American exorcist god.

Chapter 262 Original Sin Weapon

Chapter 262 Original Sin Weapon
  Xu Yi rowed the oars, and the boat floated towards the outer edge of the barrier.

There were several huge ships parked there, with huge crosses painted on the hulls. They were ships belonging to the church, and Xu Yi's goal was there.

The journey was not smooth, there was a "ship" jam ahead.

It is impossible for everyone to be so lucky to be able to board a large ship. More Japanese people paddled small boats to escape from the Japanese island.

But their luck was not the worst. There were a lot of "black seaweed" floating on the sea, which were actually floating corpses.

Those who failed to find the boat, what can they do when faced with the pursuit of Kayako? Of course the only option is to jump into the sea.

A corpse floated towards Xu Yi's boat, blocking the road.

It was a girl who looked like a Japanese high school girl, wearing a white shirt, a black pleated skirt, and black leather shoes with floral patterns.

The girl's clothes were soaked by the sea water, her fair skin was looming, and her long and straight legs were undulating in the sea water.

The appearance of the girl in front of her was on the same level as Maria's. She was obviously a girl, but she looked extremely beautiful.

She has an oval-shaped round face and a signature tear mole under her left eye, which makes her look extremely charming.

Japanese high school girls, uniforms, stunning girls... A series of words flashed through Xu Yi's mind, and Xu Yi took a breath.

"How can such a beautiful girl float on the cold sea?" Xu Yi stretched out his hand and landed on the girl's beautiful face.

His hand suddenly exerted force and pushed the girl back into the water.

Although he was weak, his strength was beyond what ordinary people could imagine. With this press, the girl sank into the water like a mine.

"So it's better for you to sink to the bottom of the sea." Xu Yi continued rowing with a cold face.

"Hey! What are you doing? How can you treat a lady like this? Even if she is a corpse, you..."

The boat owner next to him saw Xu Yi's actions and was about to curse angrily, but when he saw Xu Yi's eyes, he instantly became a coward, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

Miraculously, the female high school student actually floated up from the sea again, and Xu Yi's pressing seemed to wake her up, and she kept coughing out the water in her lungs.

The boat owner was a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing a suit and uniform. When he saw the female high school student waking up, there was a look of surprise on her greasy face, and he swallowed involuntarily.

The boat owner hurriedly rowed the oar and moved closer to the female high school student.

Xu Yi originally wanted to give some advice, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

Let go of helping others and respect the fate of others.

If he is not too weak and does not have the confidence to deal with that thing, otherwise he must let the other party know that not all porcelain can be touched!
  The female high school student was rescued on the boat. She coughed violently and coughed out the water in her lungs, then slowly woke up.

"Thank you for saving me, my name is Tomie Kawakami!" the female high school student said quietly, but her eyes were always chasing Xu Yi's back.


As soon as Xu Yi boarded the church's ship, church staff greeted him and respectfully led the way.

"Mr. Xu Yi, please come this way, we have prepared a room for you!"

Xu Yi was not surprised that the other party could recognize him.

"Ed's Friend", "The Destroyer of the Ram Cult's Lair", "The Youngest Titled Exorcist in History"... With this series of titles, if this were a game, then his reputation in the church would be At least it's at the level of "no one knows".

Although he is now so "thin" that he is a bit out of shape and difficult to identify, but before, Eukni specially rowed a boat to pick someone up, and she could guess his identity with her toes.

"We are all victims. Why can he stay in a room, but we can only blow the cold wind here?"

A discordant sound suddenly sounded, and Xu Yi was not the only one who boarded the ship. As an organization that “spreads kindness and love,” the church will give humanitarian care to these distressed people, whether it is due to reputation or other reasons, and will naturally provide assistance.

These people naturally didn't want to hear that Xu Yi had a room but they could only blow the wind on the deck.

"Why? Of course he can sink our ship with one punch with all his strength." The staff member glanced at the man with disdain.

"What are you talking about?" The priest rushed over after hearing the noise and yelled at the man.

"That's not what you said..." The staff member was stunned, and the refugees around him cast suspicious glances at him.

"How can Mr. Xu Yi be so weak? If Mr. Xu Yi takes action with all his strength, we guarantee that not even a piece of wreckage will be left of our three ships!" the priest said coldly.

Xu Yi felt like he could dig out three bedrooms and one living room with his toes. Although the other party was telling the truth, wasn't it too embarrassing?

What's terrible is that the victims stopped making trouble instantly and all looked at him in awe.

Xu Yi quickly quickened his pace. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would dig through the soles of his shoes.

The room was the best on the ship. Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction after checking the facilities in the room.

This room actually has an independent shower room with 24-hour hot water supply, which seems a bit luxurious for a ship sailing on the sea.

Xu Yi was covered in dirt and had been soaked in the sea for a while. He didn't feel it when he was fighting. Now that he was relaxed, he felt uncomfortable all over.

After taking a hot bath, changing into clean clothes, and eating the seafood dinner sent by the church, Xu Yi felt like he was alive.

"It's time to check the situation of Nieyuan!"

Xu Yi locked the door and closed the curtains, a little impatient.

He first checks the system information.

[The transformation of the source of evil is completed, and the entry "Source of Evil" is automatically changed to "Original Sin Arms"! 】

[Original Sin Weapon: (Red Normal——??)
  Ability 1-Skeleton of the Seven Deadly Sins:
  The mother tree of original sin automatically splits into seven parts of sin, namely: pride, jealousy, wrath, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust.

(ps1: After the sin skeleton devours the corresponding "soul of original sin", it will grow.)
  (ps2: After the Sin Bones swallow the corresponding "Original Sin Source", it will grow tremendously, stimulate the ability of the Serpent of Finality, and receive mysterious gifts.)
  Ability 2-Original Sin Ultimate Martial Arts: (0/3)

The seven original sin weapons can be melted into the "ultimate weapon". The ultimate military general combines all the power of the weapons to perform a "class jump."

(ps1: This ability can only be activated three times, and the current number of activations is zero.)
  Ability 3-Snake of the End:

The Snake of the End can detect the growth progress of the original sin equipment. Every time it is fused, the growth progress returns to zero and the upper limit of the potential is automatically increased.

The Snake of Finality can deduce the "power of original sin" to the "extreme"! (This ability is extremely rare, please treat it with caution.)

Xu Yi took out the sin corpses from the toy space, seven copies in total.

Even the shrunken Original Sin Mother Tree could not be accommodated in this room. The reason why Xu Yi was able to take it out was because the sin skeletons were "shrunk".

Xu Yi looked at the sin corpses on the table with a happy face.

Each of the seven sinful corpses in front of me was only the size of a palm, dry and pitifully small in weight.

It feels like the Original Sin Mother Tree is like a sponge full of water. After it is transformed into the source of evil, the water in the sponge is squeezed dry. Those sponges that are dried in the sun have to be strongly compressed, which is what the sin skeleton looks like in front of you.

Fortunately, I didn't choose those bits of sinful bones as the transformation object before, otherwise I might not be able to create even a needle now.

Xu Yi picked up the "arrogance" sin skeleton and knocked it. The strength was simply astonishing.

Although the original sin mother tree has shrunk and compressed, its strength and quality have also reached a higher level. Xu Yi is already looking forward to the weapons forged from the sin bones!
  (End of this chapter)

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