American exorcist god.

Chapter 250 Am I actually a big demon?

Chapter 250 Am I actually a big demon?

Tokyo, Japan, this bustling city turned into a pot of boiling water at this moment, and screams and cries echoed through the sky.

The highway was blocked by cars, and the driver honked his horn desperately, but to no avail, so he had to abandon the car and run away.

The crowd surged out of the city like a tide, and everyone's face was full of fear. Whether they were civilians or police soldiers, they were all trying to escape.

"Devil Hunting Club" is an inconspicuous local exorcist studio. At this moment, they are also mixed in the crowd, preparing to escape Japan.

There are only two people in the studio, Suzuki Moto and his apprentice Mizuno Haruka.As exorcists, they are more confident than ordinary people, and they can still observe their surroundings at this moment.

The sky was blood-colored, and thick clouds seemed to collapse the area.

Under the bloody light, things hidden in the dark side of the city began to emerge.

The slit girl with a ferocious face holding a huge pair of scissors; a half-body corpse dragged on the ground with only half a body; the bone girl with a beautiful face but a pale skeleton...

More and more ghosts appear, and this scene seems like the scroll called "The Night Walk of One Hundred Ghosts" has changed from fantasy to reality.

The world and hell are upside down, ghosts roam the world, and mortals fall into hell.

At this time, an incredible figure suddenly appeared in Haruka Mizuno's field of vision.

While everyone was running for their lives, there was a man who walked into the city against the flow of people and strolled around, looking out of place.

Could it be that he is a powerful exorcist senior?
As soon as Mizuno Haruka's eyes lit up, she wanted to step forward to see if she could give her a hug, but as soon as she took a step, Suzuki Moto suddenly pulled her back.

"What are you going to do?" Suzuki Yuan didn't even dare to look directly at the man, he just observed with his peripheral vision.

Mizuno Haruka was taken aback for a moment and said in confusion, "It's rare to see such a powerful senior. I want to go up and say hello."

"Do you think there can be such a powerful exorcist? Look around you!" Suzuki Gen shouted angrily.

Mizuno Haruka's face suddenly turned pale, and she finally discovered something abnormal.

As ghosts continue to appear, everyone is avoiding the ghosts, but that person is just the opposite. The ghosts seem to be subconsciously avoiding that person.

"Is the other party some kind of big monster..."

Before Mizuno Haruka could finish speaking, Suzuki Gen covered his mouth and dragged him away.

Xu Yi glanced across the crowd and found two people looking at him in horror. He was a little confused, but didn't take it to heart.

Looking at the people fleeing for their lives, he once again realized deeply that the weak are as useless as grass.

Although he already had a certain level of strength that was superior to ordinary people, he felt it was not enough.

The stronger you are, the more you can feel the depth of the water in this world. The icebergs hidden under the water are slowly rising, and more and more terrifying existences are beginning to appear.

There are more terrifying monsters appearing during this period than in previous decades.

He followed the guilty corpses and came here. He already knew where the guilty corpses gathered, but he was in no hurry to go there now.

With such a big thing happening in Japan, could it be that those Onmyoji just watched Japan's demise?

He doesn't want to stand out.

Moreover, that place must be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and he needs to be prepared before he can go there.

What he has to do now is to find "workers."


Mieko Harada was surrounded by people from all directions. She was surrounded and had no way to escape.

"Hand over the God's Sword! Let us spare your life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just kill the person and take the knife away. It's too late!"

Of course, the people of the three major families could hear the noise outside. In fact, they already regretted it. They spent too much time trying to snatch the Sword of God.

But if they leave immediately, they will not only lose the God's Sword, but also face the dangers outside. They are already in trouble.

They got the news that a catastrophe would break out in Japan, so they thought of fishing in troubled waters and taking this opportunity to seize the Harada family's coveted God's Sword.

Harada Mieko remained silent, just clenched the long sword Guren in her hand, and expressed her determination to die rather than surrender with her eyes.The screams around them gradually disappeared, but this was not a good thing. It meant that there were not many people left in the Harada family.

Originally, as long as they followed the "oracle", they could escape this disaster. Unfortunately, their stubbornness led to the tragedy.

Mieko Harada was gasping for air, her body was covered with wounds, and the blood had actually soaked through her clothes, but because she was wearing a red miko uniform, it was not so obvious.

She secretly prayed to the ghost warrior, but as before, there was no response.

This made her wonder if they were abandoned by the gods because they disobeyed the oracle.

People from the three major families were approaching step by step, and Mieko Harada's heart fell to the bottom.

"You all are really in a leisurely mood!"

A faint sigh suddenly sounded in the courtyard. Everyone was suddenly startled and looked in the direction of the sound. Xu Yi slowly walked out from the shadow in the corner.

"Who are you?" The voice of the speaker trembled slightly.

No one from the three major families dared to step forward. They all felt the terror of the man in front of them, and their bodies tensed up.

"Don't worry, everyone, I just stopped by to do an experiment!" Xu Yi walked straight towards Mieko Harada.

Mieko Harada stared at Xu Yi blankly, without making any defensive movements.

After being stunned for a long time, an excited look suddenly appeared on her face, then she knelt down towards Xu Yi and raised the knife above her head respectfully.

She once again received an oracle, allowing her to completely obey the orders of the person in front of her.

"If you want to live, let me see your value!" Xu Yi looked at Mieko Harada indifferently.

He is neither Mieko Harada’s nanny, nor the patron saint of the Harada family.

Previously, he used Harada Mieko to attract monsters, but he also protected the other party in disguise. In this way, Harada Mieko benefited more.

Not to mention the Harada family. The other party used the name of the ghost warrior to continuously expand the strength of the Harada family.

He had previously reminded the Harada family that asking them to evacuate Japan as soon as possible would be the end of their benevolence.

So when the Harada family was besieged by the three major families before, he had no intention of taking action. If Harada Mieko was not still useful to him, he would not even come over.

Xu Yi cut his finger, and crystal blood overflowed, and the blood dotted Mieko Harada's forehead.

He chanted softly, "I give you blood to refine your soul with blood. The sword that cannot be wielded will never be wielded, but the sword that can be wielded will destroy everything."

The blood disappeared on Mieko Harada's forehead, and Xu Yi turned around and left without any hesitation.

These people want to snatch the Demon Sword Red Lotus, which is simply wishful thinking. The Demon Sword Red Lotus and the Ghost Warrior are also "evil gods walking" and have always been under his control.

"Kill...kill him!"

The people of the three major families looked at Mieko Harada with her eyes closed, and their hearts were filled with fear. They could no longer hold back and roared to take action.

Mieko Harada suddenly opened her eyes, red light reflected in her pupils, and the magic sword Red Lotus in her hand was filled with blazing crystal red flames.

Xu Yi stood at the door of the Harada family with a smile on his lips.

The ghost warrior's "fighting agent" is now available!
The reason why he came to Harada Mieko was to find someone who could control the ghost warrior on his behalf.

He has the ability to multi-purpose, which is fine in daily life, but if he encounters a strong enemy, he still wants to multi-purpose, controlling the main body and controlling the ghost warrior at the same time.

It can only be described in four words, that is "the way to death".

His plan is very simple, which is to use the property of "blood of demigods" to inject thoughts, and use his blood as a medium to connect Mieko Harada's thoughts with the magic sword Guren.

Even Xu Yi himself could not have imagined that the plan could go so smoothly, but he knew that it had something to do with Mieko Harada herself.

As a divine body, Harada Mieko was originally superhuman, and the Oni Samurai and the Demon Sword Guren were still attached to each other's bodies for a period of time.

"Then let's see how Japan plays its cards!" Xu Yi raised his head and looked in the direction of Meiji Shrine.

(End of this chapter)

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