American exorcist god.

Chapter 259 3 Sacred Artifacts in Hand

Chapter 259 Three Sacred Artifacts in Hand

The crow man suddenly stopped attacking, and Xu Yi looked at the other party in confusion. Could it be that the other party sensed that the ghost warrior was approaching?

He deliberately made the ghost warrior become invisible and sneak over.

The crow's head was suspended in the air, staring at Xu Yi coldly, and its eyes suddenly became lively.

"You are very strong. Are you interested in joining our Ring of Destruction?"

The opponent actually wants to recruit in front of the formation? Xu Yi was slightly startled.

As for the human voice coming from the crow's head, he was not too surprised. He had already guessed that there was someone behind this metal crow man.

Ring of destruction?

Xu Yi finally knew the real name of the "Sect Organization". It was an organization he had never heard of.

"Are there any benefits to joining the Ring of Destruction?"

Faced with the other party's solicitation, Xu Yi instantly became energetic. It's not that he wants to join the Ring of Destruction, the people in this organization are simply crazy.

Guide the resurrection of the Gongyang Evil God; create a hotbed for the "split" of Kayako and destroy Japan.

This is only what Xu Yi knows. There may be more similar things behind the scenes. Although Xu Yi is not a good person, he is not so heartbroken or crazy.

But as long as the other party wants to chat, he can chat with him forever!
[The source of evil is being transformed, the estimated remaining time is "1:32"]

There are less than 2 minutes left for Nie Yuan's transformation.

"This world will eventually decay. Only by joining our Ring of Destruction can you get a ticket to the new world. Come on! Come join us!" The crow man's eyes flashed with a strong look of madness.

"How is the welfare of our Ring of Destruction?" Xu Yi quietly changed his title.

In psychology, if you use "we", you can usually lower the other party's wariness and at the same time give the other party the illusion that "he is interested in the Ring of Destruction."

Xu Yi has already thought of the topic. He will start with the benefits of Ring of Destruction and talk about the "five insurances and one housing fund". At the same time, he will complain about his boss and get closer to him.

Then say that you are very interested, but you don’t know enough about the organization and you need to know more about it.

But he forgot that he was facing an organization of lunatics, and lunatics did not play their cards according to common sense.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it. It's your honor to join our Ring of Destruction." The Crow Man had no intention of answering.

Xu Yi was slightly stunned, but immediately adjusted his strategy, "I am willing, I am willing to join the Ring of Destruction."

Don't just make a verbal promise, just ask him to sign a contract. At this time, even a moral saint will not mind using this method to delay time.

"Since you are willing to join our Ring of Destruction, then offer your soul origin!" The crow man stared at Xu Yi.

"This..." Xu Yi's forehead was slightly sweaty. He didn't expect the conversation to break down so quickly. Sure enough, there was no reason to argue with a madman.

His mind was racing, trying to find an excuse to delay, but the Crow Man didn't give him a chance at all.

"How dare you lie to me! Seeking death!" The crow man was not willing to wait for a second, and his pupils were once again covered with golden light.

The last bone hand on the crow man's back disappeared, and Xu Yi was instantly startled, but what puzzled him was that the terrifying light spear did not appear.

Under the crow's head and above the headless man's neck, a large amount of molten metal suddenly gushes out, but in the blink of an eye, the molten metal fills in the missing parts.

Two complete Crow People appeared in front of Xu Yi!
Xu Yi suddenly understood that the bone hand behind the crow was equivalent to an "energy box". Its function was not only to create light spears, but also to restore one's own injuries and even create clones.

Facing a crow man, Xu Yi was already stretched thin, let alone two people, but his face was not too nervous.

The two crows rushed towards Xu Yi. Xu Yi burned the blood in his body, his black hair turned into white gold, and "Blood is Holy" was fully activated.

The crow men attacked Xu Yi one after another. Xu Yi ignored the crow men behind him and pounced forward.

He stared closely at the Yata Mirror and Tiancongyun Sword on the opponent's body. The crow man in front was transformed from the body, so the two sacred weapons were in the opponent's hands.

He stretched out his fingers, and bright white-gold light gathered at his fingertips. The remaining blood in his body burned rapidly. He chose "Study" for this blow!
The crow man was slightly stunned. He could feel the terrifying energy contained in the light ball, but he couldn't understand it.

Although this "reincarnation device" is precious, in the final analysis it is just a puppet. The most important thing is that even if the other party dies with him, there will still be a clone.

But his expression suddenly changed, and he felt the biting fire wind behind him, which was no less powerful than the platinum ball of light approaching. "You are not the only one who has a clone." Xu Yi's faint voice sounded.

Raging flames appeared behind the Crow Man, and the ghost warrior stood in the center of the flames, like gods sitting in the Land of Fire.

It clenched the magic sword Red Lotus in its hand, and the flames surged again, condensing into a huge flame giant.

Not far from the battlefield, the Yaoyaoya turned into a shadow and was hidden. Mieko Harada was sitting cross-legged in the Yaoyaoya.

Her body was trembling slightly, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her eyes were closed tightly. It could be seen that she was nervous and excited at the moment.

She couldn't help but feel nervous and excited. She never thought that such a day would come when she would be controlling "god"!
"Use all your strength!" The oracle rang in her ears again.

It was no longer the hoarse voice before, but a young male voice. She had heard that voice before, in the Harada family's mansion.

She still doesn't understand that the so-called "god-ghost warrior" is only part of the power controlled by that man.

At this moment, Harada Mieko's mind was possessed by the ghost warrior, and she gained the ghost warrior's vision. She could clearly see the figure in the platinum golden airflow. She didn't know whether the man was a human or a god.

If it were a human, it would be hard to imagine that someone could be so powerful.

But she soon had no time to think about these things. The ghost warrior's power was mobilized, and she trembled slightly under the surging power.

She knows very well that these powers do not belong to her, she is just a "tool person".

But she doesn't mind being the tool of "god".

She swung the sword fiercely, and the blazing flame sword energy surged out, and the world seemed to be cut open.

The crow man knew that it was impossible to survive the attack, but he still made the final resistance to buy time for the other clone.

He lost half of his reincarnated body in exchange for the other party being seriously injured. The deal was not a loss.

But he suddenly froze, and the flame sword energy passed by him and went to the other half of the clone.

This kind of "rain and dew" attack cannot destroy any part of the reincarnation weapon at all. Why would the other party do this?
You must know that if it weren't for the sneak attack, it would be difficult for the opponent to have a chance to destroy the reincarnation machine, even if it was only part of it.

Just when he was stunned, Xu Yi had already arrived in front of him. The ball of light shattered and the "Holy" was hooded, and he lost all perception of the outside world.

The surging flame sword energy went to the other crow man and swallowed him up instantly.

The white-gold light surged together with the monstrous fire, and the bloody light on the horizon was covered up.

The light gradually dissipated, and Xu Yi stood beside the ghost warrior, breathing heavily.

His hair color turned back to black, and the blood in his body was almost burned out. Next, his combat power was negligible, but his eyes were sparkling.

He looked at the Yata Mirror in his left hand, and then at the Tiancongyun Sword in his right hand, unable to hide the fondness in his eyes.

After admiring it for a moment, he happily put the two sacred artifacts into the toy box. Together with the eight-foot magatama, Japan's three sacred artifacts were now in his hands.

Before coming to Tokyo, he never dreamed that such a day would come.

Just now, he not only attacked the crow man's head, but also snatched two sacred weapons from the opponent's hands.

The reason for this success is of course Xu Yi's strategy of "secretly infiltrating Chencang".

Xu Yi's goal from the beginning was not to destroy the Crow People, but the sacred weapon in the Crow People's hands.

For him, even if he destroys a crow, what can he do?

The blood in his body was almost burned out, and his combat effectiveness was close to nothing. He could only rely on the ghost warriors, and finally it became 1v1.

Instead of this, it is better to change to something practical. The most important thing is that he has never forgotten his "original intention."

His goal is to delay time and wait for the transformation of the evil source to be completed, not to eliminate the crow people.

At this moment, both crows were seriously injured, and it would take a long time to recover. This was much better than facing a crow in peak condition.

In this way, he not only delayed the time, but also obtained two sacred weapons, which was a real win.

(End of this chapter)

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