American exorcist god.

Chapter 246 "3-star" evil source

Chapter 246 "Three-Star" Level Evil Source
Xu Yi looked at the corpse hanging in his hand quietly. He originally thought that the other party could tell some explosive secrets. After hearing this, he only had one thought in his mind.

That's it?

Xu Yi took action brazenly, not because he realized that Fike was telling lies.

If he knew, he would definitely be amazed. The other party's ability to "lie" can no longer be described as talent, it is simply a magical skill!

Except for being wary at the beginning, throughout the whole process, he never doubted that Fike was telling lies.

Such people are born liars.

The reason why Xu Yi took action was very simple.

He's not here to save Japan. If he doesn't know how to lift the curse, he just doesn't know it, and it won't affect him.

"Ficker knows how to lift the curse, and the senior leaders of other sect organizations must also know. After all, Fick is not the boss of the sect organization."

"He can easily interrogate and solve the problem. There is no reason why the Japanese Onmyoji can't. They should not be useless to this extent."

This was the thought that flashed through Xu Yi's mind at that time.

It would be okay if it could be solved easily, but Fike made it too complicated. Xu Yi felt it was too troublesome, so he took action decisively.

But having said that, only by making the process extremely complicated can the lies appear true.

If Fike knew what Xu Yi was thinking, he would probably be so depressed that he vomited blood. The cause of his death was actually because the lie he made up was too true!

Xu Yi was about to withdraw his hand from Fike's pierced head, but he was suddenly startled, burning the blood in his body, and the brilliance of "Holy" reappeared.

His palms tightened, as if they were holding something.

"I curse you! I want you to die miserably!" Fick's soul voice came, roaring and cursing at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi stared at the thing in his hand expressionlessly, which was a group of constantly twisting souls.

This is what he didn't expect. "Holy" can not only destroy the body, but also incinerate the soul. The slightest touch by an ordinary exorcist will result in death of the body and soul.

But Fick’s soul is still alive!

An inexplicable chill suddenly came. Xu Yi lowered his head and looked down. Blood was dripping from Fike's toes, and the blood was dirty and black.

Sheng's powerful power instantly burned out Fick's internal organs. Where did the blood come from?

There was a broken glass bottle in Fick's arms, and black blood flowed from it.

Xu Yi recognized the bottle. It was a special magic weapon that would automatically burst as soon as the host's heart was detected to have stopped.

Usually this kind of bottle contains strong acid that corrodes the flesh, and is used by dead soldiers to destroy evidence. The black blood in front of them is obviously not the case.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly, and he felt a cold energy spreading through his body.

He had seen this kind of energy before. In Yukni's body, the black blood most likely came from the person who cursed death.

He eventually contracted the curse!
"Don't even think about it even if I'm dead! I just lied to you, and the curse can't be driven away at all! Just prepare to live in the hell of the curse!" Fike laughed maniacally.

Xu Yi was unmoved. Sheng's power allowed him to touch the soul with his physical body. He held Fick's soul and kept burning it with the holy flame.

No soul is immortal, especially in front of the holy flame, it just takes a little more time.

"Blood is Holy" has many ways to use it, such as "full open" mode, "point" mode, "blood grant" mode...

This ability has very strong development potential, and Xu Yi is still in the exploratory stage.

"Fully open" mode is the mode used when facing the evil dragon. This mode is a typical "turn it on for a while and then be a crematorium".

The "point" model is exactly the opposite, taking a frugal and durable route.

He is currently using the "point" mode. In order to cope with the danger that may arise next, he must conserve his strength as much as possible.Xu Yi waited quietly, and after a while he found that nothing happened except being infected with the curse.

His eyes fell on the bird of prey on his waist.

During the battle, he tied the bird of prey to his waist with a rope, because the bird of prey is a living thing and cannot be included in the toy space.

The black-gold sin skeleton was embedded in the center of the bird of prey. Xu Yi originally wanted to pull it out by force, but found that it would trigger the magic circle hidden in the bird of prey, so he gave up.

In addition to the bird of prey, there was also a statue of Niyuan hanging on his waist. At this moment, the three gems on Niyuan lit up, shining with a faint red light.

Three Star!It’s actually a three-star evil source material!
Xu Yi touched Sin's body and his hands felt cold.

He was really curious, where did this thing come from?You must know that the remains of the Gun of Longinus are only two stars.

After being excited for a moment, he quickly calmed down.

He did not choose to fuse because the amount of sin bones was too small, only about the size of a fingernail.

Choosing "object" to become the source of evil will undoubtedly be used to create exclusive weapons.

What can be made of this fingernail-sized wreckage?Embroidery needle?He didn't want to follow the path of Dongfang Invincible.

Moreover, after the object becomes the source of evil, it must be divided. This division may not even be able to create a needle.

"As long as there is more quantity..."

Xu Yi let out a long sigh. If it was the size of a fist, he could mix in other materials to create a weapon, but there were too few in front of him.

He looked around, and saw shadowy black shadows hovering around him. The dark creatures attracted by the sinful bones were unwilling to leave, but they were afraid of the power of the holy flame and did not dare to get close.

"Close the leaves!"

Xu Yi just said it casually, not thinking that the bird of prey immediately closed the leaf petals, being too obedient.

The leaf petals cover the sin skeleton, the unpleasant stench disappears, and the dark creatures peeping around will soon leave.

Xu Yi had no intention of killing these dark creatures because they couldn't kill them all.

Japan is a small country, but it is extremely strange that so much "filth" can be produced.

But those dark creatures suddenly became "dry", as if the air had been sucked out of a balloon, and they couldn't even let out a scream.

A strange sound of bubbles suddenly came from the darkness, and Xu Yi instantly became alert. The sound of bubbles was by no means a magnetic sound that he usually heard.

It was more like the sound of being unable to swallow for a moment after having your throat cut open. You tried hard to keep breathing, but your exhalation was blocked by flesh and blood.

A strange figure appeared in the darkness. It was a woman with pale skin.

The white suspender skirt was covered with blood stains, and the long black hair fell down from the side of the face. It suddenly raised its head and stared at Xu Yi with its bleeding eyes.

Xu Yi took a deep breath. There was no doubt that what was in front of him was the source of the curse, the coconut palm.

Kayako's limbs were twisted and crawling in the darkness.

Wherever it went, those dark creatures "collapsed" one after another, and a large amount of dark energy poured into its body.

Xu Yi's face turned very ugly, and he suddenly understood the purpose of the sect organization.

Those dark creatures attracted by the sin skeleton are the nourishment of Gaoyao!
In other words, if the Oni Samurai is allowed to stay in Japan, he will definitely be targeted by Kayako, and the situation will be unpredictable.

"This is a great masterpiece of our organization! Kayako originally did not have the ability to absorb other dark creatures, but we gave it to it!" Fike laughed maniacally.

Xu Yi frowned, this legendary sect organization was so heartless!
The curse was terrifying to begin with, but if he added the ability to devour other dark creatures, he simply couldn't imagine what it would become.

(End of this chapter)

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