American exorcist god.

Chapter 255 The Mother Tree of Original Sin

Chapter 255 The Mother Tree of Original Sin
Tree roots continued to spread out from inside the door, and the aura of the black-gold ancient tree made Xu Yi tense up, ready to use his blood to sanctify it at any time.

He didn't have to worry about too few sin bones to make weapons. The black gold ancient tree in front of him was covered with sin bones.

But he didn't feel happy at all. He would rather his body was only the size of his fist.

The aura of the ancient black gold tree was one level stronger than that of the Dragon of Evil, and he had no confidence in killing it.

"The Mother Tree of Original Sin! The Mother Tree of Original Sin has finally arrived!" Skull Face yelled crazily and danced like a madman.

He turned his head suddenly and stared at Xu Yi and the two great Onmyojis, with hatred in his eyes. His hands were destroyed by the three people in front of him.

"The Mother Tree of Original Sin has come, no one of you can escape!" Skull Face laughed maniacally.

Xu Yi retreated quietly, ready to run away with the bucket.

The aura of the Mother Tree of Original Sin is too terrifying, and there is no benefit at all in a head-on confrontation.

What's worse is that as the giant door is completely opened, those Kayakos are no longer attracted to the door, and they linger around Mount Fuji, unwilling to leave.

Xu Yi looked back at Tokyo City. More and more coconut palms were pouring out of the city and moving towards them.

Bloody clouds are gathering here, and soon this area will be distorted by Kayako's resentment, and finally it will be blocked and completely turned into a place of death.

Xu Yi took two steps back, but suddenly stopped.

The original sin tree behind the door blocked the sky and the sun, like an ancient demon. Its roots swept across and the earth shook. The thinnest part of the tree roots was thicker than his thigh.

But the tree roots sticking out were only as big as his little finger.

And the aura is wrong. Those tree roots extending out don't have that suffocating sense of oppression.

Xu Yi looked at the "inside the door" and "outside the door" and felt a sense of gap between "instant noodles packaging" and "actually brewed instant noodles".

As the bodies of the ancient trees continue to emerge, this sense of immediacy becomes stronger and stronger.

Is the Mother Tree of Original Sin just a "lookalike"?A thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Xu Yi didn't plan to leave and was going to observe for a while longer.

The two great onmyojis were also about to retreat, but when they saw Xu Yi's movements, they were slightly startled and stopped.

No one ran away, let alone took action, and everyone was in a stalemate.

In this weird atmosphere, the Original Sin Mother Tree passed through the giant door. The giant door also ran out of energy. Under the irresistible force, the door slowly closed.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Mother Tree of Original Sin. The two great Onmyojis stared at each other, and Xu Yi was also a little dumbfounded.

The original sin tree in front of us is about three meters high and five meters in diameter. The original sin tree seen through the giant door is over a hundred meters tall, and the crown of the tree is even larger, making it difficult to see the whole picture.

What has seriously shrunk is not only the size of the Original Sin Mother Tree, but also its breath.

The Mother Tree of Original Sin in front of me feels much weaker, and there is an unspeakable feeling of weakness.

"How could this happen?" The skull face suddenly stopped laughing, looking like a duck with a long neck strangled, and his expression was dull.

This was his first time to experience this kind of thing. He only knew that he had to summon the Original Sin Mother Tree from behind the door to prepare for the organization's next plan. He didn't know that this would be the case.

Hope was rekindled in the eyes of the two great onmyojis. The original sin tree in front of them might be the source of Japan's disaster. As long as they solve each other, Japan might be able to save it.

They rushed towards the Mother Tree of Original Sin.

The Original Sin Mother Tree seemed to sense the approaching danger, and its roots flew out, but they were not used to stop the Great Onmyoji.

The tree roots flew towards Kayako hovering around, and the front end pierced into Kayako's body, and Kayako's soul was burst like a bubble.

The remaining bloody energy in the air was absorbed by the roots and transported into the body. The crown of the Original Sin Mother Tree suddenly grew in size.

The faces of the Great Onmyoji and Xu Yi changed.

They all realized that the original sin mother tree's shrinkage was just the price it paid for passing through that door, not that it was really that weak.

As long as enough energy is replenished, the Original Sin Mother Tree can return to its full glory.

The Great Onmyoji suddenly accelerated and took action one after another.Tian Congyun's sword slashed continuously, the wind blades flew, clear water gushes out of the eight-tata mirror, and the cold water continuously washes away the original sin tree.

Xu Yi shouted angrily, increased his speed to the extreme, and arrived in front of the Original Sin Mother Tree in an instant.

They all realized that time was running out and they had to deal with each other before the Mother Tree of Original Sin was restored.

Xu Yi punched fiercely, and his fist was wrapped in blazing holy flames. When his fist fell, the Original Sin Mother Tree shook violently, but did not crack.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. This was the first time he saw something that could directly block the holy flame.

The holy flame is not a real flame, but has a similar shape. Its essence is highly concentrated energy. At the moment of contact, the energy spurts out and destroys everything.

One of the Three Sacred Weapons of Japan, the Amancongyun Sword is known for its sharpness, but when it cut into the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree, it actually left only a white mark.

Xu Yi suddenly understood why the sin skeleton was rated as a "three-star". The strength alone was astonishing.

His expression was solemn. Although the Original Sin Mother Tree had shrunk and become weaker, its body was still solid.

If he uses all his strength to make Blood Holy, he may be able to break through the defense of the Original Sin Mother Tree, but what's the point?

There was no way he could kill the Mother Tree of Original Sin before the blood burned out.

"You are simply wishful thinking in trying to prevent the mother tree from reviving!"

The skull face once again returned to its arrogant look, and the solid body of the Original Sin Mother Tree gave him confidence.

Although he said so, he still controlled the giant snake transformed from the Death Scythe and rushed toward the battlefield, hoping to relieve the pressure on the Mother Tree of Original Sin.

Xu Yi's expression became even worse.

Originally, the Original Sin Mother Tree was difficult to deal with, and it continued to absorb coconut milk to become stronger. Now that there is another troublemaker, the situation is getting worse.

He glanced at the two great Onmyoji with his peripheral vision, and was slightly startled. The two of them were still calm, with confidence shining in their eyes.

"This friend, can you stop him for us?" One of the Great Onmyoji suddenly spoke, and of course he was referring to the skull face.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"Through the contact just now, we have already understood the weakness of the ancient tree. Our holy weapon is best at dealing with this kind of iron-clad guy!" The Great Onmyoji replied softly.

Although Xu Yi was confused, he nodded in agreement and turned around to stop the skull face.

One of the great onmyoji cut his palm, and blood was smeared on the Yata mirror. The blood was continuously drawn away, and the great onmyoji's face turned pale.

But clear spring water gushed out from the Yata Mirror, and the spring water did not fall. They were suspended in mid-air, slowly rotating with the Yata Mirror as the center, forming a huge whirlpool.

Xu Yi subconsciously moved away from the vortex. His soul felt a suction force and his soul vibrated.

His peripheral vision turned to the Mother Tree of Original Sin and he was stunned.

The Mother Tree of Original Sin trembled violently, and Ruoyou Ruowu's soul was pulled away from the tree.

"Is this just the beginning?" Xu Yi was very surprised. You must know that the Yata Mirror has just been activated, and the suction force is far from reaching the peak, and it is not even "focused", but only the fluctuations that escape.

This fluctuation is not strong. With Xu Yi's "mediocre" soul strength, he can resist it. There is no reason why a monster like the Original Sin Mother Tree can't.

Xu Yi turned to the giant red door behind the Original Sin Mother Tree. He suddenly understood that the Original Sin Mother Tree passed through the giant door and came here from another world. The soul became extremely unstable and would leave the body when encountering the slightest external force.

This is probably what the Great Onmyoji was referring to when he noticed the weakness of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

The slowly rotating vortex accelerated and turned into a strong waterspout. The waterspout flew towards the Original Sin Mother Tree and suspended above the Original Sin Mother Tree.

The powerful soul suction force acts on the Original Sin Mother Tree, and the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree is pulled out inch by inch.

Xu Yi's heart was beating fast and he licked his dry lips.

If the soul of the original sin mother tree is sucked away, wouldn't only the body be left?If such a large piece of sinful corpse can be used as the source of evil...

This is something he never dared to think about before.

(End of this chapter)

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