American exorcist god.

Chapter 257 The Sect Organization’s Trump Card

Chapter 257 The Sect Organization’s Trump Card
The melting speed of the giant door began to accelerate, the viscous molten metal flowed all over the ground, and a certain ominous atmosphere quietly spread.

Xu Yi looked at the Mother Tree of Original Sin, pacing back and forth, with anxiety that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The souls of the seven deadly sins were wandering around the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree, unwilling to leave. The next second, their souls suddenly trembled.

The Great Onmyoji was about to run out of gas, but he was infected by Xu Yi's anxiety. He injected a powerful medicine, regained a little strength, and immediately activated the Yata Mirror.

At the same time, another great Onmyoji also activated Tiancong Yunjian to the extreme, and the whistling wind blade cut those souls.

With the cooperation of the Yata Mirror and Tiancong Yunjian, all the souls of the seven deadly sins were captured in the Yata Mirror.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but the faces of the two great Onmyojis were pale. They looked out and saw dense coconut palms surging in the city.

Although they had expected it, seeing this scene still made them feel desperate.

They originally thought that Japan could be saved by destroying the Sect Organization's plan, but now it seems that they were too naive. The source of the coconut palm was not the Mother Tree of Original Sin.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from behind. The three of them were startled and turned to look.

The air rippled, and a figure fell from the sky. It was the skull face that had disappeared before.

The other party didn't know what kind of magic he used to hide himself, snooping in secret, looking for opportunities to take revenge.

Xu Yi was a little confused as to why the other party came out now, considering that the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree was sealed.

The skull face didn't reach the ground, and his body was still in the air when it was wrapped in thick metallic liquid.

"No!" Skull Face struggled desperately, but to no avail.

He was forcibly sacrificed, and blazing bloody flames rose from his body. The flames spread throughout the giant metal door. The melting of the giant door accelerated, changing into molten metal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The molten metal condensed in the air, making a sound like rolling magma, and quickly transformed into a monster.

Xu Yi had seen that monster, it was on the carving on the door, with the head of a crow and the body of a human.

The difference is that the "crow man" is much smaller than the one on the door, just the size of an ordinary person, and there are not so many bone hands behind him, only eight.

The crow man suddenly opened his eyes, his golden pupils shining with kingly majesty.

It suddenly stretched out its hand, and the pale light gathered in its hand, forming a spear, and it threw the spear violently.

The three of them were waiting in formation, but they could only see a flash of light, and the spear had already arrived in front of one of the great onmyojis. The onmyoji subconsciously raised the Yata mirror in his hand to resist.

As a mythical exorcism artifact, the Yata Mirror is extremely strong and can even withstand the attack of the Blade of Scourge.

The light spear fell on the Yata Mirror, and the mirror shook violently. A crisp cracking sound was heard. A crack actually appeared on the Yata Mirror!
The expressions of everyone present changed, and Xu Yi suddenly understood that the panic he felt when approaching the door did not come from the Original Sin Mother Tree inside the door, but from the giant door itself.

This giant door is the trump card of the door organization!

The two Onmyoji had the same reaction, turned around at the same time, and ran wildly towards the outside of Mount Fuji.

They have tried their best to solve the original sin mother tree but were unable to save Japan. Now that such a terrifying monster appears, they just want to leave here immediately.

Xu Yi didn't run away. He stared at the crow man, his muscles all tense.

He had no way to escape. The Original Sin Mother Tree was transforming into a sin skeleton. This process could not be affected by too serious external forces.

Once he escapes, it can basically declare that the transformation has failed.

The goal of the Crow Man is undoubtedly to recover the Mother Tree of Original Sin. The other party worked hard and spent all their efforts to summon the Mother Tree of Original Sin, how could it be so easy to "give it up to others".

The crow man's eyes swept over Xu Yi and looked at the two great onmyojis who were escaping.

For it with absolute power, this was not a multiple-choice question at all. It flashed and a sharp whistling sound sounded. This was a sonic boom caused by the speed exceeding the speed of sound.

The next second, the Crow Man had appeared in front of the two Great Onmyoji, blocking their way to escape.

The two great Onmyoji knew they couldn't escape and fought back.

Tian Congyun's sword fell down, and a biting wind fell from the sky. The wind was composed of countless small wind blades, which were enough to cut the alloy into pieces. Those wind blades could also hurt the soul.

The Crow Man remained unmoved. It stood quietly in the wind, letting the wind blades fall on its body, as if it had just been caught in an inconspicuous spring rain.

Those deadly wind blades were eliminated by an invisible force. The crow man took action again, and the frightening light spear flew out again, but the target was still the same person.

The other party's choice was undoubtedly correct. The Great Onmyoji had been driving the Yata Mirror for a long time and was close to running out of oil. This was the breakthrough among the three of them.

The great Onmyoji could only continue to resist with the Yata Mirror. The Yata Mirror shook violently again, and the cracks on it became three.

If this continues, the Yata Mirror will probably be destroyed!

It was unimaginable that someone could destroy a mythical exorcism artifact with absolute power.

The two great Onmyoji showed despair on their faces, and their eyes were dim.

"Don't be scared by it! This kind of attack on the opponent won't last long. Look at the arms behind it!" Xu Yi suddenly spoke. Although his expression was solemn, he was not desperate.

The two great Onmyoji were stunned for a moment and looked intently, the light of hope rekindled in their eyes.

They were too nervous just now, but now after Xu Yi's reminder, they discovered the crow man's clues.

There should have been eight arms behind the crow man, but now there are only six. Thinking of the two light spears thrown by the opponent, the conclusion is obvious.

Every time the opponent launches a light spear, one arm needs to be consumed.

The power of the light spear is so terrifying that if it can be activated endlessly, they have no chance of winning. Now they finally have a glimmer of hope of survival.

Xu Yi also joined the battlefield, and he knew best the reason why his lips were dying and his teeth were cold.

Once the Crow Man takes care of the two Great Onmyoji, it will be his turn next. What he has to do now is to hold on until the transformation of the evil source is completed, and then it will be much easier to escape.

He has no way to escape now. The body of the Original Sin Mother Tree is extremely heavy. Trying to carry the body and escape from the terrifying speed of the crow people is tantamount to a dream.

The three of them teamed up to deal with the Crow Man, but the effect was very mediocre. Their attacks could only leave shallow scratches on the opponent's body at most.

If Xu Yi activates "Blood is Holy" with all his strength, he can smash the opponent's body, but it is absolutely impossible to kill the opponent before the blood is burned out.

Moreover, his goal is to delay the time and wait for the transformation of the evil source to be completed, not to kill the opponent.

The crow man's attack was very stereotyped, which made Xu Yi think that the opponent was a robot.

The light spears fell one by one, targeting the great Onmyoji holding the Yata Mirror. The opponent seemed to be carrying out the initial battle policy.

Another light spear fell, and the Yata Mirror blocked the light spear.

Four of the arms behind the crow man disappeared. This was already the fourth light spear, and the eight-tatami mirror was covered with cracks.

A crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded, and the great Onmyoji holding the Yata Mirror spurted out a mouthful of blood, and black meridians appeared on his pale face, like a dying person.

Everyone's faces turned livid. Under the continuous attack of the light spear, the Yata Mirror finally couldn't bear it. The round mirror in the center shattered. The water waves rippling on the mirror disappeared, and the entire mirror turned gray. , lost the magic of the past.

The Great Onmyoji suddenly threw the Yata Mirror at Crow Man, like throwing a hot iron.

The mythical holy weapon contains terrifying energy. Now that the holy weapon is broken, the surging power surges out and actually forms space turbulence.

The crow man was involved in the turbulent flow of space, making a shrill cry with a metallic texture.

Groups of souls emerged from the Yata Mirror one after another. They were the souls of original sin sealed in the Yata Mirror.

Xu Yi suddenly understood the intention of the crow man. The other party was not just picking on soft persimmons. The other party's initial goal was to release the original sin soul in the eight-tata mirror.

Only after this is done does it execute the next command.

The soul of original sin was also involved in the turbulence of space. The soul had almost no weight. Such a light thing was instantly drawn into the gap in space and disappeared without a trace.

The space crack is a very dangerous place. If ordinary people enter it, there is only one way to die, but Xu Yi does not think that the space crack can annihilate these souls of original sin.

Tian Cong Yun Sword can only hurt them at most, but cannot destroy them.

The space cracks are like a gust of wind, and the souls of original sin are like dandelions. They float along with the space cracks and may appear in any corner of this world, or even go to another world.

Xu Yi frowned. He knew without thinking that these souls of original sin would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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