American exorcist god.

Chapter 260 The Realm of Annihilation

Chapter 260 The Realm of Annihilation
The bodies of the two crow men were covered with cracks, but they were not annihilated. After they recovered, their reactions were almost the same, and they roared angrily at Xu Yi.

Even for their Ring of Destruction organization, the mythical exorcism artifact is a rare treasure.

But now they are all gone, whether it is the Yata Mirror or the Tiancongyun Sword.

When he thought of this, he felt his heart bleed.

"You will regret this!"

One of the crow men gave Xu Yi a cold look. After he said the harsh words, he turned around and ran away instead of attacking.

Xu Yi was stunned and watched the other party leave blankly, but he suddenly thought of something and his expression changed.

"Quick! Help take this tree away!"

Xu Yi didn't even have time to use the voice of his soul to give orders to Mieko Harada, and subconsciously roared out. Fortunately, Mieko Harada also knew some English and could understand what Xu Yi meant.

Xu Yi and the ghost warriors rushed to the original sin mother tree, one person on each side, suddenly lifted the heavy body of the original sin mother tree, and then ran wildly outside.

The remaining crow man did not pursue, but stood there blankly. If you observe carefully, you will find that the golden light in his pupils has dissipated.

The crow man's chest slowly cracked open, revealing the mechanical structure inside. The complexity was mind-numbing.

Xu Yi understood at a glance that the crow man in front of him was an alchemy machine, but he had never heard of an alchemy machine that could reach such heights!

The gears rotated rapidly, and the mechanical parts on the chest were quickly cleared, revealing the core below, which was a drop of black water, with three rings surrounding it rotating in different directions.

The black water droplets shone with a strange light, flickering and extinguishing faster and faster, like a time bomb about to explode.

You can tell with your toes that the Crow Man is preparing to "self-destruct", and the power is absolutely amazing.

The body of the Original Sin Mother Tree is extremely heavy. Even if Xu Yi and the Ghost Warrior work together to lift it, they can't run fast.

In order to prevent Yayoya from being affected by the battle, Yayoya was asked to wait outside the battle. Now it was too late to rush over.

No one thought that the crow people actually had such means.

But after running for a few steps, Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

[The transformation of evil source is completed...]

At this critical moment, the transformation of Niyuan was finally completed, and Xu Yi could no longer feel the life breath of the Original Sin Mother Tree.

Without any hesitation, and without even listening to the system prompts, he quickly threw the Original Sin Mother Tree into the toy box.

But a black air curtain suddenly rose from the crow man and spread in all directions, covering Xu Yi and the ghost warrior, forming a black circular barrier.

Xu Yi and the Ghost Warrior paused together, as if they were stuck in solidified glue, unable to move.

Xu Yi didn't hesitate at all, burned the little blood remaining in his body, activated the ability of blood to be holy, and broke free from the restraints.

The fire in the ghost warrior's pupils dissipated and he stood motionless. This damn barrier actually cut off his thoughts. This was the first time Xu Yi had encountered this situation.

Harada Mieko's thoughts were forcibly blocked, and the ghost warrior naturally turned into a puppet with strings cut off.

Xu Yi rushed towards the ghost warrior and hugged the ghost warrior's thigh... It was a real thigh. This posture was indeed not very beautiful, but in the face of life and death, these were nothing, and there was no one around.

The reason for this posture is that only by hugging the ghost warrior's legs will it not affect the opponent's swing of the sword.

With physical contact, his mind connected with the ghost warrior again, and the ghost warrior's pupils lit up again.

Raging flames rose from the ghost warrior's body, the demon-suppressing flame and the red lotus fire intertwined with each other, and the clay god stone tablet in the ghost warrior's body also trembled.

There was no flame giant this time, but a steady stream of flames gathered on the magic sword red lotus. "Split it!" Xu Yi roared loudly.

He could feel that once the barrier was formed, he would not be able to escape in his current state, so he could only forcefully rush out before the barrier was completely formed.

The ghost warrior swung his sword fiercely, using the most common "diagonal slash" gesture, but the surging flame sword energy surged away, flying forward like a soaring firebird.

The ghost warrior chased away, hiding behind the flaming sword, with a humanoid pendant floating on his leg.


Tokyo Bay.

A huge combat helicopter hovered over the sea, and a large number of coconut palms gathered on the coast. Their blood-red pupils stared at the helicopter that was just around the corner.

The "Gaya Disaster" broke out in Japan, and a large number of people fled towards the airport and the seaside. A large number of people gathered at the beach, but it also became a hotbed for the birth of Coconut.

The densely packed coconut palms are just below. Such a terrifying scene is enough to make the timid person’s heart stop.

But the driver seemed not to notice, smoking a cigar and flipping through a bikini magazine, commenting on the long-legged supermodel in it.

There were two middle-aged men sitting in the back row of the plane. One was fat and the other was thin. They were easily identifiable.

They were wearing black suits and white shirts and looked tired, like white-collar workers who had just returned from a business trip.

The only difference is that there is a pattern of a stone tablet sewn on their collars. The stone tablet is full of a simple and desolate atmosphere.

They were all a little sleepy, but they suddenly opened their eyes wide, looked towards Mount Fuji in Tokyo, and said in surprise, "The Realm of Annihilation?!"

In the direction of Mount Fuji, a "sun" rises slowly. The sun is not blazing, not even warm at all, and is completely black.

The black "sun" enveloped half of Mount Fuji. After the sun expanded to its extreme, it began to shrink sharply. However, in the blink of an eye, the sun shrank to a small point and finally disappeared completely.

Everything covered by the black sun disappeared, and Mount Fuji looked like a half-eaten hamburger.

"Who is fighting those lunatics in the Ring of Destruction?" one of them asked in confusion.

"Headquarters used the Eye of the Ancient God to observe for a few seconds and confirmed that it was Xu Yi." Another person answered.

"Xu Yi? That newly promoted exorcist was competing for business with us in Boston not long ago. Why did he come to Japan again?"

"Who knows? But being able to let the Ring of Destruction use the Realm of Annihilation is incredibly powerful. This is basically the pinnacle that humans can reach. I wonder if the opponent can survive this time?"

"What's the use of being strong? In front of those truly great beings, what do humans, or even gods, count for?" the thin white-collar worker sneered.

"Okay, let's get down to business! Finish it early. I have to go back to find a girl and relax." The fat white-collar worker stretched.

"Business? What business do we have? Isn't it all over?"

"I don't want to eliminate Japan's curse and let the top leaders of this country..." The fat white-collar worker suddenly stopped talking. Japan is in such a horrible state now that it has ceased to exist in name only. How can there be any high-level officials?
"Then what do we do now?"

"Of course we go back to our own homes and find our own mothers! It is too troublesome to eliminate the curse, and Japan is a country that has no value anymore. The headquarters will not let us do such a thankless task."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat white-collar worker suddenly raised his head in surprise and glanced at the other party. He had just received a communication from the headquarters asking them to retreat.

"I'll just say it!" The thin white-collar worker shrugged.

The helicopter returned the same way it came, and until they disappeared, the coconut palms below did not dare to move. They felt an aura on the plane that made them tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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