American exorcist god.

Chapter 264 Holy Stone from Heaven

Chapter 264 Holy Stone from Heaven

"What a pie in the sky!" Xu Yi looked at Tomie Kawakami who fell to the ground in pain, his face full of joy.

He was naturally very interested in the so-called "extreme power of original sin", but he didn't know where the source of original sin had drifted to. He didn't expect that it would come to his door now!

Tomie Kawakami's heart was pierced by the sin of "lust", and blood gushes out.

Although the other party looked similar to how an ordinary person would behave when seriously injured, Xu Yi still did not step forward, but stared at the other party warily.

"Lust" entered the space crack and floated near the Japanese island. Although this was a bit beyond Xu Yi's expectation, it was not impossible.

If an extreme situation occurs, it is possible that the seven original sins are all around Japan.

Xu Yi knew very well that the host chosen by the origin of "lust" could never be an ordinary person. There must be something special about Tomie Kawakami that could fit the origin of "lust".

"Help me!" Kawakami Tomie stretched out his bloody hand, his eyes were pitiful and full of lingering charm, which ordinary men simply couldn't bear.

Xu Yi was unmoved. He had roughly figured out what this was about.

The sin skeleton and the original sin origin will react and attract each other. The relationship between the two is like the relationship between the king and the mount. The loser will be swallowed up and become the strength of the other party. The winner wins everything.

This should have been an extremely brutal battle, but it was a pity.

He hangs up!

Because of the entry, after Sin Gu was transformed, he was completely controlled by him, so this was not a fair game from the beginning.

Xu Yi has begun to look forward to the reaction of the hosts of the original sin when they find out the truth. It will definitely be interesting.

The host wants to take back the "sin skeleton" unless he is dealt with first, but Xu Yi thinks that his life-saving ability is pretty good.

"Super-accelerated regeneration", plus the "Blood God's Throne", and finally the "Resurrection Coin"... His survivability is almost full.

"Still can't waste it! In addition to the host chosen by the original sin, the Ring of Destruction will definitely intervene. When the time comes, we will face a flanking attack from both sides, I'm afraid..."

Xu Yi's heart sank again as he thought of the terrifying alchemy machine and the black barrier that almost killed him.

The "Lust" sin skeleton vibrated and erupted with pink light.

It sensed the origin in Tomie Kawakami's body, and under Xu Yi's control, prepared to devour that origin.

But Tomie Kawakami suddenly stopped screaming, and she smiled brightly at Xu Yi, "Handsome boy, we will meet again!"

Before Xu Yi could react, Tomie Kawakami suddenly fell down, and his body dried up and weathered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu Yi stared at the puddle of white ashes left on the ground, frowning slightly.

The origin of "lust" has actually disappeared!

Seeing the cooked duck fly away, Xu Yi was a little frustrated. He guessed that this might be Kawakami Tomie's ability.

He leaned over and was about to pick up the corpse, and a large pink light flashed from the corpse. Only Xu Yi, the owner, could see these lights.

"Not bad! At least there's a consolation prize."

Although the origin of lust escaped, a small part was still swallowed by the sin skeleton, and the "lust" sin skeleton grew.

The most important thing is that the ability of the Final Snake is activated.

Although he was eager to know the effect of the Final Serpent, now that Eukni was still around, it was obviously not a good time.

"Thank you for your righteousness, Her Royal Highness the Evil Dragon Queen Eukni, the most powerful exorcist on the surface."

Xu Yi has already figured out the opponent's method. The more middle-class the title is, the more the opponent likes it.

Yukni came here specially, apparently sensing the unusual aura of Tomie Kawakami.

Although he could still solve the problem without the other party coming to help, he still had to accept the kindness.

"Hmph! If I hadn't seen you pitiful and weak as a sick dog, I wouldn't have bothered to come here!" Youkeni snorted coldly, turned around and left.

"Congratulations to Your Highness Youkeni." Xu Yi didn't care at all about Youkeni's arrogance.    ………

The golden sunshine shone on the white beach, and a piece of minced meat suddenly floated over and stranded on the edge of the beach.

The piece of meat squirmed like maggots, crawling on the beach. As it crawled, the piece of meat continued to grow and become larger. After a while, the piece of meat transformed into a human shape.

That was Tomie Kawakami, naked.

"He's really fierce...but I like him so much!"

Tomie Kawakami twisted his legs together and rolled on the beach, moaning incomprehensibly.

After a while, she stood up with a flushed face. At this time, a female corpse floated to the beach. Judging from the clothing style, she should be a Japanese white-collar woman.

Fujiang neatly took off the clothes of the female corpse. After putting them on, she looked a little bloated, but it did not cover up her beauty at all.

A fisherman happened to come to the beach. When he saw Tomie Kawakami on the beach, his eyes instantly became dull and he stared straight at Tomie.

"Do you like me?" Tomie Kawakami walked towards the fishermen.

"Of course...of course!" the fisherman replied stumblingly, swallowing his saliva.

"Since you like me, why don't you dismember me?" Tomie Kawakami spoke softly, but the words he said were terrifying.


The door lock of the room was broken by Eukni's kick, and Xu Yi was too lazy to ask someone to change it. This door was just a decoration for someone with a little bit of strength.

In order to prevent unsightly people from coming over, he put up a do not disturb sign outside and asked Annabelle to stay outside.

"What is the ultimate power of original sin?"

Xu Yi rubbed his hands excitedly and couldn't wait to take out the Snake of Ending.

The Snake of Ending has changed. The pupil of the "Snake of Lust" on the far right was originally gray-white, but now there is a pink spot, making the Snake of Lust instantly come alive.

Xu Yi's face showed excitement.

The pink spot is only the size of a sesame seed, but its significance is epoch-making, like the finishing touch.

Although it only swallowed a trace of the origin of lust, the "snake of lust" has been activated, as if the Ren and Du meridians have been opened.

In the future, to refine the "ultimate power of original sin", you will no longer need the source of lust, but only the ordinary soul of lust, and the difficulty will be reduced by tens of thousands of times.

The mouth of the "Snake of Lust" had always been closed, but now it suddenly opened, and dark red liquid flowed out of the mouth, which was the "ultimate power of original sin."

Xu Yi quickly took out a test tube and placed it under the Shekou to catch it.

The amount of liquid was very small, and it condensed into a mung bean-sized water droplet at the bottom of the test tube, rolling slightly.

"Is this the legendary Philosopher's Stone?"

Xu Yi put the test tube in front of his eyes, stared at the crimson water drops inside, and sighed leisurely.

He never thought that the "ultimate power of original sin" would be the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone has many titles, including "the universal panacea", "the alchemist's Holy Grail", "the holy stone from heaven", and "the ultimate achievement of alchemy".

No matter which title it is, it indicates that the Philosopher's Stone is extraordinary.

The "red water droplets" in front of you obviously have nothing to do with the word "stone". That's because the Philosopher's Stone is a liquid when it is first born. After a while, it will solidify and turn into a red crystal.

Xu Yi stared at the Philosopher's Stone and was attracted by the deep and bright light on it. He was completely fascinated by it and forgot the passage of time.

I don’t know how long it took, but cheers came from outside the room. The church’s “quarantine” was finally over, and they could leave here soon.

Xu Yi put away the Philosopher's Stone. He couldn't wait to return to the laboratory in Boston to test the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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