American exorcist god.

Chapter 249 Eight-kidno Orochi and Demon Hammer

Chapter 249 Yamata no Orochi and the Demon Hammer

Xu Yi walked towards the Eight Demons House. Every time he took a step, the Eight Demons House faded a little, as if paint had been washed away.

By the time Xu Yi arrived in front of the Eight Demons House, the Eight Demons House had completely turned gray-white, like a statue, and the tentacles had completely hardened.

This is because Yayoya's divinity was swallowed up by the Oni Samurai.

The hidden door of the Eight Demons House appeared, and Xu Yi entered the Eight Demons House. It had turned into an ordinary house without the magical ability to fold space.

Xu Yi came to the depths of the Eight Demons House. Next to the ancient well, chains were scattered on the ground.

The bird of prey did not run away, or rather it did not dare. Xu Yi waved to it, and the bird of prey automatically jumped onto Xu Yi's waist.

Xu Yi looked at the demon hammer. The demon hammer suddenly vibrated, and the part of the hammer handle held by the ghost warrior began to show color.

The ghost warrior absorbs the divinity of the demon hammer and the eight demon houses, just like an emperor conquering a city. Now that the city has been captured, of course he sends his loyal men to control the capital.

The divinity of the ghost warriors is continuously fed into the demon hammer.

Xu Yi was full of expectations. As long as he controlled the Demon Hammer, controlling the Eight Demon Houses would be a matter of course.

But he suddenly frowned, and with the infusion of divinity, a miniature human face suddenly appeared on the surface of the demon hammer.

The human face glared at the ghost warrior, his pupils flashing with piercing hatred.

"There is actually another soul hidden in the demon hammer!"

Xu Yi secretly rejoiced that he was able to control the demon hammer and needed to inject divinity into it while forcing out the hidden soul.

He walked towards the demon hammer, and the holy flame emerged from his fingertips, covering the human face on the demon hammer. The human face twisted in pain, but could only slowly dissipate in the holy flame.

The ghost warrior's hand suddenly exerted force, and the demon hammer that had been stuck to his chest was finally torn off.

The demon hammer gradually gained color, as if a painter had painted it. The gray-white pupils "lit up" again, but they were no longer blood-colored, but the same black-gold color as the ghost warrior.

The surrounding chains came to life and slowly rotated around the ghost warrior, as if to welcome the birth of the new king.

The ghost warrior has complete control over the demon hammer!

Xu Yi smiled broadly, and he soon tasted what double happiness meant.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Ando Ming's Sword Forging Technique (Green Epic)"]

[Ando Ming’s Blacksmithing Technique: 0/100
Ability 1-Ando Na's Memory Fragment: (Unlocked)
After equipping this entry, you will gain part of Ando's memory, and your forging skills will be slightly improved.

Ability 2 - Forged Intuition: (Unlocked)

When forging weapons, your intuition can help you choose more suitable raw materials.

Ability 3-Forging Mystery: (Unlocked)

You have mastered the secret of forging and can forge various weapons at will. 】

Xu Yi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that destroying the hidden soul in the demon hammer would bring such unexpected joy!

Without hesitation, Xu Yi immediately equipped himself with Ando Ming's blacksmithing technique.

After obtaining the source of evil, the next step is of course to create weapons. This entry can be said to be a timely help.

The moment he obtained the entry, a stream of information poured into his mind. Xu Yi closed his eyes slightly. After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Qi Snake Hammer?"

Xu Yi stared at the demon hammer in the ghost warrior's hand, a little surprised.

After digesting the memory fragments of Ando Ming, he finally knew the name of the demon hammer and the origin of the demon hammer.

The "backstage" of Demon Hammer was more terrifying than he imagined.

Everyone is not familiar with "Yami-no-Orochi", but when it comes to "Yama-no-Orochi", it can be said that everyone in Japan is familiar with it. It is a terrifying monster that once fought with the Japanese god Susano'o.

Ando Ming can be said to be the most talented forging master in Japanese history. When he was 16 years old, he had mastered the forging secrets of all Japanese swords, and then began to travel to other countries to learn the forging techniques of various countries.Fast forward 30 years, and there is no news about Ando Ming. Many people thought that Ando Ming was killed, and they sighed for this.

Ando Ming did not die, but secretly returned to Japan. He relied on records in ancient books to find the remains of the Yamata no Orochi.

He plans to use the precious materials collected over the years, plus the remains of Yamata no Orochi, to create an unprecedented forging hammer.

In a way, he did succeed, and the Qi She Hammer was forged, but his flesh and blood were also devoured by the Qi She Hammer, and his soul was trapped in the Qi She Hammer.

The reason why Qi Snake Hammer's IQ is worrying is inseparable from this.

The monster born from the remains of the Yamata no Orochi is constantly competing with Ando Ming for control of the Yamata no Orochi. If it were placed on a human, it would be schizophrenia.

The so-called Yaoyao House is the house where Ando Ming forged the Misa Hammer, and it was also transformed into a monster by the Misa Hammer.

The name "Yachiyaoya" is not groundless, but the residual thoughts of Yamata no Orochi are causing trouble.

The chain was also dyed with color, and the color spread along the chain to all directions of Yaoyao House.

The ghost warrior is injecting divinity into Yayoya through the chains.

"At this rate, it shouldn't take long before we can fully control Yaoyaoya!"

Xu Yi felt excited when he thought that he would soon have a "different space" without any restrictions that humans could not enter.

At this moment, the bird of prey on his waist suddenly twisted, and Xu Yi was a little confused. Could it be that the bird of prey saw that he had not kept his promise and was planning to give it a try and escape alone?

Cyan light shone from the bird of prey, and Xu Yi's face changed slightly.

He has always known that there is some kind of magic circle on the bird of prey. When encountering external force, the magic circle will be activated instantly.

But now there is obviously no external force, but the magic circle is still activated!

The sinful skeleton in the center of the bird of prey suddenly fell off and flew towards the sky.Xu Yi subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold Sin Gu.

But his hand passed through the sin corpse, and Xu Yi almost cursed angrily.

He suddenly understood the function of the magic circle on the bird of prey. As long as the magic circle was activated, the sinful bones would enter a different space and become illusory.

This is the secret hand of the sect organization. The crime body is so important, of course they must guard against accidental loss.

Xu Yi could only watch the guilty corpse fly away, but he was still a little unwilling to give up.


Xu Yi gave orders to the ghost warrior.

Although the Oni Samurai couldn't completely control Yaoyaoya, there was still no problem opening a small window.

Xu Yi chased Sin Gu and jumped out of the small window. He was a little unwilling.

Although there is only a little bit of evil bones, it is better than nothing. After all, three-star evil source materials are really rare.

He stood on the roof of Yaoyao's house, his eyes following the sin skeleton, but he suddenly froze.

The sinful skeleton flew away, drawing a line of light in the sky, like a meteor passing by.

There was more than one such ray of light. Xu Yi could see more than twenty rays, and each ray of light contained a piece of sinful corpse.

Xu Yi's heart beat loudly. The only drawback of the sin corpses was that the amount was too small, but more sin corpses appeared in front of him.

The light converged towards the same place, and I knew with my toes that it must be the place where the Sect Organization performed the final ritual, and it was also the most dangerous place.

Do you want to go?
Xu Yi hesitated for a long time and decided to go over and take a look.

After all, with his current strength and the ghost warriors who will soon be able to take control of Yaoyaoya, even if he cannot snatch the sinful body, he should be able to escape unscathed.

If you miss it this time, you don’t know when the next time you encounter three-star evil source materials will be!

(End of this chapter)

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