American exorcist god.

Chapter 258 Xu Yi in 2 difficulties

Chapter 258 Xu Yi in dilemma

The space turbulence dissipated, and the Crow Man still stood.

The space turbulence couldn't banish it, let alone kill it, but the crow man was also seriously injured, with scars all over his body.

An arm behind the Crow Man disappeared, the wounds on his body healed, and his dim pupils lit up again.

At the cost of a skeletal arm, it returned to its full glory.

It grabbed the broken eight-tatami mirror and looked at Xu Yi.

Now that the soul of the Original Sin Mother Tree has been released, the natural next step is to take back the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

The white bone arms behind it dissipated again, and the light spears gathered in the hands. The crow man's white bone arms were consumed one after another, and now there are only two left.

The spear of light was thrown out, and the arc it drew in the air was difficult to detect. Xu Yi burned his blood, and the white-gold air flow surged out, and he was ready.

The light has its own tracking effect, so dodging it is useless and can only be resisted head-on.

Seeing that the light spear was about to fall on Xu Yi, it suddenly turned and flew towards the great Onmyoji who had lost the Eight Tatar Mirror.

Without the protection of the Yata Mirror, the Great Onmyoji was like a young bird whose feathers were stripped clean in front of the light spear.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. The crow people were more cunning than imagined, and they knew the importance of cutting the grass to get rid of the roots.

Seeing that the great Onmyoji was about to be pierced by the light spear, a figure suddenly jumped out and pushed the great Onmyoji away.

But that figure was not so lucky. The light spear was controlled by the Crow Man. The light spear penetrated the opponent's chest, and the blood was evaporated by the high temperature before it splashed out.

"elder brother!"

The shrill scream sounded, and Xu Yi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the two of them were actually brothers, but their faces were indeed somewhat similar.

"Brother...I'm sorry. I promised to take you to the North Pole, but now I have to break my promise...but you must promise me to go see the aurora in the North Pole on my behalf!"

As the elder brother, the Great Onmyoji thrust the Tian Cong Yun Sword into his younger brother's hand and pushed him away.

Tiancong Yunjian suddenly trembled, and violent winds rose up. The strong wind carried his brother's expectations and swept him towards the seaside at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he was about to disappear from Xu Yi's sight.

The crow man stood there, but his head suddenly broke open, and the crow's head turned into a stream of light and chased after the escaping Onmyoji.

Xu Yi looked at the headless man in front of him. His first reaction was not to attack, but to turn around and rush towards the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

He planned to take this opportunity to move the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree away and hide it. Even if it was discovered, it would be able to delay it for a while.

But the headless man suddenly moved and stopped in front of Xu Yi.

Although the other person had no head and no eyes, Xu Yi actually felt something like sight from the other person.

Xu Yi's body tensed up, but he didn't attack because the opponent didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything.

[The source of evil is being transformed, the estimated remaining time is "3:15"]

He took a look at the transformation progress and saw that there were still more than three minutes left. The best strategy now was "if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move", and this was how time wasted.

But just over ten seconds later, the crow man's head came back, stained with blood, and holding the Tiancongyun Sword, one of the three holy weapons, in his mouth.

There is no doubt that the younger brother will not survive. The idea of ​​the two of them going to the North Pole to see the aurora will never be realized in this life.

The crow man returned his head and took off the Tiancong Yun Sword in his mouth with his hand. Xu Yi suddenly understood that the opponent's initial target included these two sacred weapons.

The crow man stared at Xu Yi coldly. Xu Yi kept adjusting his breathing. He understood that in the next time, he would need to face the crow man alone.

As a result, the pressure will inevitably double.

But his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked in the direction of Ina Hai from the corner of his eye.


On the beach next to the fishing village of Inahai. As the last tentacle of Yayoi House dyed color, it was no longer a motionless sculpture. It came to life, and the tentacles at the bottom of the house danced excitedly.

All the chains wrapped around Yaoyao House were retracted into the house, and Yaoyao House seemed to have unlocked its seal. Its huge body rose into the sky, revealing a fresh breath.

The Oni Samurai finally takes control of the Misaki Hammer and Yaoyaoya!
Yaoyaoya loomed in the air, and finally disappeared completely. It entered an illusory state. In this state, its speed was the fastest, and it flew towards Tokyo City.

While passing by Harada Mieko's family, Yayoya suddenly revealed his figure, and chains poured out from the door, flying towards Harada Mieko's house below.

Mieko Harada rushed out of the family ancestral hall.

I don’t know why, but Kayako’s ghost doesn’t seem to like to be close to the ancestral hall. After Mieko Harada solved the three major families, she has been hiding in the family ancestral hall.

Even if the ghost of Toshio or Black Cat occasionally enters, he can barely protect himself by relying on the restraint of the soul by the demon sword Guren.

At this moment, she once again received the "oracle" and left the "safe" ancestral hall without hesitation.

The chain wrapped around Harada Mieko, and before Kayako's ghost could react, Harada Mieko had already entered the Yaoyao House.

The lucky few who survived in the city hid in the dark and watched Mieko Harada enter the hanging house with eyes full of envy.

Yaoyaoya became illusory again, it flew towards Mount Fuji, and it was now rushing to the battlefield.


The fist shrouded in the holy flame fell, the Yata Mirror shook violently, and the white-gold air flow flew in all directions.

Xu Yi suddenly withdrew his fist and dodged sideways. The sharp Tiancongyun sword passed by his neck, and his throat was almost sealed by the sword.

The crow man holds the Yata Mirror in his left hand and the Tiancongyun Sword in his right hand. Although it cannot drive the power of the holy weapon, the holy weapon can be used as a pure shield and sword, and it is also a rare weapon in the world.

Xu Yi's pupils suddenly shrank. He glanced at another bone hand dissipating behind the crow man. Without any hesitation, "Blood is Holy" was fully activated!

Platinum-blond hair was floating in front of Xu Yi's forehead. He stretched out a finger, and eyeball-sized light balls gathered on his fingertips.

The ball of light burst open and turned into a brilliant sword of light, which collided head-on with the spear transformed from the crow's human bone hand, and the aftermath destroyed the top of Mount Fuji.

Xu Yi appeared behind the crow man, and his fist fell with explosive energy. The crow man's back shattered, with cracks extending to his limbs.

Every time Xu Yi's fist fell, it was inevitably accompanied by the crow man's scream. The sound was harsh, like a piece of metal scraping against the glass.

Although Xu Yi was in the upper hand, he kept frowning.

Because he knows that this situation is only temporary. When the blood in his body is burned out, he will enter a period of weakness, and the situation will be completely reversed by then.

The crow man seemed to be aware of this situation. The only bone arm left behind him had not been used. It would wait until Xu Yi entered a weak state before giving Xu Yi a fatal blow.

Xu Yi knew that he couldn't go on like this. When only one-fifth of the blood in his body was left, he decisively quit the full "Blood is Holy" state.

The crow man's head suddenly fell off and turned into a stream of light, flying behind Xu Yi and pecked hard by the sharp bird.

The bird pecked at Xu Yi's scalp and he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. His head was almost punctured just now.

After leaving the full "Blood is Holy" state, his speed, reaction ability and other attributes will decrease, making it difficult to keep up with the Crow Man's offensive rhythm.

The crow's head detached, but its headless body seemed not to be affected at all. It held two holy weapons and rushed towards Xu Yi.

Under siege by heads and headless bodies, Xu Yi was in danger and was almost killed several times.

He is now in a dilemma. If he activates Blood Sacred with all his strength, he will be consumed alive by the opponent. If he does not activate it, he is no match.

At this moment, Xu Yi suddenly turned his head and looked towards the horizon, his eyes flashing with surprise, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The ghost warrior finally arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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