American exorcist god.

Chapter 267 The true power of the Serpent of the End

Chapter 267 The true power of the Serpent of the End

Xu Yi stared at the "Heart of Gold" on Keith's body, his eyes shining.

Although he didn't know what it was, he had a hunch that the Heart of Gold might be the key to refining the Philosopher's Stone.

"Case, catch the sword in the stone of your destiny!"

Xu Yi threw the body of lust in his hand towards Case.

Keith's talent as an exorcist is very poor. If there is no accident, his achievements in this life will be very limited.

At that time, let alone revitalizing the Finn family, it is still unknown whether they will be able to make a living as an exorcist.

But now there's a turning point!

Xu Yi created the "Alchemy Sword: Seven Deadly Sins" but never wanted to own it himself.

Cultivating seven weapons by one person is equivalent to cultivating seven trumpets by one person. He really does not have the energy, and the efficiency is too low.

His initial plan was to find a "proxy host".

The "surrogate host" originally wanted to choose the people around him. After all, the good news would not go to outsiders, but now an unexpected thing happened and he had to change his plan.

If the Heart of Gold is really the key to refining the Philosopher's Stone, then Xu Yi is willing to give Case a chance to become a proxy host.

In this way, as long as North doesn't betray Xu Yi, he can grow together with Lust and Sin Bones and control the power of Sin Bones.

Compared to Keyes, the Skeleton of Lust is no less important than the Sword in the Stone to King Arthur. It is something that can change their destiny.

Case was covered in cold sweat as he faced the evil spirit Mord who rushed towards him. He heard the voice coming from behind him and subconsciously caught the "Sword in the Stone".

The "Sword in the Stone" was in the shape of a willow leaf, as if it was made of countless steel wires. It didn't even have a blade, but for some reason, he felt that it was a weapon.

And it is a living weapon. He can feel the breath of "The Sword in the Stone" and the heartbeat of "The Sword in the Stone".

His heartbeat frequency gradually became the same as that of "The Sword in the Stone", and their heartbeats merged together.

Case's hand trembled violently, and he felt like he was holding a swaying dragon that was about to break free from his hand and fly away.

Powerful power poured into his body, and he was like an overinflated balloon that was about to explode. He had to release that power immediately.

"Kill!" Keith jumped up, holding the body of lust, roaring and slashing at the evil spirit Mord.

The smile that had always been on the face of the evil spirit Mod disappeared, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, as if he had encountered a natural enemy. The sinful body of lust was indeed the nemesis of evil spirits like them.

Sin Bones of Lust slashed at the evil spirit Mord, but the chain blocking it was useless, and was cut off by Sin Bones with one strike.

The sin skeleton penetrated the evil spirit's head. The fear on the evil spirit's face was frozen, and its body dissipated with a pop like a popped balloon.

The people in the special task force were all stunned, staring blankly at the "iron piece" in Case's hand.

What kind of weapon is that? He could actually make Case at the end of the crane kill the evil spirit Mord who had put them in dire straits with one strike!

Could it be an exorcism artifact? This kind of power may even be a legendary exorcism artifact!

Xu Yi also stared at the body of lust, his eyes unblinking.

The lustful soul of the evil spirit Mord was swallowed up. It was a pink "human-faced snake" with a body as thin as a little finger and no scales. Its surface was made of fine tentacles. The snake's head was the face of the evil spirit Mord.

The "human-faced snake" was sucked into the sin skeleton, and then entered Case's body along the palm of his hand.

Xu Yi was slightly startled and wanted to stop him, but he quickly calmed down.

The human-faced snake did not hurt Case, or it did not have this ability. It turned around in Case's body and finally plunged into the "Heart of Gold".

The heart of gold is located in the center of the chest and is obviously not a real heart.

Xu Yi also realized at this moment that the so-called golden heart should be a combination of certain soul traits, plus a series of qualities such as "brave", "firm", and "meaningless".

Lust and Sin brought him here, obviously for the Heart of Gold.

"Original sin" and "moral character" seem to be unrelated to each other, just like the two sides of the same coin. But Xu Yi didn't find it strange. This is just like what is said in Taoism, one yin and one yang are called Tao.

Xu Yi became more and more certain that the Heart of Gold was the key to refining the Philosopher's Stone.

The human-faced snake left the Heart of Gold, its size shrunk dozens of times, and became as thick as a little finger as thick as a human hair.

"This is purified!" Xu Yi's eyes lit up. He actually felt a trace of the original breath from the human-faced snake.

The human-faced snake returned to the body of lust and sin, and a white mist enveloped the human-faced snake. The human-faced snake melted like snow, and the mist changed from white to pink.

Xu Yi had a clear understanding that the pink mist was the "power of lust".

The power of lust suddenly disappeared into the corpse of sin. Xu Yi took out the Snake of Ending, and the pink mist had indeed appeared inside the Snake of Ending.

Xu Yi lightly tapped the snake's head, which represented "lust", but there was no response.

"Why is the Philosopher's Stone still not born?"

Just when Xu Yi was confused, the Snake of the End shook slightly, and an invisible wave acted on the pink mist, causing the mist to ripple faintly.

The fluctuations continued, and the pink mist gradually turned into red, the kind of pure pomegranate red with a gem-like luster.

Xu Yi's breathing accelerated slightly.

As the "ultimate ability" of the Original Sin weapon, he had always felt that the Serpent of Finality was in vain. Its usual function was to monitor the growth progress of the Sin skeleton.

Now he understands the meaning of "extending the power of original sin to the extreme"!

If you follow the normal path, you must gather the seven powers of original sin and then fuse the seven powers together to synthesize the Philosopher's Stone.

But now, because of the ability of the Serpent of the End, this process is skipped directly. Only the power of original sin is needed to refine the Philosopher's Stone.

This difficulty is not only reduced by one and a half points, it is simply turning "Abyss Mode" into "Easy Mode"!

Xu Yi put away the Snake of Ending and was in a good mood. The Philosopher's Stone was finally found.

He walked over to Case and took away the lustful remains.

Keith looked at the "Sword in the Stone" in Xu Yi's hand and felt a sense of loss.

He just felt a force flowing through his body. Although the force finally disappeared, there was still some strength left, and he felt that he had become a lot stronger.

This is actually what Xu Yi calls "growing together".

"What, you like this weapon? The founder of a new era for the Finn family." Xu Yi looked at Keith with a smile and deliberately teased.

"Mr. Xu Yi, do you think I can bring the Finn family back to glory?" Keith asked the question that had been hidden in his heart.

"Of course, in your hands, the Finn family may be able to go further!" Xu Yi patted Case on the shoulder and expressed his optimism about him.

"But..." Case hesitated.

"Even if you don't believe in yourself, don't you believe in me?" Xu Yi suddenly changed his voice, "You know my home address, right?"

"Mr. Xu Yi, what do you mean..." Keith suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief.

"We can exchange exorcism experiences when we have time." Xu Yi turned and left, "By the way, there is a family dinner at my house tomorrow. If you are interested, you can come to attend!"

"I'll definitely be there!" Keith's face flushed with excitement, and he almost yelled these words, for fear that Xu Yi wouldn't hear.

Xu Yi left, and a group of members of the special task force gathered around Keith. The envy in their eyes almost turned into reality.

"Keith! I heard about Mr. Xu Yi's family dinner, but even Boston's senior management didn't invite him. Our team leader is familiar with Mr. Xu Yi, but he's not on the invitation list either!"

Keith is still dizzy, feeling like he has been hit by a "pie meteor". He can't figure out why Mr. Xu Yi is so nice to him.

"We must work harder! We must not disappoint Mr. Xu Yi!" Case clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind.

 The chapter number is wrong~



(End of this chapter)

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