American exorcist god.

Chapter 252 Surprise in the treasure room

Chapter 252 Surprise in the treasure room
Onmyoji wore black hunting clothes, like a high black wall; Kayako surrounded them, but their bodies were pale.

Black and white are so distinct.

Kayako couldn't hurt those onmyojis because the eight-foot magatama was protecting them, but the onmyojis' faces were gradually turning pale.

The Great Onmyoji at the center of the formation alone could not possibly mobilize the eight-foot magatama to such a terrifying level that it almost enveloped the entire Tokyo.

The eight-foot magatama is also extracting the power and even the lifespan of the surrounding onmyoji.

The two parties reached a stalemate, and Xu Yi saw that there would be no result for a while, so he quietly turned around and walked towards the depths of Meiji Shrine.

“Hope the location hasn’t changed!”

Of course he didn't know where the "treasure" of Meiji Shrine was hidden before, but after digesting Ando Ming's memory fragments, he knew it clearly.

As a former genius blacksmith, Ando Ming was lucky enough to enter the "Treasure Room" of Meiji Shrine.

This is why Xu Yi made a special trip to Meiji Shrine.

Following the route in his memory, Xu Yi went all the way in-depth.

In the past, there would have been hidden sentries here every few steps, and the defense was extremely tight. But now that everyone has evacuated, Xu Yi entered here as easily as if he was walking into his own back garden.

Japan suffered such a major disaster. Those guards either received the news in advance and left Japan, or they were transferred to other places.

And they would never have thought that at this time, someone would actually want to enter the "treasure room".

In fact, it is not that there are no "guards" here. Pale figures flash from time to time, and the surrounding Kayako clones are gathering towards Meiji Shrine.

In this city, apart from Xu Yi, there are probably few people who dare to appear in front of Kayako in such a grand manner.

To a certain extent, the ability of "Blood is Holy" restrains Kayako.

A thick metal door appeared in front of him, but this did not stop Xu Yi. Xu Yi violently broke through the door, and his fist wrapped in holy flames moved forward.

The solid metal door shattered together with the powerful protective circle, and the front suddenly opened.

Such a huge movement would have attracted dense guards if it were normal, but now no one paid attention at all.

Or even if someone notices it, they don’t have time to notice.

The door to the treasure house opened, and Xu Yi couldn't hide the look of disappointment on his face.

The shelves in the treasure room were empty, save for a few scattered remnants.

He had already expected it before he came. After all, Japan was facing a disaster that could "annihilate the country". At this time, if the magic exorcism weapon is still hidden and not used, it is simply a hole in the head.

Although he understood this, he was still a little disappointed.

Xu Yi walked around the treasure house. The remaining "garbage" couldn't catch his eye at all, and he didn't even bother to pick it up.

He was about to leave when his eyes swept to the wall at the end.

In Ando Ming's memory, he once made a weapon for a great Onmyoji and came in to select materials. He was fascinated by the selection when a person suddenly appeared behind him, startling him.

Ando Ming once suspected that there was something like a secret door on this wall.

Xu Yi didn't need the news to be confirmed, as long as he had this guess, he would know if he had it anyway.

Looking for clues and careful consideration, it was of course impossible. Xu Yi burned his blood, and the fist shrouded in the holy flame fell again, and a big hole was blasted out of the solid metal wall.

The smoke gradually dissipated, Xu Yi looked at the big hole, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was actually a hidden room behind the hole.

"It's really another village!"

He glanced at the things in the room, and the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily.

Even if there were a large number of magic exorcisms inside, he wouldn't be so happy. At his level, ordinary magic exorcisms would be of little help to him.

Next to the "Treasure Room" is actually a library!

There is no doubt that what can be collected here are all kinds of occult books.

After seeing the Blade of Scourge and creating the Blood of Fusion with his own hands, he knew the value of mystical knowledge, which could create infinite possibilities.

Ever since the blood throne became a "pale gold" entry, he had a clear understanding that if he just relied on entries to devour it, it would be difficult to obtain an entry above gold level.That's another class of power.

"Scientific research" provided him with another path to the top.

At such an urgent moment, Xu Yi certainly couldn't "copy" each item into the memory palace. He didn't have that time, and he didn't need to go to that trouble.

He moved directly into Annabelle's toy treasure box.

Looking at the toy treasure box filled with occult books, Xu Yi smiled happily.

This time when we enter Tokyo City, even if we fail to obtain the guilty bones, we can leave with these books satisfied.


As soon as Xu Yigang left the treasure room, his body shivered involuntarily.

With the power of a demigod, even if he is immersed in ice water in the winter, he will not have such a reaction. This is not a physical cold, but a psychological one.

The lightning that broke through the blood-colored clouds disappeared, the eight-foot magatama was nowhere to be found, the corpses of the Onmyoji were scattered around the magic circle, and Kayako clones crawled out of the corpses one by one.

Densely packed coconut palms roam the Meiji Shrine.

Xu Yi looked out, not only at the Meiji Shrine, but also in the streets and alleys of Tokyo.

The running crowd disappeared, and even the strange ghosts disappeared.

The city was too quiet, and Xu Yi felt a huge sense of loneliness, as if he and the wandering Kayako were the only ones left in this huge city.

The huge feeling of loneliness brings a suffocating fear. If Xu Yi hadn't been mentally strong, he might have run away at this moment.

Hold on!Hold on!
Xu Yi took deep breaths and forced himself to calm down, but when he walked, he subconsciously speeded up his pace.

Next to the arch of the torii gate, Xu Yi spotted a familiar figure. It was the great onmyoji who had previously activated the eight-foot magatama.

The other person was obviously dead, leaning against the red arch, lifeless.

The other party was defeated in the end. They underestimated things like curses. In fact, not to mention the Japanese Onmyoji, Xu Yi also felt terrified.

It only took more than half an hour before he entered the treasure room and emptied the books.

In just over half an hour, Tokyo turned into a dead city. The horror of the curse has exceeded Xu Yi's imagination.

If he hadn't still been thinking about Sin Gu, he would have left long ago.

Xu Yi hurriedly walked towards the corpse, as if the eight-foot beautiful magatama was already in front of him.

Although he has no good opinion of Japan's top leaders, he will not destroy the other party's self-rescue plan. If the other party is still alive, even if he is seriously injured, he will not take action.

But if the other party dies, it will be different.

Who picked it up or not?Besides, he didn't believe that anyone would dare to come and pick up things under the densely packed Kayako eyes.

Xu Yi walked behind the red pillar of the arch and saw the death of the Great Onmyoji clearly, and was slightly shocked.

It wasn't that the other party's death was too miserable. There were too many corpses in this city with horrible death conditions. The reason why he was surprised was because the Great Onmyoji's heart was pierced with a long knife.

The other party did not die in the hands of Kayako, but in the hands of one of his own!
This is easy to analyze. The long knife was inserted into the heart from behind. The face of the dead Onmyoji was full of disbelief.

You can imagine the scene at that time. Although the Great Onmyoji was seriously injured by Kayako, he did not die. Instead, he escaped with the eight-foot magatama.

The Great Onmyoji fled in front, followed closely by his disciples.

While the Great Onmyoji was observing the surroundings, the disciple took action boldly, piercing the Great Onmyoji's heart with a long knife, and took away the eight-foot magatama.

What happened next also verified his suspicion. Xu Yi did not find the eight-foot magatama in the other party.

He sighed, quickly adjusted his mood, and prepared to head to Mount Fuji.

That is where the sinners gather and where the Sect organization executes its final plan.

But when he was about to leave Meiji Shrine, something incredible appeared in his field of vision. It was the corpse of an Onmyoji, wearing a black hunting suit.

(End of this chapter)

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