American exorcist god.

Chapter 251 8-foot Qionggou Jade

Chapter 251 Eight Foot Qiong Gouyu

Xu Yi left the Harada family's mansion and stepped into the alley on the street.

There were several corpses scattered in the alley. It was normal for corpses to appear in this "hell city". After all, there were ghosts everywhere, but Xu Yi's body tensed up instantly.

The weird bubble sound sounded again, and the pale Kayako crawled out from the shadow in the corner and lay on the corpses.

Xu Yi relaxed a little, because Kayako didn't turn his head, and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't notice him, or because he calmed down after he killed a clone before.

Then he saw an extremely horrifying scene. Kayako left the corpse, and a brand new Kayako ghost crawled out of the corpse.

This is the horror of "Grudge". Every time Kayako kills a person, a clone will be born!
If this rate continues, the entire city and the entire Japan will become a paradise for Kayako.

"I hope it won't spread to other countries!" Xu Yi was worried.

Five brand new coconut palms were born in the alley. They suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of Xu Yi, who was waiting for them.

After staring for a while, the Gay Coconuts turned and walked outside. They were not sure about dealing with Xu Yi, so they decided to taste the "delicious food" first and strengthen themselves.

A group of coconuts crawled towards the ghosts on the street. The ghosts were commotion, the crowd screamed in fear, and the city was completely in chaos.

Xu Yi frowned, and Kayako didn't attack him because of fear, but this was only temporary.

There will definitely be more and more clones of Kayako. When these clones devour the ghosts and become stronger, they will definitely find him.

So let alone stepping forward to save others, he himself was in trouble.

Is there any way to avoid these coconut palms?

Xu Yi thought of the Sect Organization. People from the Sect Organization also operated in this kind of city. How did they escape the curse?
Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he took out a thumb-sized glass bottle from his pocket. Inside was unknown ashes, which he found on Fick's body.

Xu Yi stared at the ashes, thought for a moment, and then used the powerful control of the demigod body to block his own power.

In just a few seconds, he changed from a "big monster" to an ordinary person.

When he entered the city before, in order to frighten the ghosts, he deliberately let the aura of the demigod body emanate.

Otherwise, just dealing with those ghosts would take a lot of effort. Now the ghosts can't protect themselves, so he only needs to be careful about Kayako.

A Kayako clone noticed Xu Yi's change, and stared at Xu Yi with scarlet pupils doubtfully.

Xu Yi quickly opened the bottle cap, a special smell filled the air, and then he saw a magical scene.

That Gay Coconut twisted his head and turned around to leave.

"It actually works!" Xu Yi was a little surprised, but his brows quickly wrinkled.

There was a blood-red resentment surrounding his body, which was the aura of curse.

With this aura, it's like having a positioning device on his body. Kayako can sense his location anytime and anywhere.

His goal in going to the city was to "secretly cause trouble," which was obviously impossible in this situation.

White-gold flames rose from his body, and the power of the holy blood temporarily dispelled the curse of the curse.

This was just Xu Yi's casual attempt, but to his great surprise, the curse actually came back after a full 10 minutes.

It took less than half a minute to dispel the curse on Yukni before, but the curse reappeared.

Is it because of the body of this god?

Xu Yi soon understood that the holy flame could dispel the curse, and this power originally came from the blood of the demigod.

The body of a demigod, the ability to deceive Kayako's ashes, and the ability to sneak in darkness... combined with these abilities, he could temporarily become a "transparent person" in this city.

Xu Yi looked at Meiji Shrine, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

He had learned a lot about Japan before and knew that the Meiji Shrine in Japan was a place similar to the Mushenku in New York and the Golden House in Boston.

"Go there and take a look, you might get something unexpected!" Xu Yi shuttled through the shadows, and every once in a while, he used the holy flame to burn away the new curse on his body.

Suddenly there was a crisp thunder in front of him, Xu Yi jumped up to a tall building and looked in the direction of the sound.

That voice happened to come from Meiji Shrine.

Burning lightning rose from the main hall of the shrine. Those thunderbolts were green, rising from bottom to top, like an unstoppable samurai sword, splitting through the thick blood cloud that shrouded the city.

"what is that?"

Xu Yi was a little surprised. With his strong eyesight, he could clearly see the source of the thunder and lightning.

It was a piece of magatama the size of a fist, made of something similar to jade. You could see a ferocious thunder beast roaring inside, its eyes blazing with lightning.

An unknown magic circle is engraved on the bottom of the magatama. A large number of onmyojis surround the magic circle, holding white soul-calling flags, lowering their heads and chanting something.

The hunting clothes of those onmyojis are black, which is the most common color, but the exorcist standing in the center of the circle is wearing pure white hunting clothes.

"The Great Onmyoji!" Xu Yi said leisurely.

He also knew something about the Japanese circle, and knew that only the Great Onmyoji would wear pure white hunting clothes, and their strength was equal to that of the Great Exorcist.

Could it be?Xu Yi stared at the magatama in the lightning and was suddenly startled.

He suddenly knew what it was. It was the Eight-foot Magatama, one of Japan's Three Sacred Artifacts, a mythical exorcism artifact!

The Gun of Longinus he saw last time was just a wreck. This was the first time Xu Yi saw a complete mythical exorcism artifact.

Thinking about it, now is the time of life and death. Even if Japan has any treasures at the bottom of the box, it should be put to use.

Xu Yi noticed the movement on his waist and lowered his head to look.

The statue of Niyuan shook slightly, and the gems on it lit up again. What surprised Xu Yi was that even the complete "mythical holy artifact" was only "two and a half stars", and the last gem only had a faint red light. .

What exactly is the sin skeleton?
This is not the first time that Xu Yi has had this idea. Sin Gu can always refresh his knowledge frequently.

A sinful skeleton the size of a fingernail can actually reach "three stars", but a complete mythical holy artifact cannot.

The thunder and lightning inspired by the eight-foot Qiong Magatama broke through the blood-colored clouds, but did not continue upward, but turned into dense thunder snakes.

The thunder snakes swam along the clouds in all directions, and when they reached the heads of the ghosts, they crashed down.

The weak ghosts dissipated immediately, and the powerful ghosts were also paralyzed, frozen in place, unable to move.

Kayako's clones also suffered heavy losses, but those Kayako that swallowed a large number of ghosts were extremely powerful.

The lightning of the eight-foot magatama could not even restrain them. They flashed forward in the lightning, as if the frame suddenly dropped when watching a video.

Those powerful Kayako clones are gathering towards Meiji Shrine, more and more.

Xu Yi secretly rejoiced that fortunately he had hidden his aura. If he had been operating in a high-profile manner in the city, it might be him that these Kayako clones were hunting.

Can Japanese onmyojis deal with these kaya?

Xu Yi was very curious about the answer to this question.

There is no way not to be curious. The power of the mythical holy weapon is obvious to all. The thunder and lightning of the eight-foot magatama can actually cover the entire city of Tokyo.

It's impossible for him not to be greedy.

The Demonic Sword Red Lotus is only close to it, and has not yet reached the level of a mythical holy weapon.

If these onmyojis died, Xu Yi wouldn't mind "helping" pick up the eight-foot magatama.

(End of this chapter)

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