yet! He is Yukni's companion. Capture him and use him to threaten Yukni!"

Someone behind him said loudly, and Xu Yi turned around. He was still an "acquaintance," and he was suspected to be a guy from Fike, the God-Deceiver.

The people from the sect organization surrounded Xu Yi, looking at Xu Yi like meat on the chopping board, without any worry that Xu Yi would resist.

Fick stepped out of the crowd and glanced at Xu Yi lightly.

He did not ask Xu Yi if he was willing to voluntarily hand over the corpse, as if Xu Yi was just an ant on the roadside and could be trampled to death at any time.

With the power of a demigod, Xu Yi can block the energy in his body without resorting to the "Demon Forbidden Needle".

In the eyes of others, he is almost like an ordinary person at this moment, and they cannot perceive that he is an exorcist.

Xu Yi almost laughed in anger, and began to think about whether he was too low-key by completely isolating the breath?He was actually treated as a soft persimmon.

Bird of Prey looked at the people from the Sect Organization who were surrounding them, and seemed to be able to see the fate of these people. These people had no idea of ​​the horror of the demon in front of them.

Xu Yi looked around.

This place is already quite far from the seaside, and Yaoyaoya cannot sense the situation here. It is surrounded by an open tidal flat and not many people live there.

"Okay, let's stay here!" Xu Yi turned around and faced everyone with an expressionless face.

The people from the sect organization were stunned for a moment, wondering if this person was scared out of his wits?

Fike was more alert than the others. He had a vague feeling of bad premonition and waved his hand to let the people next to him take action first.

The man walked straight towards Xu Yi, the dagger slipped out of his sleeve, a cold light flashed, and the dagger went straight to Xu Yi's throat, the attack was extremely cruel.

But the dagger was held between two fingers. Xu Yi held the dagger more easily than holding a cigarette.

Xu Yi exerted slight force on his hand, and the strong dagger broke with a sound. Xu Yi's hand passed over the man's head, and the man instantly collapsed to the ground.

Fick's pupils suddenly shrank, and a big pit was sunk into the top of the fallen man's head, and his brain mixed with blood flowed out.

The expressions of everyone present changed, and they all realized that they had hit a brick wall.

Can the person who can hang out with the Evil Dragon Queen Yukeni be an ordinary person?
At first, they thought about snatching back the corpse, but soon they became desperate. Their attacks fell on each other without making any waves.

But with a casual blow from the opponent, someone will inevitably fall to the ground, their heart will be shattered, and their head will be twisted off.The most important thing is that the other party has always been careless, obviously not using his full strength.They would rather face Yukni than deal with this monster.

"Escape!" Someone shouted. The besieged members of the Sect organization turned into birds and beasts and scattered, but Fick stood abnormally. He knew it was too late.

Xu Yi's figure disappeared on the spot, and the fleeing people only felt a wind blowing by them. This was a sleeping wind. They fell back to sleep, and the quality of their sleep was enviable.

"Why don't you run?" Xu Yi dealt with everyone and turned to look at Fick curiously.

Fike did not answer directly. He took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart. "Let me go. I can tell you some secrets."

Xu Yi neither agreed nor refused, just looked at the other party with calm eyes.

Fick knew that it would be impossible to gain the other party's trust without telling some information. "The root of the grudge comes from a Japanese woman named Kayako..."

Xu Yi listened quietly. The matter was actually not complicated.

Kayako, who has a low self-esteem, had a crush on his classmate Shunsuke Kobayashi, but did not dare to confess. Later, out of helplessness, he married his neighbor Takeo Saeki and gave birth to a boy named Toshio.

Life was going well at first, until Takeo Saeki went to the hospital for a physical check-up and discovered that he had oligozoospermia, and began to suspect that Toshio was not his biological son.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, the outcome is doomed.

Kayako's notebook was used to record his crush, and his crush was Toshio's art teacher... These things became the straw that broke the camel's back.

The extremely angry Takeo Saeki committed cruel domestic violence against Kayako and killed Kayako alive in the closet at home.

"When we discovered Kayako's ghost, we thought it was just an ordinary evil spirit. You should be able to guess what happened next..."

Fike quietly observed Xu Yi, trying to judge Xu Yi's thoughts through his face, but Xu Yi's expression was always indifferent.

"I can tell you how to break the curse, but the premise is that I hope you can let me go."

Fike's voice was full of contagion, "We actually have no grudges. I can promise that I will never appear in front of you again in the future. Even if you let me go, it will not have any impact on a strong person like you."

Xu Yi seemed to be a little moved. Fike was overjoyed in his heart, but it didn't show on his face at all.

In fact, Fike doesn't know how to resolve the grudge at all. Not only him, but also people in the organization don't know.

The story of Kayako is actually nothing unusual. Similar stories are played out every day around the world, including the rare Kayako person and the strange land of Japan.

The emergence of coconut milk involves tens of thousands of factors. Changing any one of them will not lead to the current "curse".

It is no exaggeration to say that the birth of "Grudge" is a miracle among miracles, but a dark miracle.

"If you want to solve the problem of Kayako, you need very tedious steps. You must first find the burial place of Kayako..."

Fike lies all the time, but he doesn't make it up randomly. He has stitched together many cases of exorcising curses, and it does sound like that.

This is actually his talent and the origin of the title "The God-Deceiver".

"Lying" is his innate ability. Even if his words are outrageous, some people will believe him.

Later, he came into contact with an exorcist, thinking that lying could only be effective on ordinary people. Then he discovered that not only exorcists, but also some evil spirits, demons, and even evil gods... were equally effective.

Although the more powerful the being, the weaker the effect.

But as long as he makes it "real" enough, it can also have miraculous effects.

Xu Yi nodded frequently, fascinated.

Fike was secretly happy in his heart and was full of disdain for Xu Yi. So what could he do no matter how powerful he was?Don’t you just have to be deceived by him!

His body was trembling slightly, and he could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart. This was his morbid hobby. Every time he deceived a powerful being, he would tremble with excitement.

"So..." Fick suddenly stopped talking when he got to the key point and looked at Xu Yi.

His meaning was very simple. If he wanted him to continue talking, Xu Yi had to give a promise. He was not worried that Xu Yi would go back on his promise, because they would sign a soul contract later.

"Is it gone?" Xu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at Fick with some unfinished thoughts.

Fike was stunned for a moment. Why was Xu Yi's reaction different from what he imagined?
The white-gold air flow gathered in Xu Yi's hand, and while Fick was stunned, Xu Yi's hand pierced Fick's head.

The air flow flashed out, and "Holy" burned Fick's brain and burned out all the organs in the opponent's body.

(End of this chapter)

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