American exorcist god.

Chapter 261 The Destruction of Japan

Chapter 261 The Destruction of Japan
  An unknown sea area near Tokyo.

Xu Yi was floating on the sea with a haggard face, as thin as a mummy. His eyes were closed tightly and he fell into a coma.

Under the sea, dense shadows gathered in the direction of Xu Yi. They were all weird escapes from Japan.

In the terrifying "Gaya Tide", both humans and the weirdos living in Japan were driven to the sea like ducks.

I don’t know why, but Kayako is reluctant to leave Japan, just like an earthbound spirit.

A large group of weirdos surrounded Xu Yi, with a hungry green light in his eyes. Xu Yi was like a piece of fresh meat among the wolves.

But Weiwei didn't dare to pounce for a while. They were afraid of the other person's aura.

A small boat suddenly slid over, and the strange things were like mice seeing a cat, and they kept away.

"It's really embarrassing!" Youkeni on the boat sighed as she looked at Xu Yi's miserable appearance.

She suddenly regretted not bringing her camera, otherwise Gao Luo would have filmed this scene, and might be able to extort some exorcism tools from Xu Yi in the future.

She stretched out her hand to carry Xu Yi back to the boat, but when she saw the dirt all over Xu Yi's body, she retracted her hand in disgust.

She looked around on the boat, and finally found a harpoon, inserted it into the gap between Xu Yi's belt, and picked Xu Yi up... Xu Yi was like a salted fish hung on a drying pole.

"Isn't there a gentler way?"

At this moment, Xu Yi woke up quietly and stared at Youkeni with resentment on his face.

Youkeni was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xu Yi and threw Xu Yi directly onto the boat. Xu Yi hit the deck with a bang.

Xu Yi didn't have time to check his own injuries and immediately started contacting the ghost warrior.

They were shrouded in a black barrier, and with the help of the ghost warrior's flame slash, they cut a way out.

Unfortunately, when they were escaping, the black barrier suddenly shrank, and they were affected by the force that annihilated everything. Xu Yi, who was too injured, quickly fell into a coma.

Xu Yi felt the ghost warrior's position and breathed a sigh of relief. The ghost warrior was right below him.

The ghost warrior fell into the sea with him, but due to the weight, the ghost warrior fell straight towards the seabed. The blood in Xu Yi's body burned out, and his body became lighter and floated on the sea surface.

But he remembered that before he fell into coma, he clearly gave control of the samurai to Harada Mieko and asked him to take him out of Japan.

Shouldn't he appear in Yaoyaoya at this time?

Xu Yi connected with the ghost warrior and checked the situation of the Eight Demons House through the ghost warrior. He was speechless.

He forgot a very important point, Harada Mieko didn't know how to open Yaoyao House at all.

Xu Yi asked her to leave Japan, so she controlled the ghost warrior and took Xu Yi all the way to the seaside. The power of the ghost warrior shocked Kayako and allowed them to reach the seaside safely.

The Yayoya will automatically follow its owner when no one is controlling it, and Harada Mieko is hanging behind the ghost warrior.

If there were no accidents, accidents would still happen.

The demigod blood that Xu Yi gave to Mieko Harada is very limited. As a medium to connect the ghost warriors, the blood will be consumed at a slow rate.

When they reached the beach, all the blood was consumed, and the ghost warriors lost power, resulting in the current situation.

Mieko Harada didn't know how to leave the Yayoi House, so she could only worry inside.

Xu Yi wanted to cover his face because of this mischief, but fortunately the result was good and he finally left Japan safely.

Thanks to the super-accelerated regeneration entry, the blood in the body was reborn, Xu Yi regained a little strength, and his muscles were no longer so dry.

"Thank you for coming here to save me." Xu Yi sat up and thanked Youkeni.

"Don't be so pretentious, I just happened to patrol here!" Yukni changed her voice, "And even without me, you can't die."

In addition to the second grade, Xu Yi discovered another characteristic of Yukeni, which is that she has a "hard tongue". Who would patrol this ghost place?
  Yukni suddenly raised her head and looked to the horizon, where there was the sound of fighting.

"Come on! I have to leave first." Yukni took out the short golden staff, flicked it, and the short staff extended. "What kind of work?" Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

"The church has blocked this place, let me help." Yukni tapped her golden scepter, and a dark green evil dragon appeared out of thin air.

"Paddle yourself back!" Eukni jumped on the evil dragon's back, and the evil dragon flapped its wings and flew high.

"Can you first..." Xu Yi looked at Yukeni disappearing into the horizon and stopped helplessly.

Only then did he realize that there was a long piece of off-white cloth suspended in the sky. The cloth was embroidered with diamond-shaped patterns and stained with large blood stains, vaguely forming a human shape.

Under the sunlight, the blood stains actually reflected a golden brilliance.

"Holy Shroud!" Xu Yi recognized it at a glance.

That was not the shroud Xu Yi used to make clothes. The ordinary shroud was just a parody of it.

That piece of cloth once wrapped the body of Jesus and was stained with the blood of the true God. It is one of the mythical exorcism artifacts collected by the church, and its power far exceeds any of the three holy artifacts in Japan.

The Holy Shroud hangs high, emitting a faint golden light. The scope of the light is terrifying, covering the entire Japanese island, including the surrounding sea areas.

"If only it were mine!" Xu Yi licked his lips.

Since acquiring Japan's Three Sacred Artifacts, he has suffered from a disease called "Mythical Exorcist Artifact Fantasy."

The symptom is that when you see the mythical sacred artifact, you want to touch it, take a look at it, and then stuff it into your pocket without thinking at all.

Xu Yi thought about the cause of this disease. It was most likely because he was about to use sinner bones to make weapons. Mythical sacred weapons were excellent auxiliary materials.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi's weak body burst out with strength again. He wanted to quickly return to a safe place to check the condition of the sinner.

There are a large number of ships parked on the sea, densely packed together, like steel fortresses on the sea.

When a disaster broke out in Japan, people basically had only two ways to escape Japan, planes and ships. However, the airport quickly collapsed, and more and more people flocked to the seaside.

No matter how terrifying Kayako is, it is impossible to wipe out so many people in an instant. These lucky people got on the boat and escaped here.

They desperately wanted to escape Japan, but the ships were blocked by the barrier of the Holy Shroud and could not leave.

"The church is acting as an epidemic station!" Xu Yi quickly understood what the church meant.

These people who fled Japan are like fresh pork that has just been slaughtered. If no "curse" is detected, they will be stamped with a "passed inspection" red stamp by the church.

If the breath of the curse is detected, it will be embarrassing. We can only temporarily monitor it and see the subsequent changes.

"The church acted so quickly, I'm afraid it already knew about the Japanese curse." Xu Yi sighed.

Xu Yi can completely understand the church's choice. He has seen the difficulty of grudges, and I'm afraid the church doesn't have a good solution.

Although Japan has always been the subordinate brother of the United States, it is not in the church's homeland after all, so it is even more difficult to solve it.

Xu Yi looked far into the distance and spotted Eukni's figure, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The other party was confronting a group of people, who were silent in front of Eukni, with their heads shrunken like quail birds.

He suddenly understood what Eukni meant by "living". He was obviously acting as a thug for the church, intimidating those who wanted to escape by force.

"This Yukeni must be the reincarnation of the working emperor!" Xu Yi couldn't help but complain.

It seems that Ukni can always find "jobs", first in Japan, then in Boston, and now like this, she can actually take an order from the church!
  Xu Yi said that it was too abstract. He had never seen such an abstract title as an exorcist, but he had only come into contact with one like Yukeni.

He is not in a hurry to enter Yaoyao House now, he is going to check the situation in front.

The boat was gliding on the sea, and Xu Yi looked back at Japan. There were coconut palms crawling everywhere on the island, as if white mold had grown on the Japanese island.

The country of Japan is destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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