American exorcist god.

Chapter 265 The Incredible Ability of the Philosopher’s Stone

Chapter 265 The Incredible Ability of the Philosopher’s Stone


In the basement of the villa, Xu Yi was dismantling the alchemical revolver Messiah.

He had to concentrate on it. If this complex old-fashioned alchemy machine was accidentally damaged, it would be almost impossible to restore it.

With his current strength, Messiah is rarely used, but after all, it is an "old friend" who has been with him for a long time, so he naturally cannot bear to damage it.

He wouldn't have taken this risk if he hadn't discovered a "treasure" in the Memory Palace, a design for the Alchemical Revolver Messiah.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why the design of the Alchemy Revolver Messiah appeared in the Meiji Shrine in Japan.

"Finally the disassembly is complete!" Xu Yi breathed a long sigh of relief.

The huge tabletop was covered with various parts. Xu Yi placed the core of the alchemy revolver in front of his eyes, pried off a crystal from it, and placed it in front of his eyes to examine it.

The crystal is diamond-shaped and completely transparent, like amber.

This is the holy gold stone, the most important component of the alchemy revolver. The Messiah's ability to bless the bullets depends entirely on this green bean-sized crystal in front of him.

Xu Yi removed the Holy Gold Stone, of course, for the experiment of the Philosopher's Stone.

In fact, the experimental material for the Philosopher's Stone can be any kind of material, and it does not necessarily have to be the Holy Stone. However, there are so few Philosopher's Stones. Choosing any material at random is simply a waste of natural resources.

In fact, he initially considered the Divine Punishment Crystal, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still chose the Holy Gold Stone.

As the saying goes, rare things are more valuable, and Boston's senior executives have many crystals of scourge, but the holy gold stone may be just one in front of them.

"Next is the time to witness the miracle!"

Xu Yi took out a mung bean-sized Philosopher's Stone, hesitated for a moment, and cut it in half.

Frugality is a virtue, and I don’t know when I will get a new Philosopher’s Stone.

In the specially made test tube, he added the Holy Gold Stone and the Philosopher's Stone, then took a deep breath and injected high-purity holy water.

The Philosopher's Stone was activated, and Xu Yi stared at the changes inside.

The color of the Philosopher's Stone changed from deep red to gold, and then the shape changed from semi-oval to rhombus, and the volume expanded more than ten times.

But in the blink of an eye, the Philosopher's Stone disappeared and was replaced by a peanut-sized Holy Gold Stone.

"Incredible! It's incredible!" Xu Yi praised repeatedly, feeling that his world view had been refreshed.

He never imagined that there was something that could be transformed into any kind of substance regardless of the principle of "material" exchange!
  It is indeed the Philosopher's Stone, which is known as the ultimate achievement of alchemy.

The "pirated sacred stone" is several times larger than the original version.

Although the Philosopher's Stone does not follow the principle of "matter" exchange, it does follow the principle of "energy" exchange.

If the conversion object is a substance with a lower energy level, such as gold, I am afraid it can be converted into a mountain of gold.

The "pirated Holy Gold Stone" is not only larger in size, but also brighter in color, as if it were made of pure gold.

On the other hand, the original Holy Gold Stone only has a faint golden color, like a lamp that is about to go out.

This is not because the pirated version is better than the original version. You must know that the original Holy Gold Stone has been used for countless years and the energy in it is almost exhausted.

The pirated holy gold stone is "factory brand new", has sufficient energy and is naturally bright.

"Fortunately, I didn't choose the Heavenly Punishment Crystal!" Xu Yi played with the new Holy Gold Stone and couldn't put it down.

On the one hand, there were more Heavenly Punishment Crystals. He suddenly discovered that the energy contained in the Holy Gold Stone in front of him was two or three times stronger than the Heavenly Punishment Crystal of the same volume!
  The most important thing is that the energy of Holy Gold Stone is purer, and its "radiation" is also gentler. It only targets dark creatures and is harmless to humans. This is particularly rare. The biggest drawback of the Blade of Scourge is its radiation.

If dark creatures appear in the city and the Blade of Scourge is fired, the dark creatures may not be killed yet, but a large number of humans will be killed first.

"No! It's too wasteful to use it as a missile!" Xu Yi thought of the "Crow Man" from the Ring of Destruction.

After seeing the power of alchemy machinery, he became extremely interested in it.

In addition to the complex mechanical structure and alchemical formations of alchemy machinery, the biggest difficulty is energy. Perhaps the holy gold stone can make a breakthrough in this aspect.

"Could it be that the Ring of Destruction summoned the Mother Tree of Original Sin just for the Philosopher's Stone?" When Xu Yi was packing his things, he suddenly thought of something.

He was about to go out on a trip. He wanted to test the yield of the Philosopher's Stone before he could make the next decision.


A base in the Ring of Destruction.

There are twelve metal men standing in the huge palace. These metal men have different shapes. If Xu Yi were here, he would recognize one of the metal men as the "crow man" he had seen before.

The metal man's pupils lit up one after another. The crow man looked around and said leisurely: "As before, eight of the twelve people came. Let the meeting begin! The theme of this meeting is the Original Sin Mother Tree Project."

"What's there to discuss? Isn't it a very simple matter? Kill Xu Yi, take back the body of the Original Sin Mother Tree, and then retrieve the scattered origin of Original Sin." One of the metal men replied.

"Of course we will do these things, but we need to slow down for a while."

The crow man said to himself, "Because of Japan's actions, we were targeted by the group of flies from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. The organization needs to lurk for a while."

"I agree with Augustus. The weapon of reincarnation and the realm of annihilation allowed the other party to escape, which shows that the other party is not so easy to kill." Another metal man echoed.

"What about the plan?"

"Actually, we have fallen into a misunderstanding. Since the body of the original sin tree is gone, why not take a step a little bit bigger?" Augustus, the crow man, said in a deep voice.

"what do you mean?"

"The origin of original sin will automatically find suitable hosts. We find "them" and cultivate "them" to create a stronger mother tree of original sin!" Augustus, the crow man, looked excited.

"Do you want to directly open the door of truth?" The metal man next to him said in surprise.

"Yes, it is too slow to use the Mother Tree of Original Sin to create the Philosopher's Stone. We might as well open the door of truth directly and enter the realm of truth!"

August's voice was full of longing, "The world of truth is full of mountains condensed by the Philosopher's Stone, and the river flows with the deep red liquid of the Philosopher's Stone."

"But doing so will consume a lot of organizational resources. You have to understand that the organization has more than one plan." Someone objected.

"Let's vote!"

Augustus didn't say much. He glanced around and saw that one metal man raised his hand silently and another stood still.

"Eight people voted, six agreed, two opposed, and the vote passed! The Gate of Truth project will be officially launched from now on!" Augustus couldn't hide the excitement in his voice.

As long as the door of truth is opened and the "forbidden object" is copied, it will be easy to kill Xu Yi.

"The Ring of Destruction lives forever!"

Amidst the high-pitched chanting, the pupils of the metal men in the palace went out one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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