American exorcist god.

Chapter 256 The source of evil is transformed!

Chapter 256 The source of evil is transformed!

The soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was pulled out halfway by the Yata Mirror. Skull Face tried desperately to break through the defense line, but was stopped time and again by Xu Yi.

The skull face was completely anxious, roaring angrily, and his eyes were so fierce that he wanted to eat Xu Yi alive.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet!" Xu Yi comforted him with a smile on his face and soft words.

The leaves of the Original Sin Mother Tree suddenly shook, making a sound like metal collision.

It is impossible for the wind to blow those leaves. Even when the Original Sin Mother Tree walks, the leaves remain motionless, and the body seems to be made of steel.

The leaves move because the Mother Tree of Sin is controlling them.

There are a total of seven tree crowns on the Original Sin Mother Tree. The leaves of the tree crown surge and turn into a head of a person, with a ferocious appearance.

The lips on the person's face moved, and they actually made a sound, a metallic sound like an iron horse.

It was an unknown language, but Xu Yi actually understood the meaning of those words.

Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust... those are the seven deadly sins of mankind.

In the raging waterspout, it seemed that all the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was about to be torn out, but under the influence of the sound, there was only a little bit left, like stubborn psoriasis, which could not be pulled out no matter what.

A biting wind suddenly blew in the field, and another great Onmyoji took action, also cutting his palm, and a large amount of blood was absorbed by Tian Cong Yun Sword.

A strong wind flowed over the Tiancongyun Sword. The strong wind began to materialize, turning into azure color and rotating around the Tiancongyun Sword.

The blue wind seemed to rotate very slowly, but Xu Yi knew that it was a visual error. This effect would only occur when the speed of the wind exceeded the limit of what the human eye can see per second.

The Tian Congyun Sword slashed at the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree. Souls are illusory things and ordinary winds cannot affect them at all, but the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree let out a shrill scream.

"It turns out that Japan's Three Sacred Weapons are all weapons aimed at the soul!" Xu Yi suddenly realized.

The eight-foot magatama can fix the soul with thunder and lightning; the eight-foot mirror can absorb the soul with the water scroll; the Tiancongyun sword can cut the soul with the wind.

With the cooperation of the Yata Mirror and Tiancong Yunjian, the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was finally pulled out and flew towards the Yata Mirror high in the sky.

The Mother Tree of Original Sin suddenly "stilled", the changing human faces in the canopy were frozen, no more sounds came out, and the roots of the tree hunting for coconut palms also stopped, like sculptures.

The Nie Yuan Snake Eagle on Xu Yi's waist vibrated violently, and the three gems all lit up with a dazzling red light. The red light was as rich as blood, and anyone could see the Nie Yuan Snake Eagle's desire.

Xu Yi stared straight at the Mother Tree of Original Sin, the longing in his eyes difficult to conceal.

The soul of the original sin mother tree was sucked away, and the body full of sin remains remained. This is simply the perfect source of sin!

Xu Yi no longer intercepted the skull face and rushed towards the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

"What...what are you going to do?" The skull face was anxious, with a face full of panic, and he stopped Xu Yi firmly.

At this moment their roles are reversed.

Xu Yi glanced at the opponent coldly, and after turning on "Blood as Holy" with all his strength, he could kill the opponent in just three seconds.

The reason why it was useless was because the situation was never clear, and he was worried that after the blood was exhausted, he would not have enough strength to deal with the next danger.

"Hold on!" Master Turan, who was holding Tian Cong Yun Sword, shouted angrily.

The soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was about to be sucked into the Yata Mirror, but at this moment, the waterspout suddenly disappeared.

The great Onmyoji holding the Yata Mirror looked pale, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and the hand that pumped blood was as thin as firewood.

Activating the soul-absorbing ability of the Yata Mirror consumes too much of the Great Onmyoji.

You must know that when the lightning of the eight-foot magatama was activated before, a large number of onmyojis gathered, and he was the only one in front of him.

The Great Onmyoji has run out of gas and can't squeeze out any strength from his body, otherwise he will definitely hold on for one more second and suck the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree into the Yata Mirror.

The soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree showed great excitement. It was already prepared to be sealed, but it didn't expect that it could still break free.

It turned around and rushed towards the body, trying to return to its true form.

Another great Onmyoji held the Sky Cong Yun Sword and stood in front of the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree. Of course, he couldn't just watch the plan go to waste.

Turbulent white-gold air flowed out of Xu Yi's body, and his black hair turned platinum. Xu Yi didn't hesitate at all, activated "Blood is Holy" with all his strength, and punched fiercely.Facing the fist that was getting closer and closer, the pupils of the skull face suddenly shrank. He used all his strength to resist, but was still defeated by the terrifying power. A big hole was blasted out of his left chest and he flew backwards.

Xu Yi didn't care whether the skull face was dead or not. He flashed and appeared in front of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

In order to avoid a long night and many dreams, he must race against time at this moment.

He dispelled the ability of blood to be holy. The blood can be saved a little bit, and he will not need to use this power in the future.

The purple-red air curtain spread and enveloped the Original Sin Mother Tree. Xu Yi wanted to put the body into the toy space, but found that he couldn't do it.

The body in front of me seems to be metal, but in fact it is a living thing.

Although it has no soul, it still maintains amazing activity. Annabelle's toy space cannot accommodate living things.

The roar of the soul came from behind. The soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree noticed Xu Yi's movements and danced the tree roots crazily.

The target of those tree roots was actually not the Great Onmyoji, but his own soul body.

Countless tree roots pierced into his body, like a scalpel being inserted. The tree roots violently exerted force, and the Original Sin Mother Tree let out a shrill scream.

It actually tore his soul apart alive.

The soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was split into seven parts, one for each crown, which happened to correspond to the seven deadly sins.

The Great Onmyoji's face was gloomy, and he waved the Tiancongyun Sword repeatedly, but he was unable to stop all the souls at the same time.

The spirits of "arrogance" and "anger" broke through the defense line and rushed towards the body.

Xu Yi knew that there was no time left for him to think carefully. He took off the evil source snake sculpture from his waist and pressed it hard against the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

The Niyuan Snake Eagle vibrated, indicating that the object in front of him met the conditions and could be directly fused.

[Whether or not to choose the "Shell of the Mother Tree of Original Sin" as the source of evil cannot be changed once determined. 】

Now that he has decided, Xu Yi will not hesitate, he decisively chooses to agree.

Moreover, "three-star" grade materials are already Niyuan's best choice.

The Sinful Snake Eagle suddenly came to life, and the crowned cobra crawled rapidly on the tree and came to the main trunk of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

The cobra's body melted, like flowing water, and penetrated into the original sin tree.

[Nie source transformation is started, the estimated time is "8:00". 】

The transformation takes 8 minutes, which is completely within Xu Yi's expectation. In the past, both super-accelerated regeneration and the Blood Throne took time.

The body of the Original Sin Mother Tree suddenly shook, and the luster on its surface gradually dimmed, as if it was covered with a layer of floating dust.

After the source of evil began to transform, the activity of the Original Sin Mother Tree quickly faded, and its body was dying.

The souls of arrogance and anger attacked, Xu Yi pricked his finger, and the blood turned into a soul-binding thread, covering the soul, but it only bound the soul of arrogance, and the soul of anger rushed straight towards the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

Xu Yi's heart rose to his throat, but he quickly put it back in his stomach.

The angry soul failed to enter the body. It seemed to hit an iron plate and was ejected.

The source of evil is transforming, and the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree is gradually controlled by him. It is no longer an ownerless thing, and of course the soul cannot return.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but soon his brows furrowed.

He looked at the giant metal door standing on Mount Fuji. The giant door looked like a wax statue under high temperature, and most of it had melted.

He had noticed this phenomenon a long time ago. In fact, the giant door did not start melting just now.

As early as when the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was pulled out, the door began to melt, but he had no time to pay attention to it.

Xu Yi glanced around and was slightly startled when the skull face disappeared.

He suddenly had a very bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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