American exorcist god.

Chapter 268 Family Dinner

Chapter 268 Family Dinner

The sun was shining, and a barbecue party was being held in the backyard of Xu Yi's villa.

Because Notting Hill has not yet been built, Xu Yi lives here temporarily. The considerate senior management of Boston are afraid of neighborhood conflicts and the American-style living together incident, so they decided to... let Xu Yi have no neighbors.

They bought all the surrounding villas and gave them to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi took down the fence in the backyard, and now the entire lawn has become his backyard, which is extremely spacious.

There is a long table on the lawn, enough to seat twenty or thirty people, but now there are only three people at Noda's table. Others subconsciously stay away, and even Xu Yi hid in the corner to grill skewers.

A plate of kebabs was placed in the center of the table, exuding a rich aroma of meat.

Among the three, Carlisle was the first to be unable to bear it and wanted to reach out for it.

She actually doesn't particularly like kebabs, because high-fat food can make her gain weight easily. Although she no longer has this problem after becoming "Lian", this habit has still remained.

But the meat skewers in front of her were carefully grilled by Xu Yi and were classified as "love meat skewers", which made her want to eat them.

Just as her hand was about to touch the meat skewers, a light voice came from beside her.

"Don't you vampires only like human blood? When did you also like kebabs? Oh! Sorry, I forgot that you are still half a werewolf. Do you particularly like eating raw meat?"

The old god "Maria" was sitting on the stool, not even looking at Carlisle.

Such "tea talk" is obviously not what Maria can say. The one who controls the body now is Ailan.

Now Maria has learned to be smart. When she encounters something she is not good at handling, she decisively releases Ailan.

Carlisle's body tensed up instantly, and he was speechless.

In fact, she is usually quite good at attacking people, but facing Maria's entire "original wife", she really lacks confidence.

She turned her eyes to Lisa for help, but Lisa looked at the blue sky with empty eyes, as if she was in a daze.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere became increasingly solemn.

Keith, who was invited to attend the family dinner, originally thought of getting a bottle of drink on the long table, but he suddenly got a start.

He felt the solemn atmosphere, as if he suddenly went from a sunny day to a rainy day with dark clouds.

He shrunk his neck, and as expected, he chose to follow his heart and turned away.

It’s okay if you don’t want to drink this drink!

"Hey, why don't you eat it? It won't taste good if it's cold!" Xu Yi came over with a new pot of skewers, "Forget it, I'll get rid of this cold one!"

Xu Yi said and was about to take the basin away.

Alan raised his eyebrows and took the lead to grab a handful and put them in front of his dinner plate; Lisa followed closely; Carlisle took away the last skewers together with his dinner plate.

"I thought you didn't like the skewers I grilled?" Xu Yi had a satisfied smile on his face.

This time he didn't just put the plate down, but began to distribute the skewers in the basin.

"Come on! This is Lisa's. I know you like spicy food, so I specially added more chili powder."

"Maria and Aylan have the same taste, they are both 'sweet'. I brushed them with tahini and honey."

"Carlisle, you don't like meat, so I roasted some vegetables for you."

Xu Yi finished distributing the skewers in his hands, and then started to actively lead the conversation.

"By the way, Carlisle, don't you want to learn how to make cakes? Maria is an expert in this field, you can ask him for advice."

"Lisa and I both like to eat cakes, but they are Chinese-style. Maria, can you make 'Chinese-style cake'? We actually call it pastry..."

Under Xu Yi's "turning the clouds and rains" operation, the "weather" instantly changed from cloudy to sunny, the solemn atmosphere disappeared, and the three women started chatting, becoming more and more enthusiastic.

This is the magical thing about women. As long as there is a common topic, there will naturally be countless topics. By the end, Xu Yi's guidance is no longer needed.

After a smooth chat, the three of them were just "kebab contenders", but in an instant they became little sisters who can share secrets with each other.

Keith, who was observing from the sidelines, was secretly annoyed. Why didn't he bring his notebook with him before going out? Mr. Xu Yi is not only a master in exorcism, but also a master in life!

One plate is skewers! The other pot is skewers!

But their meanings are different. These are "test points" and must be written down!

Keith silently made up his mind to learn more from Mr. Xu Yi and strive to become a winner in life.

After Xu Yi calmed down the "tragedy that could be caused by a pot of skewers", he returned to the oven.

"Old Xu, are you hiding something from me?" Xu Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Changrong who was grilling skewers next to him.

Not only did Maria come to Boston, but her father Xu Changrong also came.

Others may not notice much, but Xu Yi, who has a demigod body, is very sensitive to various energies.

Xu Changrong's whole body is shrouded in a gloomy ghostly aura. If he goes out with this aura at night, he may scare ordinary people to death, and he may even be mistaken for the "ghost king" by an exorcist.

Of course Xu Changrong is not the real ghost king. This is all because of the term "Dark Chef".

"How many ghosts did Dad eat!" Xu Yi was secretly surprised.

The dark chef can cook monsters and monsters and make "dark cuisine". After eating it, the father with "Hell's Tongue" will grow.

Xu Yi took a look at his father's entry information through the entry contract.

Dark Chef has actually changed from "green rare" to "green epic". I'm afraid it will become a blue entry in a while.

The dark chef and the father are too compatible, right?

Xu Yi feels that his father still has great potential. If given the chance, he still wants to upgrade the Dark Chef's entry.

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you. I transferred the restaurant in New York's Chinatown to your second uncle!" Xu Changrong sighed.

Second uncle?

Xu Yi suddenly heard this distant name and hesitated for a moment before remembering it. This shows that the second uncle's status in his mind... that is, he has no status.

Although this was not what he wanted to ask at first, his curiosity was still aroused.

"Why should you transfer the restaurant to your second uncle?"

Xu Changrong spoke eloquently. The more Xu Yi listened, the bigger his eyes became. After he listened, he was instantly impressed by his second uncle.

"In other words, the second uncle married a woman who is not in the business and plans to live a down-to-earth life in the future?"

Xu Yi was shocked. His second uncle not only liked to persuade prostitutes to be virtuous, but he also wanted to be virtuous himself. This was really a bit fierce!

"Then dad, what are your plans for the future?"

Xu Yi's eyes lit up. He happened to not know how to persuade his father to come to Boston. Now it would be easier.

"I actually still plan to open a restaurant, but not a restaurant in the ordinary sense."

Xu Changrong glanced around carefully and lowered his voice, "It's the kind of work that is easy and has someone to accompany you, preferably a woman with a more delicate face..."

"Got it! Dad, just be at ease! I promise to make arrangements for you clearly!" Xu Yi gave the other party a look that every man could understand.

Xu Changrong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Yi's vow.

He has been busy for half his life, and now that his son has become successful, it is time for him to enjoy life.

But he soon knew that what Xu Yi said "clearly" was really clear.

(End of this chapter)

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