American exorcist god.

Chapter 253 The Holy Artifact Delivered to the Door

Chapter 253 The Holy Artifact Delivered to the Door
"Did you get it now?" Xu Yi looked at the fist-sized magatama in his hand and scratched his head, feeling very unreal.

The magatama was heavy in hand, with a little burning heat, and the roaring thunder beast in the magatama disappeared. If he hadn't seen the great power of the eight-foot magatama before, he would have thought it was just an ordinary piece of jade.

The eight-foot magatama was found from the body of the onmyoji. There is no doubt that the onmyoji in front of him is the "traitor".

"Humans are really a race that likes fighting among themselves!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

It is impossible to know whether the "traitor" took action in anger because of old grudges or simply wanted to seize the eight-foot magatama.

But the result was tragic. The Great Onmyoji died next to the torii. The traitor captured the eight-foot magatama, but failed to escape from Kayako.

Xu Yi studied the eight-foot magatama and came to a very depressing conclusion.

He cannot use the eight-foot magatama.

This mythical exorcism artifact is very strange. It seems to require some special blood to activate it. The eight-foot Qiong Magatama even refused his demigod blood.

Among the memory fragments of Ando Ming, there seems to be news about Japan's Three Holy Artifacts, which must be driven by people with the "bloodline of the Emperor".

Xu Yi glanced at the corpse on the ground.

The other party's goal should be to seize the eight-foot magatama, use the power of the holy weapon, leave Japan, and let the birds fly in the sky.

But he obviously didn't know about the bloodline, otherwise he might not have killed him.

Xu Yi happily put away the eight-foot magatama.

This mythical exorcism artifact is equivalent to picking it up for free. Who can not love it?
Besides, who said that holy weapons must be used for fighting?Are there no other uses?There was a vague crazy idea in his mind.

Mount Fuji is located on the outskirts of Tokyo and is an active volcano spanning Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures. Xu Yi had to travel through almost half of Tokyo to get there.

But he is not alone, there are a large number of "fellow travelers" along the way.

The densely packed coconut palms in the city began to move, and their direction was the same as that of Xu Yi, heading towards Mount Fuji.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. The sect organization spent so much energy on promoting Kayako. It couldn't just be used to destroy Japan. There must be other purposes.

Suddenly it started to rain, a lingering drizzle. Xu Yi subconsciously tightened his tight clothes, but it had no effect.

The rain was blood red and freezing cold.

The blood cloud above the head spread. Before, you could barely see the sky, but now you can't see it. It's as if the whole world is shrouded in blood.

A large number of black cats appeared on the street, which was Gayo's favorite cat during his lifetime.Toshio, a little boy with a naked pale body, chases the black cat, holding a blood-red eyeball in his hand.

The sound of knives chopping bones could be heard from the houses on the roadside. In each room, a man was cut into pieces. That was Takeo Saeki, who killed Kayako through domestic violence.

Under Kayako's huge resentment, reality was distorted, and the Land of Fear began to show its true power.

A slight tingling sensation appeared on the surface of Xu Yi's skin. He took a deep breath and silently quickened his pace.

The curse was so strong that it even began to affect his demigod body.

Xu Yi arrived at Mount Fuji, and a group of onmyojis appeared at the foot of the mountain, led by two great onmyojis wearing pure white hunting clothes.

He breathed a sigh of relief. He finally saw a living person. The feeling of walking alone in Tokyo was simply suffocating.

"What is that?" Xu Yi looked up at Mount Fuji, his expression slightly changed.

A huge bloody door stands on the hillside of Mount Fuji. The giant door is carved with unknown creatures, including the head of a crow, a human body, and countless pale bone hands stretching out from the monster's back, giving people a sense of wonder. An extremely ominous feeling.

The members of the door organization surrounded the giant door, opening their hands and chanting unknown spells, with fanatical expressions on their faces.

The Onmyoji failed to attack them because the complex magic circle engraved on the ground was protecting them, and the Onmyoji was trying to break it.

In front of this huge door, Kayako's clones became "quiet" in a rare moment. They neither attacked the people in the door organization nor the Onmyoji, and crawled straight towards the door.The magic circle around the giant door did not stop them, they crashed towards the giant door, and a strange scene happened. The moment they touched the door, their bodies instantly dissipated.

More and more coconut palms are rushing towards the giant door. They are like moths flying towards the magma, melting away one by one.

Thick blood poured out from the crack in the door, and the door slowly opened.

Xu Yi frowned, and the door organization controlled Kayako to hit the door, trying to open the door in this way.

He remembered what happened with the Gongyang Evil God before. Could it be that Fike's original purpose was also to use the power of the Gongyang Evil God to open this door?
An extremely terrifying and ominous aura came out from the crack in the door. Xu Yi's hair stood on end. He felt an aura that was even more terrifying than the evil one, and there were more than one!
Among all the people in the Sect, there was one person who seemed out of place.

He did not participate in the chanting ceremony, nor did his face show the enthusiasm that the plan was about to succeed. He watched it all with cold eyes.

The man wore a skull mask and was covered in black robes. He was holding a long sword of death in his hand, and the sickle was shining with a strange red light.

The gap in the door became wider and wider, and Skull Face took out a black-gold stone from his arms.

Xu Yi, who was hiding in the shadows, instantly became energetic and stared at the thing in the opponent's hand. There was no mistaking it, it was the corpse of sin.

It's no longer the size of a fingernail, but the size of a fist.

This size can already meet the minimum requirements of "Nie Yuan"!
Xu Yi's eyes were fiery, but he did not rush out immediately, but chose to continue to wait and see.

The ceremony was obviously at a critical juncture, and Xu Yi didn't believe that the Japanese Onmyoji could still endure it.

The two great onmyojis frequently looked back and looked toward Tokyo City, their brows furrowed and their expressions anxious.

What the hell happened over there?
Logically speaking, even if the plan fails, he should be able to use the power of the eight-foot magatama to rush out and join them.

Why haven't you seen anyone yet?
No matter how they thought, the great Onmyoji did not die in the hands of Kayako, but died in a sneak attack by his own people.

The ominous atmosphere became stronger and stronger. The two great Onmyoji looked at each other and decided not to wait any longer. One of them took out a paper puppet made from talisman paper.

He casually threw the paper puppet into the air, and a rich purple mist erupted from the paper puppet. The purple mist dissipated, and a strange-looking creature appeared in front of him.

He has a red face, a tall and long red nose, holds a feather fan, is tall and has black wings growing on his back.

Xu Yi recognized it, it was a shikigami named "Big Tengu".

The Great Tengu rushed towards the formation, waving the feather fan in his hand and blowing up a strange black wind.The other Onmyoji also exerted their strength, and the magic circle broke with a crisp crackling sound.

"Kill!" The Onmyoji had been suppressing for a long time, and now they finally had a chance to vent their anger. They roared and rushed towards the people of the sect organization.

The onmyoji here are all elite, and their number is several times that of the sect organization. Skull Face seemed to see that the situation was not good, abandoned his men, and fled towards the top of the mountain.

At the same time, after a large amount of coconut palms melted, the giant door finally opened a gap, allowing one person to pass through.

Black ashes suddenly spurted out from the crack in the door, and Xu Yi's face changed slightly. He felt strong radiation from the ashes, which was no weaker than the Heavenly Punishment Crystal.

The Onmyoji who rushed forward was no less than a head-on collision with a blade of scourge, and the Onmyoji's flesh and bones melted in the ashes together with his bones.

"What a cruel heart!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Only Skull Face escaped the ashes. He obviously knew what would happen when the door was opened, but he did not alert the members of the door organization, but used them as bait.

Xu Yi secretly rejoiced that he did not have the urge to be the first person, otherwise he would be the one facing the ashes of terror.

No matter how confident he is about his body, he doesn't want to touch this kind of thing.

Black ashes were still spewing out, and the giant door kept opening. Xu Yi's face became more and more solemn. He felt that something terrifying was approaching quickly behind the door, and there were more than one kind.

(End of this chapter)

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