American exorcist god.

Chapter 266 They are all little black men

Chapter 266 They are all little black men

As night falls, Boston should be a bustling night city, but there are very few pedestrians on the streets at this moment. The damage caused by the gods to the city has not yet been healed, and many people are immersed in grief.

But for the members of the special task force, they didn't even have time to grieve.

After the Rebellion of Gods and Evils occurred, the number of evil spirits and demons in the city more than doubled than before. During this period, the special task force was so busy that it was impossible to even touch the ground.

In an apartment in the suburbs, a group of members of the special task force hid in a room at the end of the passage. One of them lowered his voice and cursed angrily at a boy with naturally curly hair:

"You are such a waste! You can even make mistakes when carving magic circles. No wonder the Finn family was wiped out by the gods!"

Kesfein's breathing was rapid, and his face was red with anger.

His hands tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again, but in the end he did nothing. He stood in the corner with his head lowered and said nothing.

Keith, 16, is one of the survivors of the Finn family.

As the oldest person among the survivors, he consciously shouldered the burden of the Finn family and joined the special task force in an attempt to revitalize the family.

It's a pity that his talent is really average. Even though he has worked very, very hard, he still holds the team back.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the room, and everyone became nervous instantly and did not dare to breathe.

They came here to deal with an evil spirit named "Girl Hunter Mod".

But they underestimated the evil spirit's strength, and because of Case's mistake, they fell into a very dangerous situation.

Could it be that Mod is outside the door? Did the other party catch up so quickly? Their hearts were in their throats.

"Don't be nervous. The evil spirit hasn't come yet. Can you open the door?"

A magnetic voice sounded outside the door, and everyone was confused, except Keith, who would never forget that voice no matter what.

Case walked straight over and tried to open the door.

"You're crazy! What if there are evil spirits outside? Some evil spirits like to disguise themselves as humans to gain trust." Someone stopped Case.

Keith shook his head firmly, "No, the evil spirit can only disguise its voice, but not its breath. And if it is a powerful evil spirit, there is no use hiding here."

The door opened with a click. Keith saw the person outside the door clearly and said respectfully, "Good evening, Mr. Xu Yi. My name is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Yi.

"No need to introduce me again, I remember you, your name is Case. That day at Finn Manor, you helped comfort your scared younger brothers and sisters. You did a great job and impressed me deeply." Xu Yi said softly.

Keith was stunned, and a warm current surged in his heart. He never expected that Mr. Xu Yi could remember his name.

Xu Yi's eyes glanced back and forth in the room, very confused.

He came out tonight to hunt the soul of lust. According to the information provided by the special task force, he quickly locked the target.

The evil spirit failed to cause any waves and was neatly dealt with by him.

Xu Yi felt happy that the sinful corpse had swallowed up the soul of lust, but he waited and saw the snake of the end opening its mouth and spitting out the original liquid of the Philosopher's Stone.

He communicated with the Snake of the End and got news like a bolt from the blue:
  If you want to "refine" the Philosopher's Stone, you still need a very key factor!
  Xu Yi stayed there in shock for several minutes. At this moment, the body of lust in his hand began to vibrate.

He originally thought that Tomie Kawakami had come to visit him again, but he didn't expect that under the guidance of the lustful sinner, he actually found such a group of raw melons and eggs.

"Mr. Xu Yi! Is this Mr. Xu Yi, the man who saved Boston and is known as the 'Holy Flame Martial God'?" Someone in the team suddenly screamed.

The corner of Xu Yi's mouth twitched slightly. Don't mention this title, they can still communicate well!

But when I thought about the children in front of me who were sixteen or seventeen years old, the age when secondary diseases are most common, I had no choice but to give up.

Xu Yi glanced over again, straightening up in an instant, his face flushed with excitement, and his eyes full of enthusiasm, which gave Xu Yi the illusion that he was a failed art student.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I have grown up listening to your deeds. I am your fan!" One of the girls stared at Xu Yi with admiration.

The corners of Xu Yi's eyes also started to twitch, what kind of fans? This is a black fan!
  He's not a few years older, so why did he grow up hearing about his deeds? "My whole family is your fan! My grandma told me since I was a child that Mr. Xu Yi is a great exorcist!" Another girl followed closely.

Others joined in the discussion, and Xu Yi felt that he had aged dozens of years instantly and was already a grandfather.

The truth is, these guys are all good little black men. If it weren't for the warm and sincere eyes, Xu Yi would let them have a taste of the seven wolves.

Since they are all his grandchildren, there is no problem in educating them, right?

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold and he stared at the boy who was mocking Keith. The boy instantly became at a loss.

"Keith is holding him back. You can settle the score with him. It doesn't matter if you beat him up, but you shouldn't make fun of the Finn family! If you are still alive, maybe you have a share of the Finn family's contribution." Xu Yi said solemnly. explain.

He was not exaggerating. If it hadn't been for the Thoth Library of the Finn family, and if Daniel and Mia hadn't fought to stop it, he might not have been able to solve the evil.

"I'm sorry!" The boy lowered his head in shame.

Xu Yi didn't pursue it further. After all, it was understandable for a boy of this age to say the wrong thing when he was angry.

The sound of chains being dragged suddenly came from the end of the corridor, and the evil spirit Mod walked out from around the corner, squinting his eyes with a coveted smile on his face.

Xu Yi felt the message from the sinful body of lust. The evil spirit in front of him carried a high concentration of the soul of lust.

His goal tonight was to hunt down this kind of evil spirit, but as no new Philosopher's Stone came in, he was a little uninterested, feeling lazy and unmotivated.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get rid of this evil spirit!" Xu Yi glanced at the stunned crowd and became furious.

Do these little black guys still want him to become a free labor force?

"Mr. Xu Yi, won't you take action?"

"How can I steal your training mission as a passerby?" Xu Yi turned around decisively and disappeared into the darkness under the stunned gaze of everyone.

"Really...really gone!" Everyone was messy in the wind, feeling like they had fallen into a big pit.

Of course Xu Yi didn't really leave. He used his ability to sneak in the dark and hid in the dark to spy.

He was very curious, if it wasn't because of that pervert Tomie Kawakami, why would the lustful sinner bring him here?
  "What should we do now?" A group of raw melon eggs were a little at a loss.

"Escape!" Case was the first to react. They were definitely no match for the evil spirit in a head-on battle, and they had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Evil Spirit Mod threw out the chain in his hand, and the chain accurately bound the two of them, who happened to be the two girls in the team.

"Sure enough, a dog can't change its habit of eating shit!" Xu Yi cursed secretly.

Although the two girls were suspected of being Xiao Heizi, the admiration in their eyes could not be faked, and it was impossible for him to really refuse to save them.

But he is not in a hurry to take action. He can easily deal with such evil spirits.

The two girls were dragged away by chains, and they were getting closer and closer to the evil spirit Mod. Everyone knew that there was no way to escape, so they could only turn around and fight to meet the enemy.

Although the strength of both sides is not strong, they are like novices pecking each other.

But Xu Yi still watched it with gusto, mainly because the battle situation was full of dangers, ups and downs, and full of highlights. It was a pity that he went out in a hurry without bringing popcorn.

Time passed, and Xu Yi stepped out of the darkness.

This group of raw melons and eggs will soon be unable to hold up, and it is time for him to take action.

Everyone was covered in wounds, and the situation was extremely critical. At this moment, Keith, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, suddenly let out a roar, like a flashback, rose from the ground, rushed towards the evil spirit, and blocked the two girls.

"That is?!"

Xu Yi's eyes widened in surprise. He held the Sinful Body of Lust in his hand, and the Eyes of Sin spontaneously activated, and Keith's body turned into a gray mist.

In the gray mist, he saw a beating golden heart!

(End of this chapter)

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