American exorcist god.

Chapter 248 The Demon Hammer at the End

Chapter 248 The Demon Hammer at the End

The chains of the Eight Demonic Houses are rushing towards the bird of prey. The sinful bones on the bird of prey are a great tonic for the demon hammer.

If the demon hammer swallows the sin skeleton, it is likely to completely suppress the ghost warrior, but Xu Yi has no intention of taking action.

A purple light curtain rose from the body of the bird of prey, and the light curtain was swept by the chain, leaving only a few ripples.

This light screen can withstand Yukeni's attack. Yaoyaoya is not as strong as Yukeni. The bird of prey can resist it for a while, which is no problem at all.

Besides, Yaoyaoya couldn't deal with the bird of prey wholeheartedly.

The ghosts and monsters swarmed towards Yaoyaoya like a tide, and Yaoyaoya was forced to face the enemy. The chains danced wildly, and a melee was about to break out.

"It's time to steal a wave of homes!" Xu Yi hid in the shadows and peeped, he was slightly focused.

Deep in the Yao Yao House, the demon hammer was completely attached to the ghost warrior. The demon hammer was concentrating on controlling the Yao Yao House, so it failed to notice that a faint fire light lit up in the depths of the ghost warrior's pupils.

The nightmare bone shone with light, constantly devouring the divinity of the demon hammer.

In the past, the divinity that devoured the demon hammer was due to the instinct of the nightmare bone. Now that Xu Yi is possessed by his mind, he has changed from "passive" to "active", and the speed of absorbing divinity has begun to accelerate.

In fact, this speed is not the limit of the nightmare bone, but for the sake of caution and not to let the demon hammer notice, Xu Yi only speeded up a little.

After a few minutes, he speeded up a little more. It was like boiling a frog in warm water, raising the temperature of the water little by little.

"I hope I can make it in time!" Xu Yi stared at the demon hammer.

The cracked demon hammer began to fade. It was originally bronze, but now more than half of it has turned into a gray stone-like color.

At this rate, it will take about half an hour.


Japan, Harada family.

The core members of the Harada family gathered together. After listening to Harada Mieko's story, everyone was a little silent.

Mieko Harada, wearing a red miko costume, was sitting at the front seat holding a long sword.

In Japan, people are very particular about where they sit. She was able to sit in this position only because of her status as a "god attendant".

At noon, she suddenly received an oracle, asking the Harada family to evacuate Japan. However, the family members were scattered all over Japan, and it was already afternoon when they arrived.

If they hurry up, they can leave before dark, but now it's late at night, and they are still in the ancestral home of the Harada family.

"The Harada family has lived on this land for hundreds of years, how can they just leave?" The white-haired old man looked serious.

"Some time ago, a large number of Japanese high-level officials left quietly. It is likely that something big happened. I think all clan members should be evacuated immediately."

The current patriarch of the Harada family is a middle-aged man who is in the prime of his life. He is more courageous and has a greater sense of crisis than the elders of the family.

The old and new factions quarreled, and no one could convince the other. But the quarrel ended abruptly, and Mieko Harada suddenly stood up from her kneeling mat.

"Mieko Harada?" the clan leader asked in confusion.

"I am ready to leave Japan." Mieko Harada could not persuade her family members to leave, so she could only choose to follow the oracle herself.

At this moment, screams came from the street. The patriarch had a bad feeling and quickly stood up and opened the window to look out.

Bloody clouds fell from the sky.

Just as he was stunned, the sound of rapid footsteps came, and the clansman responsible for guarding ran over panting.

"The clan leader is in trouble. He Ben, Hatoyama, and Koizumi, these three families united and rushed into the station, asking us to hand over the sword of God."

"How dare they?" The clan leader was shocked and angry.

Everyone present looked at Harada Mieko, their eyes focused on the divine sword on her waist. It was the magic sword Guren given by the Oni Samurai. …………

The remains of ghosts and monsters are scattered everywhere on the white beach. The strong smell of blood can be smelled several kilometers away. A kappa is tied to the chain of Yaoyaoya and is torn into several pieces.

This is the last ghost.

Yaoyaoya let out a strange roar, unable to conceal the excitement in its voice. Although Yaoyaoya was scarred, the final victory still belonged to it.

"It's coming!" Xu Yi, who was observing in the dark, took a deep breath. Whether he can succeed or not depends on his next action.

At the same time, the bird of prey's energy was exhausted, the purple light curtain broke, and the chains restrained the bird of prey like a group of snakes, dragging it into the Yaoyao House.

The bird of prey was taken to the depths of Yaoyao's house, to the wellhead covered with chains.

The demon hammer and the ghost warrior rose from the well together. The demon hammer trembled slightly, and the blood-red pupils on the hammer body suddenly opened, staring at the sinful body in the center of the bird of prey, full of longing.

Its eyes were all on Sin Bones, and it failed to notice that the ghost warrior was secretly accumulating strength and preparing to break free from the chains.

The bird of prey was pulled to the demon hammer. The handle of the hammer squirmed and turned into a strange bronze snake. The snake opened its huge mouth and bit towards the sinful corpse.

The strange snake suddenly let out a scream and twisted in pain.

The remote control bomb set by Xu Yi took effect!

Crystal blood gushes out from the gaps in the bird's leaves, and they seem to be alive, covering the demon hammer.

The next second, the blood turned into white-gold flames, and the strange hammer twisted painfully in the flames.

This is another use of "blood is holy".

Xu Yi can inject his thoughts into the blood and control the blood at will. Blood is the foundation of "holy". As long as the blood is there, he can use the "holy" ability.

The white-gold holy flame slowly extinguished. After all, the blood that can be hidden in the bird of prey is limited. This amount of blood can only burn for two seconds.

White smoke billowed from the demon hammer, but its pupils were still staring at Sin Bones.

It rushed towards the sin skeleton again, but the crisp sound of the chain breaking suddenly came, and an armored hand suddenly grasped the bronze snake turned into a hammer handle.

The flames in the ghost warrior's pupils were as blazing as lava, and he stared at the demon hammer quietly.

The demon hammer struggled desperately, but the ghost warrior's hands were like iron pliers, motionless.

The struggle lasted for 3 minutes. During this period, Demon Hammer tried every method, but could only watch as the divinity in his body was swallowed up.

It began to panic, its blood-colored pupils flashing with fear.

It surrendered to the ghost warrior, but the ghost warrior remained unmoved and greedily absorbed the divinity of the demon hammer.

After knowing that he could not escape the fate of destruction, Demon Hammer made a crazy decision and prepared to die with the ghost warrior!
Xu Yi, who was possessed by the ghost warrior, looked at the demon hammer quietly without feeling any panic at all.

Most of the demon hammer has turned gray-white, with only the pupil remaining, which still retains its original color.

When a frog in warm water feels hot, it has no ability to resist.

A black shadow flew out of the ghost warrior's body. It was the clay god's stone tablet. The clay god's stone tablet ignited golden flames, and the burning fire enveloped the demon hammer.

The demon hammer tried to activate its final power, but it collapsed in the burning fire.

The nightmare bone burst out with powerful devouring power, swallowing up the last trace of the demon hammer's divinity.

The blood pupils of the demon hammer turned gray-white, and the soul in the demon hammer was completely destroyed.

"It's done!" Xu Yi was overjoyed and even wanted to open champagne to celebrate. What he has to do now is to wait for the ghost warrior to pass the demon hammer and completely control the eight demon houses.

(End of this chapter)

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